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By: C. Deckard, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

Assistant Professor, University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Medicine

Use of corticosteroids should be aimed at achieving control of asthma depression symptoms loss of appetite generic bupron sr 150mg with visa, followed by rapid tapering and discontinuation over approximately 2 weeks anxiety quotes goodreads generic bupron sr 150 mg online, if possible depression symptoms in mothers purchase bupron sr 150mg amex. Inhaled corticosteroids also may be used in the treatment of chronic asthma in the pregnant patient mood disorder treatment bupron sr 150 mg generic. Cromolyn Sodium-Cromolyn sodium in inhaled or nasal spray form has not been associated with any fetal effect in observational studies. In chronic asthma, inhaled cromolyn may be a valuable agent, but cromolyn has no role in status asthmaticus. General Considerations Postpartum hemorrhage has been defined classically as an estimated blood loss of more than 500 mL after delivery. Most would acknowledge the presence of postpartum hemorrhage when blood loss exceeds 1 L, when there is a 10% change in the hematocrit between admission and postpartum determinations, or when transfusion is necessary. The most common causes of early postpartum hemorrhage (<24 hours after delivery) are uterine atony, lower genital tract lacerations, and retained products of conception. Less common causes include placenta accreta, uterine rupture, inversion of the uterus, and coagulopathies. Uterine atony is by far the most common and may be associated with the antepartum use of oxytocin or with uterine overdistention from multiple gestation or polyhydramnios. Other factors thought to be associated with uterine atony include high parity, prolonged labor, cesarean section, precipitous labor, chorioamnionitis, and the use of tocolytic agents (especially magnesium sulfate). Lower genital tract lacerations occur frequently and usually present with vaginal bleeding immediately after delivery. Uterine lacerations can bleed into the peritoneal cavity or retroperitoneal space and therefore do not always present with vaginal hemorrhage. Factors associated with lower genital tract lacerations are forceps or vacuum delivery, fetal macrosomia or malpresentation, and precipitate delivery. Failure of the placenta to completely separate is a risk factor for the development of both uterine atony and postpartum hemorrhage presumably owing to the placental fragments interfering with the normal contraction of the uterus that is necessary for hemostasis. Retention of a succenturiate lobe (accessory lobe of the placenta) may present with postpartum hemorrhage in the early postpartum period. Placenta accreta also may cause life-threatening hemorrhage owing to the inability of the placenta to completely separate from the uterine wall. Risk factors for placenta accreta include previous puerperal curettage or previous uterine surgery, including cesarean section, and placenta previa. Because uterine artery blood flow is between 500 and 600 mL/min, hemorrhage from this cause can result in rapid maternal exsanguination. Conditions thought to predispose to uterine rupture include previous uterine surgery, breech extraction, obstructed labor, abnormal fetal position, and high parity. Uterine inversion is most remarkable for the development of shock out of proportion to the amount of blood lost. They often occur in association with other complications of pregnancy such as abruptio placentae, retained dead fetus, and amniotic fluid embolism. In addition, preexisting chronic coagulation disorders are significant contributors to postpartum hemorrhage. Common causes include infection, placental site subinvolution, and retained products of conception, as well as underlying coagulopathy. The relationship between the onset of hemorrhage and the time of delivery is critical in establishing the diagnosis. Bleeding prior to delivery of the placenta often indicates a genital tract laceration, a coagulopathy, or a partial separation of the placenta.

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