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By: G. Marus, MD

Deputy Director, TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine

Disorders of emotional expression control are sometimes associated with depression but more often they can be dissociated acne leather jacket trusted ciscutan 5 mg. Disorders of emotional expression control have an adverse impact on the quality of life of stroke survivors acne hormones cheap ciscutan 10 mg overnight delivery. They can disrupt communication acne jeans sale buy ciscutan uk, cause embarrassment and therefore curtail social activities acne hacks purchase ciscutan 30mg on line. Disorders of emotional expression control have been classically associated with bilateral subcortical strokes. More recent systematic studies have shown that they can follow not only bilateral subcortical strokes, but also bilateral pontine and unilateral strokes, including large anterior, cortico-subcortical lesions, lenticulocapsular or thalamocapsular lesions, and also basal pontine strokes. The pathophysiology of the uncontrolled outbursts of laughing and crying is poorly understood. Uncontrolled laughing and crying could result from release of the fasciorespiratory control center from the motor cortex or from disruption of the involuntary pathway. There is recent evidence of disruption of ascending serotoninergic pathways in disorders of emotional expression control. Disorders of emotional expression control (outbursts of laughing, crying or both) are frequent and are often associated with bilateral subcortical strokes. The core symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder are being anxious or worried and having difficulty in controlling worries. In the acute stage restlessness, decreased energy, poor concentration, irritation, nervous tension and insomnia are more common in "anxious or worried" stroke patients, while during follow-up restlessness and nervous tension are more consistently associated with anxiety, while decreased energy is a nonspecific complaint. Besides depression, other consistent clinical and psychiatric correlates are previous psychiatric disorders, pre-stroke depression or anxiety and alcohol abuse. Less consistent correlates include younger age, female gender, aphasia, history of insomnia and cognitive impairment. The most consistent anatomical association of post-stroke anxiety was with anterior circulation strokes. Concerning the outcome of post-stroke anxiety, a sizeable proportion, ranging from one-quarter to one-half, do not recover: post-stroke anxiety with associated depression has an unfavorable prognosis and usually lasts longer. Post-stroke anxiety without depression does not influence functional or cognitive recovery but is associated with worse social functioning and quality of life. Post-stroke anxiety disorders are often associated with depression, previous psychiatric disorders and alcohol abuse. Anxiety disorders Post-stroke anxiety disorders have received comparatively less attention than post-stroke depression. Anxiety in acute stroke can also be secondary to substance use or withdrawal (alcohol, benzodiazepines and illicit drugs). Post-traumatic stress disorder is estimated to affect 10% to 31% [44] of stroke survivors and is associated with depression and anxiety. Post-traumatic stress disorder after stroke is more common in women, in patients with low educational level, and in those with premorbid neuroticism or with a negative affect or appraisal of the stroke experience. It is a prominent and persistent disturbance in mood characterized by elevated, expansive or irritable mood. Clinical features of post-stroke mania also include increased rate or amount of speech, talkativeness, language thought and content disturbance, such as flights of ideas, racing thoughts, grandiose ideation and lack of insight, hyperactivity and social disinhibition and decreased need for sleep. In severe cases distractibility, confusion, delusions and hallucinations may be also present. To distinguish between true post-stroke mania and a reactivation of previous undiagnosed primary mania, it is crucial to obtain a careful history of previous manic or hypomanic episodes or symptoms.

A widely accepted concept is that spontaneous emission of sound energy occurs when the local amplifiers are not functioning properly and enter some sort of limit cycle [Zweig and Shera acne home remedies cheap 40 mg ciscutan, 1995] skin care forum purchase 10mg ciscutan with visa. However acne extractions cheap generic ciscutan uk, there remains doubt about the nature of this process [Allen and Neely (1992) skin care routine for dry skin purchase ciscutan american express, Hudspeth (1989), Nobili and coworkers (1998)]. Nevertheless, it was surprising when Brownell and colleagues [1985] found that the outer hair cells have electromotility: the cell expands and contracts in an oscillating electric field, either extra- or intracellular. The electromotility exists at frequencies far higher than possible for normal contractile mechanisms [Ashmore, 1987]. It has not been determined if the electromotility can operate to the 200 kHz used by high frequency mammals. In a continuation of the work reported by Hemmert and coworkers [1996], the force generation is found to continue to 80 kHz in the constrained cell. In contradiction, however, the same laboratory [Preyer and coworkers (1996)] finds that the intracellular voltage change due to displacement of the cilia drops off at a low frequency. The motility appears to be due to a passive piezoelectric behavior of the cell plasma membrane [Kalinec and colleagues, 1992]. Iwasa and Chadwick [1992] measured the deformation of a cell under pressure loading and voltage clamping and computed the elastic properties of the wall, assuming isotropy. Displacement of the cilia in the excitatory direction causes an opening of the ion channels in the cilia. There is evidence that the channels are located at the point of closest proximity of the two cilia. The tip and lateral links are important to maintain the correct stiffness and position. The opening of the channels decreases the intracellular potential, causing a piezoelectric contraction of the cell and excitation of the neural synapses. This can be modeled by a constant flow rate pump, leak channel, and spring controlled gate. The inner hair cell also has cilia, no piezoelectric property, but about twenty afferent synapses. Holley [1990] finds circumferential filaments of the cytoskeleton with an average nonzero angle of about 26. Mechanical measurements of the cell wall by Tolomeo and coworkers [1996] directly confirm the orthotropic stiffness. Subsequent work by Hudspeth [1989] and Assad and Corey [1992] shows convincingly that there is a resting tension in the links. A displacement of the ciliary bundle in the excitatory direction causes an opening of ion channels in the cilia, which in turn decreases the intracellular potential. This depolarization causes neural excitation, and in the piezoelectric outer hair cells, a decrease of the cell length. A purely mechanical analog model of the gating is in Steele [1992], in which the ion flow is replaced by viscous fluid flow and the intracellular pressure is analogous to the voltage. A constant flow-rate pump and leak channel at the base of the cell establish the steady-state condition of negative intracellular pressure, tension in the tip links, and a partially opened gate at the cilia through which there is an average magnitude of flow. The pressure drop of the flow through the gate has a nonlinear negative spring effect on the system. If the cilia are given a static displacement, the stiffness for small perturbation displacement is dependent on the amplitude of the initial displacement, as observed by Hudspeth [1989]. For oscillatory forcing of the cilia, the fluid analog shows that a gain in power is possible, as in an electrical or fluidic amplifier, and that a modest change in the parameters can lead to instability. Cochlear Mechanics 63-11 Thus it appears that amplification in the cochlea resides in the gating of the outer hair cell cilia, while the motility is due to passive piezoelectric properties of the cell wall. The flow through the gate has significant nonlinearity at small amplitudes of displacement of the cilia (10 nm). Sufficiently high amplitudes of displacement of the cilia will cause the tip links to buckle. We estimate that this will occur at around 70 dB sound pressure level, thereby turning off the active process for higher sound intensity. There is evidence reported by Hackney and colleagues [1996] that the channels do not occur at either end of the tip links, but at the region of closest proximity of the cilia, as shown in Figure 63. Mechanical models such as in Furness and colleagues [1997], indicate that the channels at such a location can also be opened by force on the cilia.

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In this regard acne ziana generic ciscutan 30mg without a prescription, it may be of interest to quote Swanson [12] who said in 1979 that "there exists at present no experimental evidence which certainly shows that a failure of lubrication is or is not a causative factor in the first stages of cartilage degeneration acne vs rosacea buy ciscutan in india. Glimcher fully recognized the fundamental difference between friction and wear as well as the difference between joint lubrication (one area of study) and joint degeneration (another area of study) acne-fw13c discount ciscutan on line. Glimcher said that wearing or abrading cartilage with a steel file is not osteoarthritis; and neither 50-16 Biomedical Engineering Fundamentals is digesting cartilage in a test tube with an enzyme acne gender equality cheap ciscutan 40 mg on line. But both forms of cartilage deterioration can occur in a living joint and in a way which is still not understood. It is interesting that essentially none of the many synovial joint lubrication theories consider enzymatic degradation of cartilage as a factor whereas practically all the models of the etiology of degenerative joint disease include this as an important factor. It was stated earlier that there are at least two main areas to consider, that is, (1) mechanisms of synovial joint lubrication and (2) the etiology of synovial joint degeneration. And the key questions as to what actually happens in each have yet to be answered (and perhaps asked). It may therefore be presumptuous of the present author to suggest possible connections between two areas which in themselves are still not fully understood. Tribological processes in a movable joint involve not only the contacting surfaces (articular cartilage), but the surrounding medium (synovial fluid) as well. Each of these depends on the synthesis and transport of necessary biochemical constituents to the contact region or interface. As a result of relative motion (sliding, rubbing, rolling, and impact) between the joint elements, friction and wear can occur. It has already been shown and discussed - at least in in vitro tests with articular cartilage - that compounds which reduce friction do not necessarily reduce wear; the latter was suggested as being more important [10]. It may be helpful first of all to emphasize once again that friction and wear are different phenomena. A significant increase in joint friction could lead to a slight increase in local temperatures or possibly to reduce mobility. When cartilage wear occurs, a very special material is lost and the body is not capable of regenerating cartilage of the same quality nor at the desired rate. Thus, there are at least two major tribological dimensions involved - one concerning the nature of the synovial fluid and the other having to do with the properties of articular cartilage itself. Changes in either the synovial fluid or cartilage could conceivably lead to increased wear or damage (or friction) as shown in Figure 50. A simplified model or illustration of possible connections between osteoarthritis and tribology is offered in Figure 50. There are other pathways to the disease, pathways which may include genetic factors. In some cases, the body makes an unsuccessful attempt at repair, and bone growth may occur at the periphery of contact. This softer, degraded cartilage does not possess the wear-resistance of the original. It has been shown previously that treatment of cartilage with collagenase-3 increases wear significantly, thus supporting the idea of enzyme release as a factor in osteoarthritis. Thus, there exists a feedback process in which the occurrence of cartilage wear can lead to even more damage. Degradative enzymes can also be released by trauma, shock, or injury to the joint. Ultimately, as the cartilage is progressively thinned and bony growth occurs, a condition of osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease may exist. Joint Lubrication Joint friction Cartilage repair Synthesis of biochemical constituents Triboprocesses Cartilage wear Wear particles Inflammation Softening and degradation of cartilage Enzyme release Trauma, shock, injury Other pathways? However, the inclusion of tribological processes in one set of pathways to osteoarthrosis would not seem strange or unusual. A specific example of a different tribological dimension to the problem of synovial joint lubrication. In an excellent study of the effect of crystals on the wear of articular cartilage, they carried out in vitro tests using cylindrical cartilage subchondral bone plugs obtained from equine fetlock joints in sliding contact against a stainless steel plate. Concentration of cartilage wear debris in the fluid was determined by analyzing for inorganic sulphate derived from the proteoglycans present.

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The hair cells project small cilia or hairs skin care books cheap ciscutan 5mg on-line, called stereocilia acne 9 weeks pregnant buy cheap ciscutan line, from the apical surface of the cell body into the otolith gel layer and cupula (see Figure 64 acne attack purchase ciscutan 30mg without a prescription. Each stereocilium has an internal core of actin acne and hormones 20mg ciscutan amex, which deforms when a force is applied to its top. Because of the tapered base, most of the deformation in a stereocilium is bending in this tapered section with a top force applied. Both bending and shear deformation take place throughout the entire stereocilia when they are deflected. The stereocilia of a single hair cell form a bundle, with definite regular spacing in an hexagonal array when viewed form the top (see Figure 64. The height of each stereocilium in a bundle increases, in a stepwise fashion, to form an organ pipe arrangement. Stereocilia in a bundle are bound together by a set of links the run from stereocilia to stereocilia. These links come in many types; however, there are two main structural types, tip links that run up at an angle from the tip of the stereocilia to its next taller neighbor, and upper lateral links that run horizontally in sets. The lateral links extend from one stereocilia to its six neighbors, forming six sets associated with each stereocilia. A set is composed of a group of links that are spaced up and down the height of the stereocilia. The protein composition of these links is unknown, but each type of link is believed to have a different structure. The tallest cilia in the bundle is different in structure from the stereocilia and is called a kinocilium, which has the 9+2 microtubule structure of a true cilium. The microtubule structure lacks the biochemical ability to be mobile and it appears to be present for structural rigidity only. These interconnected stereocilia and kinocilium form a complete vestibular bundle. Kinocilia are attached to the cupula and otoconial gel layer so that when these are deflected the kinocilia are also deflected pulling the entire hair cell bundle with it. Due to the fixation and drying for electron microscopy many artifacts are introduced in the bundle. The increased tension in a tip link increases the probability that an ion channel attached to the tip link will open. These ion channels are imbedded in the outer lipid bilayer of the hair cell and there is evidence that there are as many as two channels on each tip link. When tip link tension opens a channel, it allows free positive ions from the surrounding endolymph fluid to flow into the intercellular space of the hair cell. This influx of positive ions decreases the resting membrane potential of the cell. This starts the cascade of events that are associated with the depolarization of any sensory receptor cell, which ends with the release of neurotransmitter, and firing of the nerve that is in contact with the cell. In this fashion the mechanical deflection of the hair cell`s bundle is converted into a neural signal. This process is termed mechanotransduction, and when linked with the extracellular structure of otoconial layer deflection and cupula deflection, the entire organ function becomes a complex inertial motion sensor of the head. This analysis was done using a custom-written program that will accommodate any hair bundle configuration [Cotton and Grant, 2000]. The resulting model is a three-dimensional, distributed parameter formulation which ramps up any applied force in incremental steps. Each force step considers the new, deformed geometry and recalculates displacements, link tensions, and internal force directions, until each of these values converges. These plots are topviews of the bundle where each stereocilia and kinocilium in the bundle is represented by a circle. The number inside each circle represents the tension in the tip link attached to the top of that stereocilium which runs to the side of the next taller stereocilium. The shading is a relative designation of the tip link tension within that bundle, with dark indicating maximum tension.