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By: M. Yokian, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Deputy Director, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Naloxone cholesterol killers generic lipitor 40mg online, an opioid antagonist cholesterol medication efficacy proven 20 mg lipitor, should be considered for administration to patients with respiratory depression in a confirmed or suspected opioid overdose 7 cholesterol medication frequent urination order 5mg lipitor. Naloxone administration via the intravenous route provides more predictable bioavailability and flexibility in dosing and titration 8 cholesterol medication gemfibrozil generic 10 mg lipitor visa. Naloxone administration via the intranasal or intramuscular routes or as a nebulized solution provide additional options of medication delivery 9. Assess the patient for other etiologies of altered mental status including hypoxia (pulse oximetry less than 94%), hypoglycemia, hypotension, and traumatic head injury 4. Legally prescribed opioids are also manufactured as an adhesive patch for transdermal absorption, and if found, should be removed from the skin Treatments and Interventions 1. Critical resuscitation (opening and/or maintaining the airway, provision of oxygen, ensuring adequate circulation) should be performed prior to naloxone administration 2. If the patient has respiratory depression from a confirmed or suspected opioid overdose, consider naloxone administration a. The administration of the initial dose or subsequent doses can be incrementally titrated until respiratory depression is reversed 3. The cartons of naloxone auto-injectors prescribed to laypersons contain two naloxone auto-injectors and one trainer. High-potency opioids [see Key Considerations] may require higher and/or more frequently administered doses of naloxone to reverse respiratory depression and/or to maintain adequate respirations 5. Regardless of the doses of naloxone administered, airway management with provision of adequate oxygenation and ventilation is the primary goal in patients with confirmed or suspected opioid overdose Patient Safety Considerations 1. The clinical opioid reversal effect of naloxone is limited and may end within an hour whereas opioids often have a duration of 4 hours or longer b. Monitor the patient for recurrent respiratory depression and decreased mental status 2. Patients with altered mental status secondary to an opioid overdose may become agitated or violent following naloxone administration due to opioid withdrawal therefore the goal is to use the lowest dose as possible to avoid precipitating withdrawal Updated November 23, 2020 268 b. Be prepared for this potential scenario and take the appropriate measures in advance to ensure and maintain scene safety 3. Overuse and abuse of prescribed and illegal opioids has led to an increase in accidental and intentional opioid overdoses 4. Opioids have a high potential for abuse, but have an accepted medical use in patient treatment and can be prescribed by a physician c. Frequent legally prescribed opioids include codeine, fentanyl, hydrocodone, morphine, hydromorphone, methadone, morphine, oxycodone, and oxymorphone d. Some opioids are manufactured as a combination of analgesics with acetaminophen, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), or other substances b. In the scenario of an overdose, there is a potential for multiple drug toxicities c. Fentanyl is 50-100 times more potent than morphine - it is legally manufactured in an injectable and oral liquid, tablet, and transdermal (worn as a patch) forms however much of the fentanyl adulterating the heroin supply are illegal fentanyl analogs such as acetyl fentanyl b. In the concentration in which it is legally manufactured (3 mg/mL), an intramuscular dose of 2 mL of carfentanil will sedate an elephant c. The risk of respiratory arrest with subsequent cardiac arrest from an opioid overdose as well as hypoxia (pulse oximetry 94%), hypercarbia, and aspiration may be increased when other substances such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, or other medications have also been taken by the patient b. Pediatric Considerations: the signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose may also be seen in newborns who have been delivered from a mother with recent or chronic opioid use. American College of Medical Toxicology and the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology, Preventing Occupational Fentanyl and Fentanyl Analog Exposure to Emergency Responders. Revision Date: September 8, 2017 Updated November 23, 2020 271 Airway Respiratory Irritants Aliases Respiratory irritant, airway injury, respiratory injury, chemical respiratory injury, toxic inhalation Patient Care Goals Rapid recognition of the signs and symptoms of confirmed or suspected airway respiratory irritants. Inhalation of a variety of gases, mists, fumes, aerosols, or dusts may cause irritation or injury to the airways, pharynx, lung, asphyxiation, or other systemic effects 2.

Which of the following pressure measurements is used clinically to approximate left ventricular preload By plotting left ventricular preload versus ventricular output cholesterol test during pregnancy lipitor 5 mg online, one can identify normal is the cholesterol in eggs in the yolk or white buy discount lipitor 20 mg, hyperdynamic cholesterol genetic test buy lipitor on line, and failing hearts cholesterol medication good or bad proven 10 mg lipitor. Phil Tsao) are evaluating whether cell based therapies might benefit patients with heart disease. Pressure-volume loops can be used to describe which of the following properties of the left ventricle For proper evaluation of cardiac function using transesophageal echocardiography the patient must not be sedated. Echocardiography may identify regional or global ventricular wall motion abnormalities. Organic nitrates Calcium channel blockers Understand the factors that influence cardiac oxygen supply and demand and the patho-physiology of angina pectoris. Appreciation of Basic and Tomographic anatomy Application of morphology to clinical medical situations Direction or further study through reference material cited below. General description of cardiac anatomy and relations Coronary artery morphology Morphology of the various heart chambers and valves Tomographic anatomy of the heart and great vessels the Visual Human Dissector: A tomographic trip Relations to tomographic techniques References material the unique opportunity of this introduction lecture is to define the tomographic anatomy of the heart in the planes used with modern tomographic techniques such as magnetic resonance, computerized tomography and ultrasound. There are 3 reference planes in the body (slide 3): the sagittal and coronal planes (named after the sutures in the skull) and the horizontal plane. Its relations are the lungs laterally, the trachea and esophagus and vertebral bodies posteriorly, the thymus and great vessels superiorly. This can be palpated clinically in the 4th left intercostal space in the mid-clavicular line just below the left nipple. The heart is surrounded by the pericardial sac, part of the primitive coelomic cavity into which it invaginates during embryogenesis. Thus the heart lies in a space (the pericardium), which has visceral and parietal layers, the visceral layer being the epicardium and the parietal layer the fibrous pericardium. On the outside of the heart on the pericardial surface lie the two phrenic nerves (left & right) which lie anterior to the hilum of the lung and transmit the vascular and bronchial elements to it. The Vagus nerves run posterior to the hilum of the lung on the esophageal surface. Sympathetic innervation is via the lower cervical and superior thoracic ganglia, and the parasympathetic innervation via the Vagus nerves. The fibers course over the connective tissue to the vascular and muscular sites along the cardiac vessels. The anterior surface is made up of the right atrium and the great systemic veins on the right. The right atrial appendage (right auricle) and the right ventricle form the major anterior surface. The anterior descending coronary artery is a delimiting artery between the two ventricles and, with its accompanying vein, lies on the junction of the ventricular septum with the left and right ventricles. A small part of the left ventricle and atrium make up the rest of the anterior surface. On X-ray, the right heart is made up, from top to bottom, of the superior vena cava, the right atrium, and the inferior vena cava. The left heart border, from top to bottom, is made up of the aortic knuckle, the main pulmonary artery, the left atrial appendage and the left ventricle. Posteriorly the heart is largely comprised of the left ventricle and left atrium on the left, with lesser portions of the right-sided chambers making up the posterior surface. The posterior descending coronary artery and its accompanying vein is the vascular bundle delimiting the attachment of the ventricular septum to the myocardium of the left and right ventricles. The fatty tissue around the heart lies largely in association with the vascular bundles. When the heart is removed from the pericardial sac, the anchoring vessels are seen as the support of the heart within the pericardium. These spaces between the vessels form the transverse and oblique pericardial sinuses. The coronary veins arise from the oblique vein lying over the left atrium (the vein of Marshall - a remnant of the anterior left-sided cardinal vein from embryogenesis) and the vena comitantes (accompanying vein) of the left anterior coronary artery called the great cardiac vein.

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Contaminated clothing can release toxic fumes cholesterol medication crestor cheap lipitor 10mg amex, exposing first responders to inhalation injury cholesterol ratio 2.2 generic 10mg lipitor with mastercard. Decontamination is the process of removing or neutralizing a hazard from the victim to prevent further harm and enhance the potential for full clinical recovery cholesterol lowering foods fish buy generic lipitor canada. For all chemical burns cholesterol foods bad buy discount lipitor 10mg online, immediate removal of the contaminated clothing (including underwear, gloves, shoes, jewelry and belongings) is critical. All contaminated clothing and belongings should be handled or disposed of according to organizational/institutional protocols to prevent secondary contamination to others. Water Irrigation Brush any powdered chemical from the skin prior to beginning irrigation. Then, begin continuous irrigation of the involved areas with copious amounts of water. Irrigation should be continued from the pre-hospital scene through emergency evaluation in the hospital. Efforts to neutralize the chemical are contraindicated due to the potential generation of heat (an exothermic reaction), which could contribute to further tissue destruction. Irrigation in the hospital should be continued until the patient experiences a decrease in pain or burning in the wound or until the patient has been evaluated in a burn center. Skin pH can be checked by using pH test strips and should be performed before and after irrigation. It may take 30 minutes of irrigation or more, depending on initial skin pH, to achieve a normal skin pH level. If the chemical exposure is to a large body surface area, caution must be taken to avoid hypothermia. Patients who are wearing contact lenses, with or without facial burns, should have the lenses removed prior to development of facial and periorbital edema. Chemicals may also adhere to the lenses, prolonging exposure to the chemical and presenting further problems. Only after initial therapy has begun, it is helpful to try and identify the causative agent and any associated medical risks, including potential systemic toxicity. A Poison Control Center may be helpful in identifying the active agent in many commercial products (1-800-222-1222 or your local Poison Control Center). Chemical Injuries to the Eye Alkalis cause chemical eye injuries twice as frequently as acids, and occur primarily in young adults at home, in industrial accidents, and in assaults. Alkalis bond to tissue proteins and require prolonged irrigation to dilute the chemical and stop progression of the injury. Chemical eye injuries cause severe lacrimation, conjunctivitis and progressive injury to the cornea that can lead to blindness. A patient who develops an opaque cornea on exam may have limited prognosis for recovery. Irrigation from the scene to the emergency room is mandatory to minimize tissue damage. In the case of a chemical burn to the eye, consult all an ophthalmologist and continuously irrigate the eye. The majority of patients presenting with an alkali eye burn will have swelling and/or spasm of the eyelids. To adequately irrigate for extended periods of time, the eyelids must be forced apart to allow flushing of the eye. In the emergency department, irrigation should be performed by placing catheters in the medial sulcus for irrigation with normal saline or a balanced salt solution. This allows for prolonged irrigation without runoff of the solution into the opposite eye. Extreme caution should be used when employing this irrigating modality to prevent additional injury to the eye. Patients who wear contact lenses, with or without facial burns, should have the lenses removed prior to development of facial and periorbital edema. Chemicals may adhere to the lenses, prolonging exposure to the chemical and causing further injury. Continue irrigation until the patient has been fully evaluated by a qualified professional. An ophthalmologist in consultation with the burn center should see all chemical injuries to the eye. Pediatric Chemical Burns Children have thin skin which is easily injured by toxic chemicals.

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