Jennifer Kiss, Saint Francis Foundation, San Francisco

Jennifer Kiss is Vice President of Programs at Saint Francis Foundation in San Francisco. The Foundation’s mission is to serve Saint Francis Memorial Hospital (SFMH) and the community the hospital serves. Jennifer is responsible for fulfilling the Foundation’s community serving responsibilities and collaborating with SFMH to develop and implement its community benefit plan.

At Saint Francis, Jennifer is primarily responsible for spearheading the Tenderloin Health Improvement Partnership (TLHIP), a flagship collective impact initiative spearheaded by the Foundation and SFMH. TLHIP seeks to positively impact social determinants of health and improve health outcomes for the residents of the Tenderloin, one of San Francisco’s most challenged neighborhoods. Jennifer represents the Foundation on SFMH’s Community Advisory Committee which functions as the Steering Committee for TLHIP. Jennifer is also responsible for leading TLHIP’s collaborative funding partnership, committed to raising funds to support TLHIP’s cross-sector community based initiatives.

Jennifer joined the Foundation in 2013 from the non-profit sector where she consulted on a wide range of tactical and strategic fundraising initiatives and campaigns and served in a number of Board and volunteer leadership positions at Bay Area independent schools and in local cultural and arts organizations.

Jennifer’s work in the non-profit world follows a successful career as an attorney in the financial services sector based in London and Hong Kong. Originally from Melbourne, Australia, Jennifer travelled extensively and lived and worked in Europe and Asia before settling in Bay Area with her family in 1995.