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By: S. Ali, M.A., M.D.

Associate Professor, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Google Sheets may be used for project management and Google Sites can be used to develop unit components bacteria waste quality dochicin 0.5mg. Students can collaboratively draft their work in shared online spaces and also make the planning visible to other groups bacteria growing kit buy dochicin 0.5mg with visa. We can replicate this approach in higher education by creating collaborative learning activities beyond group discussion forums that allow students to receive self antibiotics for uti for toddler dochicin 0.5 mg sale, peer virus mutation discount dochicin on line, teacher, and community feedback through the use of digital technologies. Collaboration technologies can help with documenting evidence of learning and assessing group work. A variety of assessment data can be visible online and gathered during the evolution of the project to monitor growth. Online environments can provide students with mechanisms to track evidence of growth and learning. This can be helpful for students when working in groups and reflecting on their individual and collective contributions and can inform instructors when assessing group work. Students can document their learning and set goals for future growth and development with an ePortfolio (Figure. Example of an ePortfolio page used to document growth and goals for assessing student learning. Instructors can use learning technologies to support self-assessment (Wiliam & Leahy, 2015). For example, students can use their mobile devices to capture their key learning moments during classroom conversations and include multimodal elements into their self-assessment. Thinking processes and feedback can be made visible while the work progresses in the classroom and outside of the classroom. Online spaces provide documentation and help students track and record iterative design processes and draft work. Figure 7 demonstrates how an instructor can provide feedback to students in an online space. The feedback can be reviewed by all students in the class and students can respond or resolve each individual comment. Peer groups can review work and provide feedback in online spaces "Participatory culture shifts the focus of literacy from individual expression to community involvement" (Jenkins et al. In terms of peer feedback on research papers, laboratory reports or developing collaborative unit plans, students can use the Calibrated Peer Review Tool from the University of California (2017). The flexibility in meeting online does not require travel to the university and time off from work. Instead, experts can join over their lunch break for a short time period and provide advice to students. In Figure 9, a classroom teacher provides undergraduate students with feedback about their unit plan during her lunch break using web conferencing software. In this case, the students shared their work with the expert and in turn, the expert provided immediate feedback to the group. Group members used the microphone and chat box to ask questions and seek further clarification from the outside expert. Outside expert providing advice synchronously using Adobe Connect Web Conferencing taken by Barbara Brown (2018). Friesen and Scott (2013) discuss the value in consulting with experts when students are engaged in exploring realworld problems during the inquiry process. Experts can be invited to interact with the online artifacts of learning and can then provide students with formative feedback and inform the development of criteria for high quality standards. For example, students can seek feedback from community experts by creating videos of their work and posting the results to online video sites such as YouTube. Community members can then watch these videos and provide feedback in the accompanying online discussion forum. TodaysMeet is an example of a tool that can used to arrange synchronous or asynchronous textual feedback from outside experts. As shown in the transcript excerpt (Figure 10) from TodaysMeet, this is an online space that can be used to record ideas and engage in student-expert interactions. Collaborative technologies can be used to guide next steps for learning and for teaching. Students are challenged when working in groups and need supports for working in collaboration and forming interdependent relationships (Thomas & Brown, 2017).

If a food source is not available during denitrification bacteria jokes humor dochicin 0.5mg low cost, the second step takes 7 Activated Sludge Manual place so slowly that nitrites accumulate and chlorine intended for disinfection is consumed in oxidizing the nitrite back to nitrate virus 43 states 0.5 mg dochicin free shipping. Facilities that do not intentionally denitrify must be careful to keep the entire system aerobic virus x book order discount dochicin online, and to be sure that return sludge rates are sufficient to prevent denitrification of the secondary sludge in the clarifier virus 1980 imdb order 0.5 mg dochicin mastercard. Toxicity may result in the over-all loss of nitrification, with increased ammonia in the effluent. This means that the conversion of ammonia to nitrite may occur, while the conversion of nitrite to nitrate may be inhibited, with a corresponding accumulation of nitrite in the effluent. Fuels such as kerosene, jet fuel, gasoline, and diesel oil are some of the materials known to be toxic to Nitrobacter. While this provides disinfection, free chlorine also reacts very quickly with nitrite to oxidize it to nitrate. So in wastewater treatment plants that are very low in effluent ammonia but there is an accumulation of nitrite, disinfection problems are very likely to occur. Phosphorus Importance of Controlling Phosphorus Phosphorus (P) is regulated in wastewater discharged to surface water due to its properties as a fertilizer. Like nitrogen, phosphorus is taken up by living organisms approximately according to the 100C:5N:1P ratio. This is true in agriculture where P is added to soil to encourage the growth of crops, but is also true in aquatic systems where limiting plant growth is desired. Lakes that are cold and deep, with minimal plant growth and very low nutrient concentration are classified as Oligotrophic (oligo = few, trophic = nutrient). Lakes that are in a changing state with regard to nutrient load are classified as Mesotrophic (meso = middle), while lakes that are shallow, warm, and receive high nutrient loading are classified as Eutrophic (eu = well, eutrophication = well nourished). Controlling the eutrophication rate of lakes involves controlling plant growth rate. While nitrogen and phosphorus are both nutrients needed by plants, nitrogen is too available naturally to be used as a practical control method. Phosphorus on the other hand, is only available to lakes as minerals containing phosphorus dissolve, or as fertilizers are discharged to the lake from point source discharges such as wastewater treatment plants or from nonpoint sources such as agricultural run-off. Controlling phosphorus loading into lakes is a practical method of limiting the growth rate of plants and the rate of eutrophication. Phosphorus limits in Michigan have been established for most surface water dischargers at 1. However, this permit limit is determined by the quantity of flow to be discharged, the characteristics of the receiving water, and current nutrient loading. In addition to a concentration limit, many facilities are also limited as to the number of pounds of phosphorus that can be discharged over a period of time. As the population grows and development continues, phosphorus limits have become more restrictive in some areas. This is especially true in areas near lakes where rapid development has occurred and there are many sources of phosphorus contributing to the environment. Forms of Phosphorus in Wastewater the influent concentration of Total P for most municipal wastewater treatment plants ranges from about 2. Total P includes three common forms of P: Organic-P, Poly (condensed) P, and Ortho-P. Organic-P includes P that is a part of organic compounds; food scraps and human and animal wastes contribute this form of P to the waste stream. Organic-P compounds may be soluble (dissolved) in the wastewater, but are often associated with particulate material. Poly-P is soluble, found in many detergents, and is often added to public drinking water 1 Activated Sludge Manual supplies to sequester (tie up) the iron which would otherwise cause scaling and staining problems. This form of phosphorus is soluble, and is common in many detergents and cleaning agents, especially industrial cleaners. A facility with a primary clarifier followed by a trickling filter may remove 20 - 30% of the total influent P. A facility with a primary clarifier followed by activated sludge may remove 30 - 50% of the total influent P.

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Early fine bubble diffusers included porous socks that were tied over coarse bubble diffusers antibiotic resistance of bacteria purchase 0.5mg dochicin amex. These met with limited success antibiotic resistance of streptococcus pyogenes buy dochicin 0.5mg, as it was not unusual for the operator to find many of the socks floating in the aeration tank a short time after installation antibiotics yellow stool buy discount dochicin. Porous plate diffusers were also developed which significantly improved oxygen transfer antibiotic resistance causes dochicin 0.5 mg without prescription, but often plugged and became maintenance intensive. Currently there are several suppliers of fine bubble diffusers on the market, and many activated sludge plants around Michigan have converted coarse bubble systems to fine bubble systems. Modern fine bubble diffusers have reduced energy consumption in activated sludge plants and are less susceptible to plugging. Fine bubble diffusers are available in several configurations, including among others: Ceramic Dome Diffusers Porous Flexible Membrane Diffusers 4 Ceramic Disc Diffusers Activated Sludge Manual Diffuser plugging is still a concern with fine bubble diffusion systems; fouling may occur either from the air side of the diffuser or from the water side. Air side fouling may be caused by dust and dirt that is drawn into the blower and deposited on the inside of the diffuser, oil from the blower or piping, and pipe scale and rust. Water side fouling may occur as a result of power failures, where pressure is lost on the diffuser and solids begin to accumulate on and in the diffusion material. Poor air distribution may allow contaminants to build up on diffusers where the air supply is lower. Other causes of water side fouling include excessive amounts of oil and grease in the wastewater, high organic load on the aeration tank, precipitation of inorganic materials on the diffuser, and bioslime growth on the diffuser. Facilities which utilize ceramic fine bubble systems are sometimes designed with a gas cleaning system in which hydrogen chloride gas is injected into the diffusion system periodically. This gas will form acidic conditions at the diffuser, killing biological slime growths and dissolving inorganic precipitates. This may be performed by staff at the facility or may be contracted to a firm that is more familiar with handling this type of equipment. Although originally thought to be needed about every six months, many facilities have found that cleaning is not required that frequently. Factors Affecting Biological Activity Effect of Temperature on Activated Sludge As is true of any biological system, the activity and efficiency of the biomass in an activated sludge facility is dependant to a fairly large extent on the temperature of the wastewater. It has been demonstrated that each 10 deg C drop in water temperature in the aeration tank reduces biomass activity by about 50%. Wastewater temperature is usually more stable in cities using ground water as the drinking water supply. Influent sewage in these cities usually stays pretty consistently in the 5055 degree F range. Facilities in cities that use lake or river water as the drinking water source may experience a wider range of wastewater temperatures. Often the biggest changes in wastewater temperature occur following a rapid snow melt and after rainfall. As indicated in the graph above, biological activity increases to a maximum at a temperature of about 100 degrees F. Increased temperature beyond that point would be expected to result in a sudden die-off of the biomass. Growth may occur outside of that range, but at a reduced rate, and may result in the filamentous bacteria, especially at low pH values. Although pH may be controlled at the wastewater treatment plant by acid or base addition before the aeration tanks, this is expensive, and not practical at most municipal facilities and large industrial plants. The best means of controlling influent pH is to control the source of acids and bases discharged into the collection system. Toxicity in Activated Sludge Facilities A wide range of organic and inorganic compounds are known to be toxic to activated sludge biomass. Many of the heavy metals such as cadmium, chrome, nickel, and lead are toxic above about 1 mg/L. Silver, and arsenic, and mercury are toxic at concentrations much less than 1 mg/L. Cyanide, herbicides, and pesticides are toxic to this biological system as they are to any other. As organisms become impaired or destroyed by the toxic material, the rate of oxygen uptake decreases, so the D.

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