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By: P. Mitch, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor, Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine

If you think of it infection under eye buy generic nitrofurantoin 50mg line, the heart pumps blood and the Bible says that the life is in the blood (Leviticus 17 v 11) antibiotics for dogs gums order nitrofurantoin 100 mg free shipping. So in terms of the plan of attack of the enemy antibiotics kill bacteria buy nitrofurantoin 50mg online, if he can kill and squeeze the life of the person bacteria helicobacter pylori sintomas order nitrofurantoin 100 mg without prescription, the enemy has already started winning the battle. High blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythm, angina, heart valve disease, heart attacks and heart failure set in. This is before it gets to your brain so you still have clear thinking at this stage. The statistics say that 750 000 people die in America every year as a result of heart disease and 50% of these is due to sudden cardiac death. When your immune system detects these harmful substances in your blood stream and body tissue it either destroys or removes them. I explained previously how the high levels of these stress hormones corrode the receptors on the surface of body cells, which then enables toxins, viruses, bacteria, cancer cells etc to enter the cells and cause disease. High levels of cortisol (one of the stress hormones) also directly kills and prevents the production of the different cells of the immune system such as macrophages, lymphocytes, monocytes, helper and suppressor T cells ­ diminished helper T cells cause a decrease in B cells; B cells produce antibodies that protect you against infection. When the B cells are destroyed, no antibodies are produced that normally kill harmful bacteria and viruses. In essence your immune system is destroyed by the high levels of cortisol and therefore you now have no defense system against harmful toxins, bacteria, viruses, fungus and parasites. Most bacteria, parasites and fungus cannot infect you unless your immune system is weakened. When the immune system is damaged, you can also end up with allergies such as hay fever (allergic rhinitis and allergic conjuctivitis) which causes runny eyes and runny nose, coughing, sneezing, asthma, skin rashes, urticaria and hives, vomiting, cramps and diarrhea (food allergies). This cell is like a policeman: it puts up road blocks in your blood stream and body tissues and it checks all the cells, hormones and chemicals that drive past. This policeman is able to recognize harmful cancer cells, bacteria and viruses by detecting the foreign proteins on their cell wall. When the policeman recognizes these harmful substances in the blood stream, he sends messages to the other killer cells of the immune system that come and kill that harmful substance before it is able to cause sickness in the body. Therefore instead of alerting the other cells of the immune system to kill these harmful cells, he says, "Hello Cancer! The devil knows that if he can get you into sin by getting you fearful, anxious and stressed spiritually, he can compromise your immune system so that it is weakened and unable to recognize the harmful things such as viruses, bacteria and cancer cells. Then he can make you physically vulnerable to any illness he wants to bring upon you. A person who is broken, fearful, anxious, stressed and depressed has a dried out (destroyed) immune system. I mentioned previously that cortisol in excessive quantities (stage 2 and 3 stress) kills the cells of the immune system, thus literally drying out the bone marrow. When you get rid of fear, anxiety and stress in your thought life, those stress hormones are no longer produced, the cells of the God created and designed our immune system re-multiply and regain their strength and immune system so that it is strong your immune system recovers and functions as it should. God created and designed our immune system so that it is strong enough to kill off any infection or cancer (no matter how big the tumor or how far it has spread), but there is a condition ­ we must be well in our spirituality. Fatigue, lethargy, exhaustion, insomnia (inability to sleep), lack of peace, phobias and panic attacks, poor memory and fogged thinking set in. I just want to make a point here: not everybody will get an illness on all 3 levels ­ it depends where your genetic weakness is. If you have a strong heart, you might get manifestations in your immune system ­ hitting your pancreas or your skin etc In other words wherever you have a weakness - that is where you are going to see the most problems in your body. It may by pass both your heart and immune system where you just have minor nagging illnesses, and then when it gets to your brain then boy does the exhaustion, foggy thinking and insomnia set in. The next area to be hit is your digestive system ­ indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, cramping, stomach ulcers, reflux (heart burn), irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis and malabsorption. Fertility problems and amenorrhoea (absence of menstrual periods) or irregular menstrual periods.

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The stroma cells outside the granulosal cell layer differentiate into: the theca interna (a weak androgen secretor); the theca externa (no hormone secreting function) antibiotic journal pdf trusted 100mg nitrofurantoin. The oocyte casts off the first polar body resulting in the number of chromosomes in the remaining nucleus being reduced from 46 to 23 treatment for dogs ear infection yeast buy generic nitrofurantoin canada. Thus the primary oocyte and the first polar body each contain the haploid number (23) of the chromosomes bacteria neisseria gonorrhoeae nitrofurantoin 50mg overnight delivery. At ovulation it ruptures antibiotics for uti online buy generic nitrofurantoin on line, releasing the oocyte usually into the fimbriated end of the fallopian tube. The follicle in the ovary collapses, the granulosa cells become luteal cells while the theca interna forms the theca lutein cells. It can be recognized by the naked eye by its crinkled outline and yellow appearance. A small amount of bleeding occurs into its cavity, the cells undergo hyaline degeneration and a corpus albicans is formed. The fallopian tube the fallopian tube is the oviduct conveying sperm from the uterus to the point of fertilization and ova from the ovary to the uterine cavity. The tube has four parts: the intramural (cornual) part is 2 cm long and 1 mm in diameter. Basic science Chapter 1 Intramural (cornual) Isthmus Round ligament Fallopian tube Infundibulum Ampulla Ovary Infundibular ligament Figure 1. It is trumpet shaped, crowned with the fimbriae that surround the outer opening of the tube. The fimbriae stabilize the abdominal ostium over the ripening follicle in the ovary. There are rhythmic changes in the epithelium during the menstrual cycle; in the proliferative phase the cells increase in height and activity with increased secretions just after ovulation. The rugae have a core of connective tissue covered with a tall columnar epithelium. Structure the anterior vaginal wall is about 10 cm long and the posterior wall 15 cm. Normally, the anterior and posterior walls are in contact so the cavity is represented by an H-shaped slit. The walls have: an outer connective tissue layer to which the ligaments are attached - it contains blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves; a muscular layer consisting of an outer longitudinal layer and an inner circular layer of variable thickness and function; the epithelium of stratified squamous epithelium which in adult women contains glycogen and is composed of three layers: (a) a basal layer; (b) a functional layer; (c) a cornified layer. The epithelium undergoes cyclical changes during the menstrual cycle and characteristic changes during pregnancy. After the menopause it atrophies so that smears taken from postmenopausal women contain a high proportion of basal cells. There are no glandular cells in the vaginal epithelium and so the term vaginal mucosa should not be used. Vaginal fluid is composed of cervical secretion and transudation through the vaginal epithelium. The vagina allows colonization of lactobacilli which produce lactic acid from the glycogen in the epithelial cells. Vulva the vulva or external genitalia of the female includes the mons, the labia major, the clitoris, the labia minor, the vestibule, the external urethra meatus, the glands of Bartholin and the hymen. It is covered with skin in which hair grows profusely from puberty to the menopause. They are made up of fatty tissue very sensitive to oestrogen stimulation; the skin of the labia major is covered with hair after puberty. The clitoris contains erectile tissue and is attached to the pubic arch by its crura. Folds of skin running forwards from the labia minor form the prepuce of the clitoris. The labia minor are delicate folds of skin, containing fibrous tissue and numerous blood vessels and erectile tissue.

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More than 100 clinical trials for gene therapy in treating cancer have been initiated bacteria under microscope discount 100mg nitrofurantoin free shipping. An example of one such trial involves inserting the p53 tumor suppressor gene into cancer cells antibiotic resistant gonorrhea purchase 50mg nitrofurantoin with visa. Normally this gene is responsible for repairing damaged cells or causing cell death when the cell cannot be repaired virus epstein barr order nitrofurantoin 50 mg. Many types of cancer cells have mutated p53 genes that then lead to uncontrolled cell growth treatment for dogs going blind order nitrofurantoin with american express. Insertion of normal p53 genes can lead to either cancer cell death or slowing of tumor growth. This approach has been tested in lung, head and neck, and colon cancers (Wasil & Buchbinder, 2000). In another clinical trial, a "suicide gene" is inserted into tumor cells to facilitate cell death. When the gene for herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase is inserted into malignant cells, those cells become infected with the virus and susceptible to destruction by antiviral drugs, such as ganciclovir. This approach has been tried in treating brain, ovar- Machines and Devices Electrical gadgets and devices are commonly reputed to cure cancers. Most are operated by people with questionable training who report unrealistic and unlikely success stories. Such machines are often decorated with elaborate lights and dials and produce vibrations or other sensations. Drugs and Biologicals Medicinal agents, herbs, proteins (such as shark cartilage), megavitamins (including vitamin C therapy), immune therapy, vaccines, enzymes, hydrogen peroxide, and sera have been frequent components of fraudulent cancer therapy. These agents have included oral, intravenous, and external medications derived from weeds, flowers, and herbs and the blood and urine of patients and animals. Many of these agents, especially in megadoses, can be toxic and can have untoward interactions with concomitant medications. Metabolic and Dietary Regimens Metabolic and dietary regimens emphasize the ingestion of only natural substances to purify the body and retard cancerous growth. These regimens include the grape diet, the carrot juice diet, garlic, onions, various teas, coffee enemas, and raw liver intake. The National Cancer Institute, in response to public demand, investigated the effects of laetrile and reported no therapeutic benefits with its use; indeed, many toxic effects (cyanide poisoning, fever, rash, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, and hypotension) were reported. Macrobiotic diets have also been advocated as a cancer treatment to reestablish balance between the major forces in the universe, yin and yang. People who adhere to macrobiotic diets tend to develop vitamin, mineral, and protein deficiencies; experience additional weight loss due to decreased calorie intake; and receive no therapeutic benefits from the diet. Mystical and Spiritual Approaches Traditional Chinese medicine attempts to balance chi forces in order to heal the body. Mystical or spiritual approaches to cancer therapy include such techniques as psychic surgery, faith healing, "laying on of hands," prayer groups, and invocation of mystical universal powers to kill cancerous growths. Nursing Management in Unconventional Therapies A trusting relationship, supportive care, and promotion of hope in the patient and family are the most effective means of protecting them from fraudulent therapy and questionable cancer cures. Truthful responses given in a nonjudgmental manner to questions and inquiries about unproven methods of cancer treatments may alleviate the fear and guilt on the part of the patient and family that they are not "doing everything we can" to obtain a cure. The nurse may inform the patient and family of the characteristics common to fraudulent therapy so that they will be informed and cautious when evaluating other forms of "therapy. Knowing this information can help prevent interactions with medications and other therapies that may be prescribed and avoid attributing the side effects of unconventional therapies to prescribed medications. Common sites of infection, such as the pharynx, skin, perianal area, urinary tract, and respiratory tract, are assessed frequently. The typical signs of infection (swelling, redness, drainage, and pain), however, may not occur in the immunosuppressed patient due to a diminished local inflammatory response. The nurse also monitors the patient for sepsis, particularly if invasive catheters or infusion lines are in place. Febrile patients who are neutropenic are assessed for infection through cultures of blood, sputum, urine, stool, catheter, or wounds, if appropriate.

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