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There is no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or in the development of ageappropriate self-help skills, adaptive behavior (other than in social interaction), and curiosity about the environment in childhood. Criteria are not met for another specific Pervasive Developmental Disorder or Schizophrenia [discussed in Chapter 12]. I want to say, a downward pull, he wants to think that everyone wants to threaten him. Their problems in understanding social cues can also lead to difficulty in feeling empathy (Lawson, Baron-Cohen, & Wheelwright, 2004). Autism is the pervasive developmental disorder that has been the most widely investigated (and, as noted in Table 14. Therefore, most of the discussion that follows pertains to autism, unless otherwise noted. Autism appears to be rooted primarily in neurological factors, which interact with psychological and social factors. Neurological Factors Like schizophrenia, autism is marked by significant abnormalities in brain structure and function. Brain Systems Children who have autism have an unusually large head circumference, which is probably due to an above-average increase in white and gray matter during infancy (Hardan et al. However, adults with autism do not have larger than average heads, so the early accelerated growth is followed by slower growth during childhood (Herbert, 2005). The connections and communication among brain areas also appear abnormal in autism (Minshew & Williams, 2007). Brain areas in the same region appear to communicate excessively, while there is too little communication among distant areas (Courchesne & Pierce 2005), in particular, between the frontal lobes and other brain areas (Murias et al. In addition, parts of the frontal lobe are less active among those with autism than among control group participants, which is consistent with the deficits in executive function that have been documented in autism (Silk et al. Researchers have long observed that autism tends to run in families; 8% of siblings of affected children will also have the disorder (compared to at most 0. Even stronger evidence comes from twin studies: Monozygotic twin-pairs are up to nine times more likely to have the disorder than are dizygotic twin pairs (Bailey et al. However, researchers have not located a single gene that always gives rise to autism (Weiss et al. Instead, most forms of autism probably arise from interactions among genes-perhaps 15 or more of them (Santangelo & Tsatsanis, 2005). Older mothers were also more likely to have children with an autism spectrum disorder (Croen et al. Certain stimuli may trigger autism in genetically vulnerable children (Waldman et al. Although researchers had earlier suggested that the cause of autism might be thimerisol, an ingredient in a widely used vaccine for measles-mumpsrubella, no studies have so far been able to document a causal link between this vaccine and the disorder (Muhle, Trentacoste, & Rapin, 2004; Thompson et al. In fact, autism rates continue to increase even among children who received vaccines without thimerisol (Schechter & Grether, 2008), which indicates that factors other than thimerisol are at work. Another possibility was suggested by the Childhood Disorders 6 3 9 discovery that in 2005 more children had autism in counties of the Northwest states (California, Oregon, and Washington) that had more days of rain from 1987 to 2001. The researchers conjectured that bad weather may lead children to spend more time indoors, possibly increasing their television viewing, their risk for a vitamin D deficiency, or their exposure to household cleaning products. Psychological Factors: Cognitive Deficits Neurological factors give rise to psychological symptoms, particularly cognitive deficits in shifting attention and in mental flexiblilty (Ozonoff & Jensen, 1999). These deficits underlie the extreme difficulty in transitioning from one activity to another that individuals with autism spectrum disorders experience; people with autism also tend to focus on details at the expense of the broader picture (Frith, 2003). Normal children exhibited greater brain activity in response to the fear expressions than to the neutral expressions. But children with autism responded to both types of facial expressions with the same pattern of brain activity (Dawson et al.

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