Lee A. Fleisher, MD, is interested in health policy and defining metrics around quality of care. He is Chair of the Consensus Standards Advisory Committee and co-chair of the Surgery Standing Committee of the National Quality Forum, and a member of the Administrative Board of the Council of Faculty and Academic Specialties of the Association of American Medical Colleges. He is also a member of the Medical Advisory Panel of the Technology Evaluation Center of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Association. In 2007, he was elected to membership of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Fleisher’s research focuses on perioperative cardiovascular risk assessment and reduction, evidence-based medicine and measurement of quality of care. For the past 10 years Drs. Fleisher and Silber have collaborated on numerous projects related to health services research and quality measurement in the Medicare population. Most recently, he has been studying the influence of culture and innovation on care delivery. He has received numerous federal, industry and foundation grants related to these subjects. He has authored over 300 articles, chapters and books.