Bruce R. Neumann is Professor of Accounting and Health Care Financial Management at the University of Colorado Denver. He has been a faculty member at the University of Colorado since 1975 where he served on several campuses including the Department of Medicine at the Health Sciences Center. He published four textbooks and over 100 monographs and peer-reviewed journal articles in such peer-reviewed journals as Medical Care, Health Services Research, Inquiry, Healthcare Financial Management, Journal of Accounting Research, Cost Management, Journal of Accountancy, as well as award-winning articles in Strategic Finance. His research impacted the (2017) implementation of Payroll-Based-Journals (PBJ) for long-term care providers under the ACA. He directed the Graduate Program in Health Administration for several years while he designed and implemented the first hybrid (distance education) graduate degree in health administration (Executive Graduate Program in Health Administration). During the last three decades, Professor Neumann extended his ‘world-view’ by teaching and conducting research studies in England, France, Australia and New Zealand.