Marwah Younis Damani, University of Toronto

Marwah Younis Damani is a Doctor of Pharmacy, Managing Director of Seamless Care Pharmacy and Global Executive MBA in Healthcare and Life Sciences candidate at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. Marwah has dedicated her professional career to advocating for best practices in the Community Health Sector through her work with Seamless Care Pharmacy and Westmount Pharmacy.  Seamless Care Pharmacy is an Ontario-based pharmacy provider that has been exclusively supporting agencies and individuals in the Developmental Services Sector for 15 years. Westmount Pharmacy is a community based pharmacy focused on optimizing drug therapy and clinical outcomes for the people in the community. Marwah is also the Medical Director for Community Living Toronto, a Developmental Services agency focused on fostering inclusive communities by supporting the rights and choices of people with an intellectual disability.