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By: P. Sanford, M.B.A., M.D.

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Arthropods such as spiders have been associated with disease and infection symptoms ruptured ovarian cyst best buy for oxytrol, particularly in Europe medications such as seasonale are designed to discount oxytrol 2.5mg fast delivery, since the tenth century (Davey treatment kidney infection order oxytrol 5mg without a prescription, 1994) symptoms stomach cancer order 2.5 mg oxytrol amex. Butterflies and ladybugs are among the few insects that do not evoke aversion, avoidance, disgust and disdain (Kellert, 1993; Looy and Wood, 2006). Few people realize that most insects are beneficial and that very few are damaging. Western attitudes of disgust towards eating insects have arguably also influenced the preference of people in tropical countries. According to Silow (1983): "It is known that some missionaries have condemned winged termite eating as a heathen custom" and for that reason a Christian person told him that "he would never taste such things, valuing them as highly non-Christian". In Malawi, research has shown that people living in urban areas and devout Christians react with disdain to eating insects (Morris, 2004). Yet insect use in diets may persist, though this 40 Edible insects: future prospects for food and feed security may sometimes be admitted only reluctantly by consumers (Tommaseo Ponzetta and Paoletti, 1997). According to DeFoliart (1999), "Westerners should become aware of the fact that their bias against insects as food has an adverse impact, resulting in a gradual reduction in the use of insects without replacement of lost nutrition and other benefits". However, Western attitudes are changing, as noted by some researchers: "Insects have long been a significant dietary factor in the poorer regions of the world, and it is high time that scientists recognize this fact and begin to build on it, rather than discouraging or ignoring the practice" (Ramos Elorduy, 1990). The practice of eating insects is cited throughout religious literature in the Christian (Box 3. The Bible speaks of locusts as food in the book of Leviticus, most probably in reference to the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. According to a Danish bishop, however, the priest had committed no sin because he was demonstrating the word of the Bible. There are several references in Islamic tradition to insect eating ­ including locusts, bees, ants, lice and termites (El-Mallakh and El-Mallakh, 1994). The large majority of references are to locusts, specifically mentioning permission to consume the creatures: It is permissible to eat locusts (Sahih Muslim, 21. Culture, religion and the history of entomophagy 41 Entomophagy is also present in Jewish literature. Amar (2003) suggested that eating certain species of kosher locusts was largely accepted in ancient times. The practice, however, declined among a considerable part of the Jewish diaspora due to a lack of knowledge about the various types of "winged swarming things" mentioned in the Torah. The tradition was only preserved among Jews of Yemen and in parts of northern Africa. Amar (2003) argued that westernization caused Jews who previously ate locusts to reverse their habits. The first reference to entomophagy in Europe was in Greece, where eating cicadas was considered a delicacy. He also mentioned that, of the adults, females taste best after copulation because they are full of eggs. References to entomophagy continued throughout the region and the centuries (Box 3. In Ancient Rome, author, natural philosopher and naturalist Pliny the Elder ­ author of the encyclopedia Historia Naturalis ­ spoke of cossus, a dish highly coveted by Romans. According to Bodenheimer (1951), cossus is the larva of the longhorn beetle Cerambyx cerdo, which lives on oak trees. They boil and eat them, dry others in the sun and pound them into flour for future consumption ­ Leo Africanus from Morocco in 1550. German soldiers in Italy repeatedly and with obvious delight eat fried silkworms ­ Ulysse Aldovandi in his 1602 treatise, De Animalibus Insectis Libri Septem. We could perhaps in time overcome our repugnance at eating insects and accept them as part of our diet, and then realize that there is nothing terrible about them and that they may perhaps even offer us agreeable sensations. We have grown accustomed to eating frogs, snakes, lizards, shellfish, oysters, etc. They are used for supplying ships, when they may be served as dessert or with coffee.

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Activists and media personalities also leverage Facebook Live for realtime communication with fellow activists medications you can take during pregnancy discount 5 mg oxytrol. Until recently medications that cause weight loss generic oxytrol 5 mg with mastercard, some groups purchased ads to encourage users to join their communities or to send people to their websites or storefronts symptoms bipolar buy oxytrol, but Facebook now prohibits ads that include false information about vaccinations medicine 319 purchase oxytrol australia. In September 2019, Facebook made an addition to the existing policy and announced that educational pop-up windows would appear when a user searches for vaccine-related content or visits vaccine-related Facebook groups and pages. Instagram Instagram is leveraged primarily as a tool for sharing memes or short videos. Instagram content producers include high numbers of hashtags on their posts to improve discoverability and cross-promote content to potentially receptive audiences. Despite the fact that Facebook owns Instagram, its policies sometimes differ slightly from those of its parent company. Shortly after the Facebook blog post about vaccine misinformation was published, Instagram announced its own policies, including the following: Instagram would begin hiding search results for hashtags that consistently return false information about vaccines. In May 2019, Instagram began working with third-party fact-checkers in the United States to help identify, review, and label false information (see Figure 6; Facebook, 2019). These partners independently assess false information to help the platform identify and reduce its distribution. When identified, the content also gets removed from the explore and hashtag pages. Instagram also clarified that other posts expressing anti-vaccine views but not confirmed as false can remain (Newton, 2019). In addition to their own tweets, activists employ coordination to maximize message repetition and create the perception of a large movement and influencer outreach to maximize message amplification. Users network in groups to execute coordinated messaging strategies, targeting the same handles (press and legislators) at the same time or sharing identical memes in an attempt to achieve a dominant share of the voice within a hashtag and create a perception of broad support. Influencers with a large number of followers are leveraged in much the same way as a brand would employ them to market a product: sympathetic celebrities and media personalities re-share, repost, and otherwise amplify anti-vaccine memes, content, and political efforts (such as petitions). During the panic around the polio vaccine in Pakistan in 2019, tweets were a significant source of disinformation. A tweet posted by a prominent local influencer whose account has over 270,000 followers amplified rumors about children getting sick due to the polio vaccine. Anti-vaccine activists similarly use social media marketing best practices to cross-promote hashtags, linking anti-vaccine hashtags to unrelated popular topics. Anti-vaccine activists have prioritized developing the groups and networks required to execute coordinated actions more effectively than pro-vaccine organizations, which means the former are often better positioned to create more activity in a targeted hashtag, even if it was originally created by the pro-vaccine community. As a result, positive vaccine messages are buried under a flood of opposing content. Harassment is also a common strategy on Twitter, with coordinated 156 online miSinFormation groups of anti-vaccine activists attacking doctors, public health officials, organizations, and parents who have spoken out in favor of vaccines or shared a story in which they were personally impacted by vaccine-preventable disease. The text or audio contains a variant of the statement "#wedid vaccinate and look what happened. When automated tools are deployed, they are used primarily to push out a steady stream of content into hashtags deemed important. The pop-up advisory Twitter users see when they search for keywords associated with vaccines On May 10, 2019, Twitter announced the launch of a new tool to tackle antivaccination content on the platform. When someone searches for certain keywords associated with vaccines, a prompt directs individuals to a credible public health resource (Harvey, 2019). Department of Health & Human Services for #KnowTheFacts and an in-app message appears when users search for vaccine-related terms that points them to vaccines. The videos, which were often live-streamed to other apps such as Periscope, were designed for maximum emotional resonance. Many include severely autistic, nonverbal children and feature a parent warning others not to make the same mistake they allegedly did. Many other channels are conspiratorial in nature, purporting to expose the cover-up of a link between vaccines and autism. In one 2018 study, academics analyzed 560 YouTube videos "related to the link between vaccines and autism or other serious side effects on children" (Donzelli et al. They found that most of the anti-vaccine videos (392 of the 560) focused on supporting this misinformation and that the number of anti-vaccine videos posted to YouTube was increasing every year. On January 25, 2019, YouTube announced that it would be redesigning its recommendation engine to prevent the platform from promoting conspiracies and false information to users. In emails to journalists, the company stated, "We have strict policies that govern what videos we allow ads to appear on, and videos that promote anti-vaccination content are a violation of those policies.

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The study of womens empowerment has raised a lot of concerns and issues that are associated with other demographic and health outcomes medications for ibs discount oxytrol express. Womens health is of crucial importance treatment quadriceps pain order discount oxytrol on line, which is greatly affected by the ways in which they are treated and the status they are given in the society as a whole medicine rap song best 5 mg oxytrol. In present scenario 6 medications that deplete your nutrients generic 2.5 mg oxytrol amex, until the policy makers take a focused and long term interest in the advancement of women by ensuring reproductive rights and quality health care services, it will not achieve a breakthrough on the process of women empowerment. Women need to become empowered to ensure equal opportunities for training and promotion and equal wages for equal status. By providing better health services we can improve the quality of life of woman which in turn helps in empowering the woman. Indias National Population Policy 2000 has been empowering women for health and nutrition as one of its crosscutting strategic themes. In broader sense Womens empowerment means womens access to and control over resources, which extends to their decision-making capabilities regarding household decisions, employment, income, household assets and expenditure, fertility, sexuality, and freedom of movement (physical mobility) and their control over material and intangible resources such as property, information and time; their position within the household vis-a-vis other male and female household members; their experience of domestic violence; and their education (4,5). In another view it is true that women already have power to change society, empowerment is only to aware them about its use. Empowerment is not giving people power; people already have plenty of power, in the wealth of their knowledge and motivation, to do their jobs magnificently. Here we can use this statement for women; we can define empowerment as letting this power out (6). Failure to provide information, services and conditions to help women protect their reproduction health may be due to gender-based discrimination. For womens empowerment and equality women should control their own fertility which is absolutely fundamental to womens right. If reproductive rights of women including the right to decide the number, timing and spacing of her children, and to make decisions regarding reproduction free of discrimination and violence are promoted and protected, she can participate more fully and equally in society significant co-relation between spread of female literacy and decline of fertility has been observed throughout the country although there are regions where fertility has declined despite prevalence of illiteracy. It is argued that until the policy makers take a focused and long term interest in the advancement of women by ensuring reproductive rights backed by quality health care services, it will be rather difficult to achieve a breakthrough on the process of women empowerment(7). The program, which has been addresses gynecological and psychological health and issues of violence and exploitation. It incorporates traditional health practices and modern allopathic health practices. They also counsel the rural and tribal women and mobilize them for collective action. These women health workers soon realized that their main objective was empowerment of the local women. The program provides women with information to empower them to deal with their problems (8). Women health workers have made great contributions to the health of their community for many years. Women health workers of Jamkhed, Deen Bandhu of Pachod, have proved that village women can improve the health status of their community, particularly that of women and children, if they receive encouragement to learn health care skills In India, community health care lies mainly with women. If health care is widespread, womens empowerment may not affect their access to reproductive health services; in other cases however, increased empowerment of women is likely to increase their ability to seek out and use health services to better meet their own reproductive health goals, including the goal of safe motherhood. Health is an important factor that contributes to human wellbeing and economic growth (10). While Indias population continues to grow by 16-17 million people annually, 25 million women, mostly in poor performing States, seek to postpone childbearing, space births, or stop having children, but are not using a modern method of contraception. There are many health issues related to woman, only few are given here to show how poor health is affecting the woman. The gender discrimination, particularly in the developing countries, leaves women vulnerable to disease and death. Census 2001 shows our national sex ratio as 921:1000 (921 females for 1000 males), the main reason for this is female infanticide. Declining sex ratio portrays our discrimination shown towards her even at the stage of birth.

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Cancer of the lung and bronchus was the second most frequently diagnosed type of cancer among women in Hawaii-Native Hawaiian (13 percent) medicine woman cast discount oxytrol 2.5 mg overnight delivery, white (12 percent) medications quetiapine fumarate order oxytrol 5 mg with mastercard, and Filipino (10 percent) females 5 medications that affect heart rate buy oxytrol online. Kidney and thyroid cancer incidence 124 Health Assessment Cancer of the colon and rectum was the second most frequently diagnosed form of cancer among Chinese (13 percent) and Japanese (16 percent) females in Hawaii treatment herniated disc generic oxytrol 5 mg on-line. The third most frequently diagnosed type of cancer was cancer of the lung and bronchus for Chinese (11 percent) and Japanese (8 percent) females. Cancer of the colon and rectum was third ranked among Filipina females (10 percent), as was melanoma (skin cancer) among white females (10 percent). Women age 85 years and older had a death rate of 1,282 per 100,000 popula tion, followed by women ages 75 to 84 years (with 966 deaths per 100,000), women ages 65 to 74 years (with 571 deaths per 100,000), women ages 55 to 64 years (with 265 deaths per 100,000), women ages 45 to 54 years (with 111 deaths per 100,000), women ages 35 to 44 years (with 34 deaths per 100,000), and women ages 25 to 34 years (with 9 deaths per 100,000). It is likely that they result from a complex combination of dietary, lifestyle, environmental, occupational, and genetic factors. Higher mortality rates among some populations are due in part to poverty, which may increase the risk of developing certain cancers and also may limit access to and utilization of preventive measures and screening. Poor health among people in poverty may also limit treatment options and decrease cancer survival rates. Their death rates range from 7 per 100,000 for 25- to 34-year-olds to 609 per 100,000 for 75- to 84-year-olds. Death rates did not decline, however, for American Indian and Alaska Native women from these three cancers or for Asian or Pacific Islander women from lung cancer. During this same period, death rates from liver cancer increased among white and Hispanic women but decreased among Asian and Pacific Islander women. Pancreatic cancer death rates increased among white women but were stable among women of other racial and ethnic groups. White non-Hispanic women ages 75 to 84 years, however, were the most likely to die of cancer (1,004 deaths per 100,000 white women versus 979 deaths per 100,000 black women). The death rates for these two types of cancer are nearly identical for Hispanic females-14 per 100,000 for cancer of the lung and bronchus and 15 per 100,000 for breast cancer. The age-adjusted death rates for these cancers differed notably, however, for white non-Hispanic females (43 per 100,000 for cancer of the lung and bronchus versus 23 per 100,000 for breast cancer) and for American Indian or Alaska Native females (27 per 100,000 for cancer of the lung and bronchus versus 13 per 100,000 for breast cancer). Death rates were lower for Hispanic females (15 per 100,000), American Indian or Alaska Native females (12 per 100,000), and Asian or Pacific Islander females (11 per 100,000). Deaths from cancer of the lung and bronchus were 25 percent of cancer deaths among Native Hawaiian females, 24 percent among white females, 22 percent among Chinese females, 19 percent among Filipina females, and 17 percent among Japanese females. In comparison, white females (55 per 100,000) and black females (52 per 100,000) were the groups with the highest incidence. The inci tion), Chinese (107 deaths per 100,000 dence among American Indian or Alaska population), and Filipino (98 deaths per Native females was 36 per 100,000. Breast However, the age-adjusted death rate for lung cancer was the second leading cause of cancer and bronchus cancers changed significantly death for all female groups except Japanese (for for some groups, with the rates declining whom breast cancer was the third leading cause significantly for Hispanic, black, white, and and colon and rectum was the second leading Asian or Pacific Islander females over this cause). The third Age-adjusted death rates for the five racial and leading cause of cancer death among ethnic groups from lung and bronchus cancers Native Hawaiian females was pancreatic during the 2006­2010 period show a similar cancer. Over this same period, however, the incidence of breast cancer did not change significantly among black, Asian or Pacific Islander, and American Indian or Alaska Native females. Asian or Pacific Islander females (92 per 100,000) and Hispanic females (91 per 100,000) had similar rates, and American Indian or Alaska Native females (77 per 100,000) had the lowest incidence. Breast cancer remained a leading cause of cancer deaths among females, although the age-adjusted death rates for breast cancer declined significantly among white, Hispanic, black, Asian or Pacific Is lander, and American Indian or Alaska Native females during this period. Native Hawaiian females had the highest death rate (43 per 100,000), followed by white females (32 per 100,000), Chinese females (24 per 100,000), Filipina females (19 per 100,000), and Japanese females (17 per 100,000). In addition, the risks of dying of both bronchitis and emphy sema among women who smoke are 10 times those among nonsmoking women. Each year, approximately 12,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with cervical cancer. These vaccines offer the best protection if all three doses (administered over a 6-month period) are taken and the body develops an immune response before sexual activity is initiated.

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