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By: W. Hogar, M.S., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, University of California, San Diego School of Medicine

In corn knee pain laser treatment cheap 100pills aspirin visa, alleles at the R locus help to determine pigmentation; the Rr allele is normally dominant and encodes purple kernels pacific pain treatment center san francisco order 100pills aspirin overnight delivery. Brink observed that pain treatment center in franklin tn purchase aspirin with a mastercard, when the Rr allele was present in a genotype with Rst stomach pain treatment natural buy aspirin 100 pills with visa, the effect of the Rr allele was altered so that, in later generations, it encoded reduced levels of purple pigment. In this example of paramutation, the Rst allele altered the expression of the Rr allele; this diminished effect of the Rr allele on pigmentation persisted for several generations, even in the absence of the Rst allele. While genes are not being transcribed, these CpG islands are often methylated, but the methyl groups are removed before the initiation of transcription. CpG methylation is also associated with long-term gene repression, such as on the inactivated X chromosome of female mammals (see Chapter 4). Certain proteins that bind tightly to methylated CpG sequences form complexes with other proteins that act as histone deacetylases. In other words, methylation appears to attract deacetylases, which remove acetyl groups from the histone tails, stabilizing the nucleosome structure and repressing transcription. In some cases, the molecular basis of these effects is at least partly understood. Epigenetic changes induced by maternal behavior A fascinating example of epigenetics is seen in the longlasting effects of maternal behavior in rats. Mother rats lick and groom their offspring, usually while the mother arches her back and nurses the offspring. The offspring of mothers who display more licking and grooming behavior are, as adults, less fearful and show reduced hormonal responses to stress compared with the offspring of mothers who lick and groom less. To demonstrate the effect of altered chromatin structure on the stress response of the offspring, researchers infused the brains of young rats with a deacetylase inhibitor, which prevents the removal of acetyl groups from the histone proteins. This research suggests that identical twins do differ epigenetically and that phenotypic differences between them may be caused by differential gene expression. Additional examples of epigenetic effects include genomic imprinting (discussed in Chapter 5) and X-chromosome inactivation (discussed in Chapter 4). Molecular Mechanisms of Epigenetic Changes Epigenetics alters gene expression, alteration that is stable enough to be transmitted through mitosis (and sometimes meiosis) but that can also be changed. Most evidence suggests that epigenetic effects are brought about by physical changes in chromatin structure. The fact that epigenetic marks are passed on to other cells and (sometimes) to future generations means that changes in chromatin structure associated with epigenetic phenotypes must be faithfully maintained when chromosomes replicate. Immediately after semiconservative replication, the cytosine base on one strand (the template strand) will be methylated, but the cytosine base on the other strand (the newly replicated strand) will be unmethylated (Figure 17. How histone modifications, nucleosome positioning, and other types of epigenetic marks might be maintained across replication is less clear. One possibility, discussed in Chapter 12, is that, after replication, the epigenetic marks remain on the original histones, and these marks recruit enzymes that make similar changes to the new histones. Epigenetic effects caused by prenatal exposure In another study, researchers found that the exposure of embryonic rats to the fungicide vinclozolin, which reduces sperm production, led to reduced sperm production not only in the treated animals (when they reached puberty), but also in several subsequent generations. This study and others have raised concerns that, through epigenetic changes, environmental exposure to some chemicals might have long-lasting effects on the health of future generations. Epigenetic effects in monozygotic twins Monozygotic (identical) twins develop from a single egg fertilized by a single sperm that divides and gives rise to two zygotes (see Chapter 6). The nature of these differences in the phenotypes of identical twins is poorly understood, but recent evidence suggests that at least some of these differences may be due to epigenetic changes. Furthermore, these dif- the Epigenome the overall pattern of chromatin modifications possessed by each individual organism has been termed the epigenome. As a stem cell divides and gives rise to a more specialized type of cell, the geneexpression program becomes progressively fixed so that each particular cell type expresses only those genes necessary to carry out the functions of that cell type. In mammals, most methylation is at cytosine bases, converting cytosine into 5-methylcytosine. The researchers identified the location of 5-methylcytosine across the entire genome in two cell types: (1) an undifferentiated human stem cell; and (2) a fibroblast, a fully differentiated connective tissue cell.

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These simple phenotypic and genotypic ratios and the parental genotypes that produce them provide the key to understanding crosses for a single locus and pain medication for dogs human cheap aspirin 100pills with mastercard, as you will see in the next section treatment pain right hand order aspirin now, for multiple loci chronic neck pain treatment guidelines purchase generic aspirin pills. Understanding the nature of these crosses will require an additional principle pain treatment center of the bluegrass lexington ky purchase aspirin 100 pills online, the principle of independent assortment. Dihybrid Crosses In addition to his work on monohybrid crosses, Mendel crossed varieties of peas that differed in two characteristics-a dihybrid cross. For example, he had one homozygous variety of pea with seeds that were round and yellow; Basic Principles of Heredity Experiment Question: Do alleles encoding different traits separate independently Relating the Principle of Independent Assortment to Meiosis An important qualification of the principle of independent assortment is that it applies to characters encoded by loci located on different chromosomes because, like the principle of segregation, it is based wholly on the behavior of chromosomes in meiosis. Each pair of homologous chromosomes separates independently of all other pairs in anaphase I of meiosis (see Figure 2. Genes that happen to be located on the same chromosome will travel together during anaphase I of meiosis and will arrive at the same destination-within the same gamete (unless crossing over takes place). Genes located on the same chromosome therefore do not assort independently (unless they are located sufficiently far apart that crossing over takes place every meiotic division, as will be discussed fully in Chapter 7). Genes located close together on the same chromosome do not, however, assort independently. If we consider only the shape of the seeds, the cross was Rr Rr, which yields a 3: 1 phenotypic ratio (3/4 round and 1 /4 wrinkled progeny, see Table 3. The cross was Yy Yy, which produces a 3: 1 phenotypic ratio (3/4 yellow and 1/4 green progeny). We can now combine these monohybrid ratios by using the multiplication rule to obtain the proportion of progeny with different combinations of seed shape and color. The proportion of progeny with round and yellow seeds is 3/4 3 (the probability of round) /4 (the probability of yel9 low) /16. Rr Yy (a) Expected proportions for first character (shape) Expected proportions for second character (color) Expected proportions for both characters Rr Rr Yy Yy Cross Rr Yy Rr Yy Cross 2. Now follow each branch of the diagram, multiplying the probabilities for each trait along that branch. Another branch leads from round to green, yielding round and green progeny, and so forth. We calculate the probability of progeny with a particular combination of traits by using the multiplication rule: the probability of round (3/4) and yellow (3/4) seeds is 3/4 3/4 9/16. The advantage of the branch diagram is that it helps keep track of all the potential combinations of traits that may appear in the progeny. It can be used to determine phenotypic or genotypic ratios for any number of characteristics. Using probability is much faster than using the Punnett square for crosses that include multiple loci. Genotypic and phenotypic ratios can be quickly worked out by combining, with the multiplication rule, the simple ratios in Tables 3. The probability method is particularly efficient if we need the probability of only a particular phenotype or genotype among the progeny of a cross. Suppose we needed to know the probability of obtaining the genotype Rr yy in the F2 of the dihybrid cross in Figure 3. The probability of obtaining the Rr genotype in a cross of Rr Rr is 1/2 and that of obtaining yy progeny in a cross of Yy Yy is 1/4 (see Table 3. Using the multiplication rule, we find the probability of Rr yy to be 1/2 1/4 1/8. To illustrate the advantage of the probability method, consider the cross Aa Bb cc Dd Ee Aa Bb Cc dd Ee. Suppose we wanted to know the probability of obtaining offspring with the genotype aa bb cc dd ee. If we used a Punnett square to determine this probability, we might be working on the solution for months. However, we can quickly figure the probability of obtaining this one genotype by breaking this cross into a series of single-locus crosses: Progeny cross Aa Aa Bb Bb cc Cc Dd dd Ee Ee Genotype aa bb cc dd ee Probability 1 /4 1 /4 1 /2 1 /2 1 /4 Wrinkled 14 / yy rr yy 14 / Green = 1 16 / Wrinkled, green 14 / 3. Branch diagrams are a convenient way of organizing all the combinations of characteristics (Figure 3.

All cellular reproduction includes these three events milwaukee pain treatment services buy aspirin 100pills with amex, but the processes that lead to these events differ in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells because of their structural differences back pain treatment tamil order aspirin 100 pills mastercard. Viruses are neither prokaryotic nor eukaryotic pain memory treatment best purchase aspirin, because they do not possess a cellular structure pain treatment of shingles buy aspirin with a visa. Neither are viruses primitive forms of life: they can reproduce only within host cells, which means that they must have evolved after, rather than before, cells evolved. In addition, viruses are not an evolutionarily distinct group but are most 1 A virus consists of a protein coat. Prokaryotic Cell Reproduction When prokaryotic cells reproduce, the circular chromosome of the bacterium replicates and the cell divides in a process called binary fission (Figure 2. Replication usually begins at a specific place on the bacterial chromosome, called the origin of replication. In a process that is not fully understood, the origins of the two newly replicated chromosomes move away from each other and toward opposite ends of the cell. In at least some bacteria, proteins bind near the replication origins and anchor the new chromosomes to the plasma membrane at opposite ends of the cell. Finally, a new cell wall forms between the two chromosomes, producing two cells, each with an identical copy of the chromosome. At this rate, a single bacterial cell could produce a billion descendants in a mere 10 hours. The nucleus was once thought to be a fluid-filled bag in which the chromosomes floated, but we now know that the nucleus has a highly organized internal scaffolding called the nuclear matrix. Origin of replication Origin of replication the origins are anchored to opposite sides of the cell. The presence of two sets is a consequence of sexual reproduction: one set is inherited from the male parent and the other from the female parent. Each chromosome in one set has a corresponding chromosome in the other set, together constituting a homologous pair (Figure 2. The two chromosomes of a homologous pair are usually alike in structure and size, and each carries genetic information for the same set of hereditary characteristics. However, these two alleles need not be identical: one might encode brown hair and the other might encode blond hair. But not all eukaryotic cells are diploid: reproductive cells (such as eggs, sperm, and spores) and even nonreproductive cells of some organisms may contain a single set of chromosomes. Because eukaryotes possess multiple chromosomes, mechanisms exist to ensure that each new cell receives one copy of each chromosome. Most eukaryotic cells are diploid, and their two chromosome sets can be arranged in homologous pairs. Eukaryotic chromosomes Each eukaryotic species has a characteristic number of chromosomes per cell: potatoes have 48 chromosomes, fruit flies have 8, and humans have 46. Each pair of chromosomes is hybridized to a uniquely colored probe, giving it a distinct color. Most of the time, the chromosomes are thin and difficult to observe but, before cell division, they condense further into thick, readily observed structures; it is at this stage that chromosomes are usually studied. A functional chromosome has three essential elements: a centromere, a pair of telomeres, and origins of replication. The centromere is the attachment point for spindle microtubules-the filaments responsible for moving chromosomes in cell division (Figure 2. Before cell division, a multiprotein complex called the kinetochore assembles on the centro- mere; later, spindle microtubules attach to the kinetochore. Chromosomes lacking a centromere cannot be drawn into the newly formed nuclei; these chromosomes are lost, often with catastrophic consequences for the cell. On the basis of the location of the centromere, chromosomes are classified into four types: metacentric, submetacentric, acrocentric, and telocentric (Figure 2. One of the two arms of a chromosome (the short arm of a submetacentric or acrocentric chromosome) is designated by the letter p and the other arm is designated by q. Telomeres are the natural ends, the tips, of a whole linear chromosome (see Figure 2. Just as plastic tips protect the ends of a shoelace, telomeres protect and stabilize the chromosome ends. If a chromosome breaks, producing new ends, the chromosome is degraded at the newly broken ends. Metacentric Telomere Centromere Two (sister) chromatids Telomere Kinetochore Submetacentric Spindle microtubules the centromere is a constricted region of the chromosome where the kinetochores form and the spindle microtubules attach.


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John Cairns provided the first visible evidence of theta replication in 1963 by growing bacteria in the presence of radioactive nucleotides pain treatment for dogs with cancer buy aspirin 100 pills on line. Radioactivity present in the sample exposes the emulsion and produces a picture of the molecule (called an autoradiograph) advanced pain treatment center jackson tn buy aspirin amex, similar to the way in which light exposes a photographic film dfw pain treatment center & wellness clinic purchase aspirin 100pills with visa. With each revolution around the circle elbow pain treatment youtube aspirin 100 pills overnight delivery, the growing 3 end displaces the nucleotide strand synthesized in the preceding revolution. The linear molecule circularizes either before or after serving as a template for the synthesis of a complementary strand. Rolling-circle replication Another form of replication, called rolling-circle replication (Figure 12. New nucleotides are added to the 3 end of the broken strand, with the inner (unbroken) strand used as a template. As new nucleotides are added to the 3 end, the 5 end of the broken strand is displaced from the template, rolling out like thread being pulled off a spool. Eukaryotic replication proceeds at a rate ranging from 500 to 5000 nucleotides per minute at each replication fork (considerably slower than bacterial replication). The replication of eukaryotic chromosomes actually takes place in a matter of minutes or hours, not days. Typical eukaryotic replicons are from 20,000 to 300,000 base pairs in length (Table 12. Replication takes place on both strands at each end of the bubble, with the two replication forks spreading outward. Important features of theta replication, rolling-circle replication, and linear eukaryotic replication are summarized in Table 12. The newly synthesized strand is complementary and antiparallel to the template strand; the two strands are held together by hydrogen bonds (represented by red dotted lines) between the bases. Rather, it requires a host of enzymes and proteins that function in a coordinated manner. We will examine this complex array of proteins and enzymes as we consider the replication process in more detail. This new strand, which undergoes continuous replication, is called the leading strand. The other template strand is exposed in the 53 direction (the upper strand in Figures 12. This process is repeated again and again, and so synthesis of this strand is in short, discontinuous bursts. The newly made strand that undergoes discontinuous replication is called the lagging strand. In bacterial cells, each Okazaki fragment ranges in length from about 1000 to 2000 nucleotides; in eukaryotic cells, they are about 100 to 200 nucleotides long. At each replication fork, synthesis of the leading strand proceeds continuously and that of the lagging strand proceeds discontinuously. If the bubble has two forks, one at each end, synthesis takes place simultaneously at both forks (bidirectional replication). At each fork, synthesis on one of the template strands proceeds in the same direction as that of unwinding; this newly replicated strand is 330 Chapter 12 the leading strand with continuous replication. On the other template strand, synthesis proceeds in the direction opposite that of unwinding; this newly synthesized strand is the lagging strand with discontinuous replication. Notice that synthesis on this template strand is continuous at one fork but discontinuous at the other. Continuous replication takes place on the circular template as new nucleotides are added to this 3 end. At both forks, synthesis of the leading strand proceeds in the same direction as that of unwinding, whereas synthesis of the lagging strand proceeds in the direction opposite that of unwinding. The following discussion of the process of replication will focus on bacterial systems, where replication has been most thoroughly studied and is best understood. Although many aspects of replication in eukaryotic cells are similar to those in prokaryotic cells, there are some important differences.

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