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By: I. Asam, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

Co-Director, Palm Beach Medical College

Reflex Epilepsy For a long time it has been known that seizures could be evoked in certain epileptic individuals by a discrete physiologic or psychologic stimulus natural pet medicine order gabapentin on line amex. Forster has classified these seizures in accordance with their evocative stimuli into five types: (1) visual- flickering light symptoms dust mites gabapentin 400mg on line, visual patterns treatment restless leg syndrome 300mg gabapentin sale, and specific colors (especially red) medications 1040 order 100 mg gabapentin mastercard, leading to rapid blinking or eye closure; (2) auditory- sudden unexpected noise (startle), specific sounds, musical themes, and voices; (3) somatosensory- either a brisk unexpected tap or sudden movement after sitting or lying still, or a prolonged tactile or thermal stimulus to a certain part of the body; (4) writing or reading of words or numbers; and (5) eating. In other types of reflex epilepsy, the evoked seizure may be focal (beginning often in the part of the body that was stimulated) or generalized and may take the form of one or a series of myoclonic jerks or of an absence or tonic-clonic seizure. Seizures induced by reading, voices, or eating are most often of the complex partial type; seizures induced by music are usually myoclonic. A few such instances of reflex epilepsy have been due to focal cerebral disease, particularly occipital lesions. Clonazepam, valproate, carbamazepine, and phenytoin are all effective in controlling individual instances of reflex epilepsy. Usually it takes the form of a single, generalized motor seizure occurring as the temperature rises or reaches its peak. In some families, such as those studied by Nabbout and colleagues, febrile seizures alone, without generalized epilepsy, have been associated with a particular gene defect by linkage analysis. Presumably, when the gene product is identified, some insight into the nature of defects that lower the seizure threshold will be forthcoming. Forster has demonstrated that in certain types of reflex epilepsy, the repeated presentation of the noxious stimulus may eventually render the stimulus innocuous. This technique requires a great deal of time and assiduous reinforcement, which limits its therapeutic value. Hysterical Seizures these episodes, referred to as "psychogenic" seizures, are nonepileptic in nature- i. They are mentioned here because they are quite common and frequently mistaken for epileptic seizures and treated with anticonvulsant drugs, to which they are characteristically unresponsive. Such seizures are most often a symptom of hysteria in the female (Briquet disease) or of compensation neurosis and malingering in males and females, in which case the terms sham seizures and pseudoseizures are appropriate. Of course, patients with true epileptic seizures sometimes exhibit hysterical seizures as well, and distinguishing the two may be difficult. Usually, however, the motor display in the course of a nonepileptic seizure is sufficient to identify it as such: completely asynchronous thrashing of the limbs and repeated side-to-side movements of the head; striking out at a person who is trying to restrain the patient; hand-biting, kicking, trembling, and quivering; pelvic thrusting and opisthotonic arching postures; and screaming or talking during the ictus. In general, pseudoseizures tend to occur in the presence of other people, to be precipitated by emotional factors, and to be prolonged for many minutes or hours; with few exceptions, tongue-biting, incontinence, hurtful falls, or postictal confusion are lacking. Prolonged fugue states in our practice usually have proved to be manifestations of hysteria or a psychopathy even in a known epileptic. The serum creatine kinase and prolactin levels are normal after hysterical seizures; this may be helpful in distinguishing them from genuine convulsions. Epilepsia Partialis Continua this is another special type of focal motor epilepsy characterized by persistent rhythmic clonic movements of one muscle group- usually of the face, arm, or leg- which are repeated at fairly regular intervals every few seconds and continue for hours, days, weeks, or months without spreading to other parts of the body. Thus epilepsia partialis continua is, in effect, a highly restricted and very persistent focal motor status epilepticus. The distal muscles of the leg and arm, especially the flexors of the hand and fingers, are affected more frequently than the proximal ones. In the face, the recurrent contractions involve either the corner of the mouth or one or both eyelids. The clonic spasms may be accentuated by active or passive movement of the involved muscles and may be reduced in severity but not abolished during sleep. First described by Kozhevnikov in patients with Russian spring-summer encephalitis, these partial seizures may be induced by a variety of acute or chronic cerebral lesions. In some cases the underlying disease is not apparent (this applies to about half of our cases), and the clonic movements may be mistaken for some type of slow tremor or extrapyramidal movement disorder. In some cases, the spike activity can be related precisely in location and time to the clonic movements (Thomas et al). In the series of cases collected by Obeso and colleagues, there were various combinations of epilepsia partialis continua and cutaneous reflex myoclonus (cortical mycolonus occurring only in response to a variety of afferent stimuli); these investigators view epilepsia partialis continua as part of a spectrum of motor disorders that also includes stimulus-sensitive myoclonus, focal motor seizures, and grand mal seizures. As would be expected, a wide range of causative lesions has been implicated- developmental anomalies, encephalitis, demyelinative diseases, brain tumors, and degenerative diseases; but in many instances, as mentioned, the underlying cause is not found even after extensive investigation.

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For example medicine qhs order gabapentin 800 mg with mastercard, we might obtain the following frequency distribution of ages in a group of 10 college students: Age 17 18 19 20 21 Frequency 1 4 1 2 2 W the mean is the arithmetic average of a distribution of scores medicine 773 buy 100 mg gabapentin fast delivery, as defined by the formula M 5 sum of scores N where M is the mean and N is the number of scores medications and grapefruit interactions purchase 100 mg gabapentin otc. Thus 94 medications that can cause glaucoma discount gabapentin 800 mg fast delivery, the mean of the frequency distribution of ages listed above is M5 17 1 18 1 18 1 18 1 18 1 19 1 20 1 20 1 21 1 21 10 frequency distribution. The range is a Standard scores are created by simple measure that lists the lowest subtracting each score in a frequency and highest scores. In our example, the distribution from the mean and dividing range of ages is 17 to 21. This is a they are added together and divided very useful feature of z-scores, because by their total number. The variance is it allows us to readily compare or comdefined by the following formula: bine scores from different frequency 2 V 5 sum of (scores 2 M) N 5 19 the mean is the most commonly used of various measures of central tendency, which are single scores that summarize and describe a frequency distribution. Other important and commonly used measures of central tendency are the median and the mode. The median is the midpoint of a frequency distribution-the score that half of all scores fall above and half of all scores fall below. Measures of variability also provide useful summary information about a where V is the variance, M is the mean, and N is the number of scores. The variance is an extremely useful measure, but the variance is expressed as a different unit of measurement from the mean because the scores have been squared. This problem is easily solved by taking the square root of the variance, which results in a statistic called the standard deviation or the standard deviation from the mean. For example, you should now be better able to understand the discussion of standard deviation units in meta-analysis (see Chapter 3). If you are confused, we recommend that you reread this discussion and calculate the statistics yourself. Tests that are culturally biased contain language, examples, or other assumptions that favor one ethnic group over another. More members of these groups also are classified as having intellectual disabilities (Robinson, Zigler, & Gallagher, 2000). Some of these differences have been attributed to culture bias-some test items seem geared toward the language and the experience of majority groups. The most basic concern about intelligence tests is the most important one: What is intelligence? Intelligence tests measure precisely what their original developer, Alfred Binet, intended them to measure: potential for school achievement. The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales are one commonly used instrument (see Table 15. Among preschoolers, they include the acquisition of motor abilities, language, and self-control. Key skills during the school-age years include developing social relationships with peers. In adult life, adaptive Lauren Potter, who has Down syndrome, is an actress who has appeared in the popular television program, Glee, and the film Mr. Source: Items 6, 44, 66, and 75 from the Daily Living Skills Subtest and Items 14, 33, 48, and 56 from the Socialization Domain Subtest in Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales: Interview Edition, Survey Form, by Sara Sparrow, David Balla, and Domenic Cicchetti. Intellectual Disabilities 393 skills include the ability to manage oneself, live independently, and assume adult interpersonal roles. Some experts argue that intellectual disability should be defined solely based on intelligence tests, because measures of adaptive skills are imprecise (Detterman & Gabriel, 2007). Moreover, intellectual limitations imply that adaptive skills are likely to be limited (Zigler & Hodapp, 1986). Onset Before Age 18 Years the third criterion for de- fining intellectual disability is onset before 18 years of age. This excludes people whose deficits in intellect and adaptive skills begin later in life as a result of brain injury or disease.