Ernest Ludy, Stanford University

Ernest Ludy is a tech leader, entrepreneur, and investor in healthcare IT. He currently serves as senior advisor and National Guest Scholar in the Clinical Excellence Research Center at Stanford University School of Medicine; managing partner for EGL investments; and executive partner at Ardan Equity.
As founding CEO of Medstat Systems, he pioneered development of the first digital business intelligence platform and national MarketScan database for insured healthcare. A NASDAQ-listed company, Medstat was acquired by Thomson Reutters in 1995; by Veritas Capital in 2012; by IBM in 2016, and by Francisco Partners in 2022, creating several billion dollars in enterprise value over its more than forty-year history.
He holds a BA in philosophy and MA in sociology from the University of Detroit Mercy, and pursued post graduate studies at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research. Awarded a UN World Health Organization doctoral fellowship, he completed his doctoral coursework (ABD) in medical sociology and health services research at the University of Pittsburgh.