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By: Q. Tukash, M.A., Ph.D.

Deputy Director, Albany Medical College

Mustard may also affect other organs but rarely do these produce clinical effects medications diabetes 100 mg thorazine sale. Of a group of 233 severely injured Iranian soldiers sent to western European hospitals by the Iranian government for treatment during the Iran­Iraq War symptoms 4 days before period purchase thorazine 50 mg amex, 95% had airway involvement medicine in french buy generic thorazine 100mg online, 92% had eye signs and symptoms medicine plus buy discount thorazine on line, and 83% had skin lesions (Balali-Mood and Navaeian, 1986). In a series of 535 Iranian casualties, including civilians, admitted to a dermatology ward, 92% had skin lesions and 85% had conjunctivitis; of the total number of patients, 79% had erythema and 55% had blisters. Casualties with more serious problems, including injury to the pulmonary tract, were admitted to other wards (Momeni et al. The slightly higher percentage of airway and eye involvement in Iranian soldiers versus U. World War I casualties is perhaps attributable to the higher ambient temperature in the area (compared with Europe), which caused more vaporization. This might also have been because of available Iranian protective equipment or poor mask seal with facial hair. In 1984, the year the first Iranian casualties were treated in Europe, protective clothing and gas masks were not commonly worn by Iranian soldiers (Willems, 1989). Mustard-related death occurs in about 3% of the casualties who reach a Medical Treatment Facility; of those who die, most die 4 or more days after exposure (Gilchrist, 1928). The causes of death are pulmonary insufficiency from airway damage, superimposed infection, and sepsis. Rarely, the amount of mustard will be overwhelming and cause death within 1­2 days; in these circumstances, death will be due to neurological factors or massive airway damage (Graef et al. One patient died 185 days after exposure: he had received ventilatory support for an extended period because of severe bronchiolitis complicated by a series of loculate pneumothoraces. Most patients returned to Iran in fairly good condition after 2­10 weeks of treatment. The duration of hospitalization was determined mainly by the time needed for healing of the deeper skin lesions. Because some of the most severe patients were sent to Europe, there was a 14% mortality rate, compared to the 3% seen overall in World War I. Skin the threshold amount of mustard vapor required to produce a skin lesion (erythema) is a Ct of about 200 mg min=m3. This varies greatly depending on a number of factors, including temperature, humidity, skin hydration, and body site. Warm, moist areas with thin skin, such as the perineum, external genitalia, axillae, antecubital fossae, and neck are much more sensitive. About 80% of this 10 mg evaporates and 10% enters the circulation, leaving about 10%, 1 mg, to cause the vesicle. Evaporation of small droplets is rapid and nearly complete in 2­3 min; amounts larger than several hundred milligrams may remain on the skin for several hours (Renshaw, 1946). Once mustard penetrates the skin, it is ``fixed' to components of tissue and cannot be extracted (Renshaw, 1946). The mildest and earliest form of visible skin injury is erythema, which resembles sunburn (Figure 13. Erythema begins to appear 1­24 h after the skin is exposed to mustard, although onset can be later. He also had a pulmonary injury with an associated bronchopneumonia due to infection with Haemophilus influenzae. The presence of a nasal oxygen catheter is indicative of the pulmonary insufficiency. The effects from liquid mustard appear more rapidly than the effects from mustard vapor. The typical bulla (large blister) is dome shaped, thin walled, superficial, translucent, yellowish, and surrounded by erythema and can be 5 cm in diameter larger (Figure 13. The blister fluid is initially thin and clear or slightly straw colored; later it turns yellowish and tends to coagulate (Reed, 1920; Renshaw, 1946; Willems, 1989). Thiodiglycol, a breakdown product of mustard, has been found in blister fluid and can be used to aid in diagnosis. Vapor injury is generally a first or second-degree burn; liquid mustard may produce deeper damage comparable to a third-degree burn.

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