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By: O. Quadir, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

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Recombinant viruses that have been bioengineered to be harmless can also carry new genetic information for transfer into cells, or into an entire host organism (an example of gene therapy) vegetal coloration a resemblance to vegetation which allows organisms to conceal themselves from predators or prey vegetal hemisphere the half of an oocyte or egg with more yolk, or the corresponding half of an early embryo with the slower dividing yolk-laden cells vegetal pole the portion of an oocyte or egg that is opposite the animal pole and contains most of the yolk granules. See "animal pole" vegetative reproduction asexual reproduction, such as budding or fragmentation, and therefore does not involve a recombination of genetic material velarium a structure that resembles a hydrozoan velum In scyphozoan medusae, but has a different embryonic origin veliger a molluskan larva in which the foot, mantle and shell first make their appearance. It functions in locomotion veneer reef a reef with very little calcium carbonate accretion. A non-reef coral community venomous pertaining to an organism that has a venom, usually secreted by a gland, that is injected through hollow spines or teeth A venomous cone shell. When close to its prey, usually another gastropod mollusk, it expands its long proboscis exploring for soft parts. These filter-feeding shelled snails, called worm-shells, are gregarious colonial animals which develop massive structures. A vermetid reef may be seen in southwestern Florida, south of Fort Meyers in the Ten Thousand Islands area vermiculation a worm-like marking vermiform worm-shaped vermilion bright red color vermivore an animal which feeds upon worms and worm-like animals vernacular name the colloquial or common name of a taxon, i. Vernacular names have no status in nomenclature verruca a wart-like projection; a small cylindrical projection arising from the corallum that contain calices verrucose having a warty appearance. They occupy most of the interior of each arm, and have sockets by which they connect to each other vertebrate an animal that possesses a vertebral column (back bone), such as fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals Vertebrate animals of the fish class Osteichthyes. Anthony Picciolo) vertical classification classification which stresses common descent and tends to unite ancestral and descendant groups of a phyletic line in a single higher taxon, separating them from contemporaneous taxa having reached a similar grade of evolutionary change vertical fin the unpaired dorsal, caudal and anal fins. Vertical fins are also called median fins VertNet a taxon-based, distributed database networks of natural history vertebrate collection data. Each network has a separate search portal that is designed to query the participating institutions and return results in a standardized format. Specimen collection data may be searched as well as map specimens that have latitude and longitude coordinates vesiculate thin and bladder-like vestigial structure an incompletely or ineffectively developed structure which is greatly reduced from the original ancestral form and is no longer functional viable. Some species in this genus cause cholera in humans and other diseases in other animals, including corals Vibrio vulnificus pili, a bacterium normally found in temperate estuarine waters, and as a colonizer of molluscan shellfish, such as oysters. Videotaping along a linear transect reduces the variance in error inherent with visual observations made by a diver or snorkeler, and allows virtually unlimited time for study of the images by many individuals villiform. It consists only of a strand of nucleic acid without the protein coat (capsid) characteristic of a virus virology the study of viruses virtual library virtual libraries provide online access to specialized collections of information resources. Normally they include bibliographic citations with links to full text documents and other online resources such as video or photos. Virtual Libraries can also serve as gateways to information and resources on science, management, and policy for researchers, scientists, resource managers, policymakers, stakeholders, and the general public. A virus is not a cell, and is "lifelike" only when replicating itself at the expense of the host cell viscera the internal organs, collectively, of an coelomate organism, especially those located within the abdominal cavity, but also to the organs within the thoracic and mediastinal cavities visceral hump the main body of a mollusk, which contains most of the organs, including a complete digestive and excretory tract as well as the reproductive organs. The visceral hump also includes the mantle, which consists of two external flaps of tissue that secretes the material that forms the shell on some species, and it protects the mantle cavity. Most mollusks have a shell, which sits on the visceral hump and a protects the main body from predators viscid egg an adhesive egg that is deposited on sand, gravel, plants, etc. The program accepts input of parameters necessary to determine long-term service loss from the injury (injured area size and degree; times of injury, functional shape, and equilibrium; post-injury recovery); parameters to determine long-term service gain from compensatory restoration actions (times of restoration beginning and equilibrium; maximum service level; service gain function shape); and general program parameters (relative value of lost and gained services, baseline level of lost and gained services, discount rate). It can and has been used by both researchers and non-scientists to document observations of reefs at specific points in time, which can be followed up in subsequent observations to assess changes in the state of individual coral colonies, selected coral species, or a reef as a whole vitellaria larva a ciliated larva of echinoderms, such as sea lillies (Crinoidea), some sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea), and brittle stars (Ophiuroidea) viviparity a form of reproduction where the offspring are nourished in the reproductive tract of the female (other than by a yolk sac) and then expelled from the mother as free-swimming young. A type specimen is a particular voucher specimen which serves as a basis for the taxonomic description of a species vulnerable species a species that is particularly at risk because of low or declining numbers, a small range, or for some other reason, but is not threatened or endangered A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z wake waves generated in the water by a moving vessel wall the reef slope, which may suddenly drop off into deeper water, forming a nearly vertical wall wash zone the depth zone in which sediments are disturbed by wave action near the shoreline waste water water that is a mixture of water and dissolved or suspended solids carrying wastes from homes, businesses and industries wastewater treatment plant a facility containing a series of tanks, screens, filters and other processes by which pollutants are removed from water water pure water consists of hydrogen and oxygen, H2O. It is a binary compound that occurs at room temperature as a colorless, odorless, tasteless, transparent liquid which is very slightly compressible. It is the most important natural solvent, and frequently contains impurities, which are mostly removed by distillation Wave sweeps toward a coastline. The water table is set where hydrostatic pressure equals atmospheric pressure; the surface between phreatic water which completely fills voids in the rock and ground air which partially fills higher voids water vascular system in echinoderms, a system of internal canals and appendages that are water-filled and functions as a means of locomotion watershed an area of land that drains downslope to the lowest point.

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The epithelium and its secretions protect the stomach from the erosive effect of acid pepsin in the gastric lumen gastritis y dolor de espalda purchase imodium 2mg online. Bicarbonate produced during hydrochloric acid formation by parietal cells enters the mucosal microcirculation beneath the surface lining and contributes to its protection also gastritis diet food recipes order imodium australia. The mucus secreted by the cardiac and pyloric glands helps to protect the mucosa where the stomach joins the esophagus and duodenum gastritis peptic ulcers symptoms buy imodium cheap online, respectively antral gastritis diet chart discount 2mg imodium. Gastrin-producing endocrine cells are present in large numbers in the pyloric glands; gastrin stimulates acid secretion and gastric motility. Because of the large population of G cells, the pyloric region is not merely a mucus-secreting area but also assumes the status of an endocrine organ. Duodenal glands secrete an alkaline fluid that contains factors which protects the proximal duodenal mucosa from the acid pepsin of the stomach. The alkaline secretions of the pancreas and liver elevate the pH to neutral or alkaline and provide an environment optimal for the activities of digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas; the proteolytic enzyme of the stomach, pepsin, is deactivated. Bile salts also are added to the intestinal contents and act as detergents or emulsifying agents to aid in the digestion of fats by pancreatic lipase. The final degradation of materials to their basic components (amino acids, monosugars, monoglycerides, and fatty acids) occurs on the luminal surface of the intestinal epithelial cells just prior to absorption. The intestinal wall is specialized for absorption of digested materials, and the surface area available is greatly increased by the plicae circulares, villi, and microvilli. The efficiency of absorption is further increased by movement of the villi and by segmental movement of the luminal contents by contractions of the muscularis externa, which move the intestinal contents back and forth. Peristaltic waves of the muscularis externa move the contents through the intestine and along the remainder of the tract. Correspondingly, there is an increase in the number of goblet cells distally in the small intestine to provide mucus for lubrication. Goblet cells are among the most numerous cells in the colon, and they increase in number toward the rectum. Villi are absent in the colon, but intestinal glands remain a prominent feature of the mucosa. The primary function of the colon is to absorb fluid that remains in the luminal contents. As the fecal mass develops, secretions from the large population of goblet cells provide the lubrication necessary to prevent damage to the colonic mucosa. The anal canal is lined by a wet stratified squamous epithelium that protects this area from abrasion by the feces during defecation. Smooth muscle of the inner circular layer of the muscularis externa forms the internal anal sphincter. The surrounding skeletal muscle fibers of the pelvic diaphragm adjacent to the anal orifice form the external sphincter, which is under voluntary control. The immunologic barrier extends throughout the digestive tract and is the combined product of epithelial and lymphatic cells. The epithelial component, the secretory piece, is thought to protect the immunoglobulin from digestion both within and outside the cell. In the small intestine and colon, this barrier together with phagocytes forms a protective sleeve around the intestinal lumen. Large amounts of IgA also enter the intestinal lumen from the liver via the hepatobiliary pathway and play an important role in keeping the population of microorganisms in check. From its exocrine portion, the pancreas provides enzymes that digest carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. The endocrine portion secretes insulin and glucagon, hormones that are instrumental in regulating blood glucose levels, the flow of glucose across cell membranes, and glyconeogenesis in the liver. Carbohydrate is stored by the liver as glycogen, which can be released into the bloodstream as glucose. The liver contributes bile salts for the emulsification of fats during digestion, plays a vital role in detoxification, and supplies proteins that are important in blood coagulation. Lipid is complexed to protein in the hepatocytes, secreted into the perisinusoidal space, and transported in the blood as plasma lipoprotein. The endocrine cells of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreatic islets produce hormones that influence or control gastrointestinal secretions, gastrointestinal motility, gastric emptying, gallbladder contraction, and pancreatic and liver secretion. How the specific hormones interact with one another or are influenced by other major endocrine organs is under current investigation.

Protein gastritis diet 500 imodium 2 mg on line, alone or combined with lipid or carbohydrate gastritis diet ìàæîð generic imodium 2 mg on line, forms the major structural component of the cell and the intercellular substances gastritis diet ùë generic 2 mg imodium free shipping. The major carbohydrates are glucose bile gastritis diet order generic imodium on-line, which is the chief source of energy in human cells, and glycogen, the storage form of glucose. Complexes of carbohydrates and proteins form the main constituents of intercellular substances that bind cells together. Lipids serve as an energy source; they also have important structural functions and are major components of the membrane systems of cells. Inorganic materials are as much an integral component of protoplasm as proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids; without them physiologic processes are impossible. All living cells show these properties, but in some cells a particular property may be emphasized. Irritability is a fundamental property of all living cells and refers to the ability to respond to a stimulus. Conductivity refers to the ability of a cell to transmit a stimulus from the point of origin to another point on the cell surface or to other cells. Conductivity also is a property of all cells but, like irritability, is most highly developed in nerve tissue. Contractility is the ability of a cell to change shape in response to a stimulus and generally is indicated by a shortening of the cell in some direction. Absorption involves transfer of materials across the cell membrane into the interior of the cell, where it might be used in some manner. Metabolism refers to the ability of a cell to break down absorbed material to produce energy. Secretion is the process by which cells elaborate and release materials for use elsewhere. Excretion, on the other hand, is the elimination from cells of metabolic waste products. There are limits to the size a cell can attain without sacrificing the efficiency with which nutrients and oxygen reach the interior of the cell. Beyond a maximum size, increase in the amount of protoplasm occurs through reproduction (division) of cells. Cytoplasmic Organelles Organelles are specialized units of the cell that perform specific functions and constitute part of the living substance of the cell. Organelles include structures such as the plasmalemma, granular and smooth forms of endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi complexes, mitochondria, lysosomes, peroxisomes, and centrioles. Many organelles are limited by membranes that are similar in structure to the boundary (plasmalemma) of the cell itself. These membranes, including the cell membrane, are metabolically active sheets that are essential to the life of the cell. In electron micrographs, the membranes exhibit a trilaminar structure consisting of inner and outer dense lines separated by a light zone. Because the trilaminar structure is representative of all biologic membranes of a cell, it has been called a unit membrane. The thickness of the unit membrane varies from organelle to organelle and generally is greatest where it forms the plasmalemma. While the membranes of different organelles appear to have only minor morphologic variations, they vary considerably in chemical composition, enzymatic properties, and functions. The membranous organelles act to compartmentalize the cell interior into discrete functional units so the biochemical events associated with one organelle do not interfere with those occurring in adjacent organelles. The nucleus contains the hereditary or genetic material and is completely surrounded by cytoplasm, from which it is separated by a nuclear envelope. The cytoplasm is limited by a plasmalemma (cell membrane), which separates the cell from the external environment. Within the cytoplasm are several structures representing organelles and inclusions. Organelles are highly organized, living structural units of the cytoplasm that perform specific functions in the cell. Inclusions generally represent inert cell products or metabolites that often are only temporary components.

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Two rounds of Delphi voting took place via electronic submission of votes by the panel gastritis diet ðáê order 2 mg imodium with visa. Validity and feasibility of each item was assessed by the Delphi panel on a nine-point scale for each of the 11 items and the mean of each item was obtained gastritis espanol imodium 2mg with visa. The aggregate score of the means of validity and feasibility decided the final five items atrophic gastritis symptoms uk buy discount imodium line. Sources American Academy of Pediatrics gastritis diet using frozen purchase imodium line, Diagnosis and Management of Bronchiolitis, Subcommittee on Diagnosis and Management of Bronchiolitis, Pediatrics. Chest radiograph in the evaluation of first time wheezing episodes: review of current clinical efficacy. Dexamethasone in salbutamol-treated inpatients with acute bronchiolitis: A randomized, controlled trial. Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis: a double-blind dexamethasone efficacy study. Diagnosis and Management of Bronchiolitis, Subcommittee on Diagnosis and Management of Bronchiolitis. Impact of pulse oximetry and oxygen therapy on length of stay in bronchiolitis hospitalizations. Longitudinal assessment of hemoglobin oxygen saturation in healthy infants during the first 6 months of age. Continuous versus intermittent pulse oximetry monitoring of children hospitalized for bronchiolitis. Clinical evaluation and imaging often provide additive information and should be assessed together to make a reliable diagnosis and to plan care. A task force made up of the Steering Committee and specialty council/center leadership convened, and its members also provided recommendations. Minamimoto R, Senda M, Terauchi T, Jinnouchi S, Inoue T, Iinuma T, Inoue T, Ito K, Iwata H, Uno K, Oku S, Oguchi K, Tsukamoto E, Nakashima R, Nishizawa S, Fukuda H, Murano T, Yoshida T. Revised American Thyroid Association Management Guidelines for Patients with Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. The current and continuing role of ventilation-perfusion scintigraphy in evaluating patients with suspected pulmonary embolism. Diagnostic imaging and risk stratification of patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Basic pathologies of neurodegenerative dementias and their relevance for state-of-the-art molecular imaging studies. Towards a nosology for frontotemporal lobar degenerations-a meta-analysis involving 267 subjects. Amyloid-beta plaque growth in cognitively normal adults: longitudinal [11C]Pittsburgh compound B data. Hormonal therapy is standard for all patients with hormone receptor positive disease. The omission of sentinel lymph node biopsy in clinically node negative women 70 years of age treated with hormonal therapy does not result in increased rates of locoregional recurrence and does not impact breast cancer mortality. Patients 70 years of with early stage hormone receptor positive breast cancer and no palpable axillary lymph nodes can be safely treated without axillary staging. There is a low risk of metastases and also a risk of detecting findings unrelated to the melanoma. Imaging should be performed if there are concerning findings on history and physical exam, and such tests should be driven by symptoms. The Quality Committee received submissions from all six disease sites; however, because the list was limited to five measures, the Committee felt it was precluded from incorporating measures representing all disease sites. As a means of refining the list of Choosing Wisely measures, the Quality Committee elected to include the five measures impacting the largest number of patients.