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By: Z. Kapotth, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Meharry Medical College School of Medicine

Be aware that soft margarines (liquid or tub) are less hydrogenated and relatively lower in trans-fatty acids; consequently blood sugar 4 hours after eating cheap cozaar 50mg otc, they do not raise blood cholesterol as much as the saturated fats of butter or the trans fats of hard (stick) margarines do gestational diabetes definition rcog order 50 mg cozaar with amex. Some manufacturers are now offering nonhydrogenated margarines that are "trans fat free diabetes signs and symptoms poster cheap cozaar 50 mg on line. Risks from Cholesterol Although its effect is not as strong as that of saturated fat or trans fat diabetes mellitus nursing diagnosis cozaar 25mg without prescription, dietary cholesterol also raises blood cholesterol and increases the risk of heart disease. Consequently, eating less fat from meats, eggs, and milk products helps lower dietary cholesterol intake (as well as total and saturated fat intakes). Diet Milk, yogurt, and cheese 20% Other 2% Eggs 2% Nuts and legumes 2% Added fats and oils 34% Meat, poultry, and fish 40% Note that fruits, grains, and vegetables are insignificant sources, unless saturated fats are intentionally added to them during preparation. For most people trying to lower blood cholesterol, however, limiting saturated fat is more effective than limiting cholesterol intake. Most foods that are high in cholesterol are also high in saturated fat, but eggs are an exception. An egg contains only 1 gram of saturated fat but just over 200 milligrams of cholesterol-roughly two-thirds of the recommended daily limit. People with high blood cholesterol, however, may benefit from limiting daily cholesterol intake to less that 200 milligrams. Eggs are a valuable part of the diet because they are inexpensive, useful in cooking, and a source of highquality protein and other nutrients. Low saturated fat, high omega-3 fat eggs are now available, and food manufacturers have produced several fat-free, cholesterolfree egg substitutes. Sources of monounsaturated fats: · Olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil · Avocados Sources of polyunsaturated fats: · Vegetable oils (safflower, sesame, soy, corn, sunflower) · Nuts and seeds Benefits from Monounsaturated Fats and Polyunsaturated Fats Replacing both saturated and trans fats with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats may be the most effective dietary strategy in preventing heart disease. The lower rate of heart disease among people in the Mediterranean region of the world is often attributed to their liberal use of olive oil, a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids. Olive oil also delivers valuable phytochemicals that help to protect against heart disease. Benefits from Omega-3 Fats Research on the different types of fats has spotlighted the beneficial effects of the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in reducing the risks of heart disease and stroke. Consequently, grains, vegetables, legumes, and fruits provide virtually no cholesterol. The fish listed here, except tuna, provide at least 1 gram of omega-3 fatty acids in 100 grams of fish (3. Tuna provides fewer omega-3 fatty acids, but because it is commonly consumed, its contribution can be significant. Fatty fish are among the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, and Highlight 5 features their role in supporting heart health. To maximize the benefits and minimize the risks, most healthy people should eat two servings of fish a week. To obtain sufficient intakes and the right balance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, most people need to eat more fish and less meat. Fried fish from fastfood restaurants and frozen fried fish products are often low in omega-3 fatty acids and high in trans- and saturated fatty acids. Fish provides many minerals (except iron) and vitamins and is leaner than most other animal-protein sources. When used in a weight-loss program, eating fish improves blood lipids even more effectively than can be explained by losing weight or eating fish alone. In addition to fish, other functional foods are being developed to help consumers improve their omega-3 fatty acid intake. Another option may be to select wild game or pasture-fed cattle, which provide more omega-3 fatty acids and less saturated fat than grain-fed cattle. People with heart disease, however, may benefit from doses greater than can be achieved through diet alone. They should always consult a physician first because including supplements as part of a treatment plan may be contraindicated for some patients. Other risk factors for cancer include smoking, alcohol, and environmental contaminants.

Under traditional grain crop systems blood glucose 120 buy cozaar paypal, others set the prices; with diversification diabetes diet teaching purchase 25 mg cozaar overnight delivery, Kupers can match his crops to 178 the New American Farmer diabetes symptoms alcohol order cozaar on line, 2nd edition Using a system he calls "direct seeding diabetes type 2 blood test order cozaar 25 mg free shipping," he leaves his soil untouched, placing seeds into the soil with a retrofitted drill. For example, if the area receives adequate precipitation, Kupers plants sunflowers as his broadleaf crop. He also considers rainfall the main decision-maker on whether to plan winter wheat or spring wheat. Kupers seeds the warm-season crops in late spring or early summer after any danger of frost. I take into account the weed and pest cycles, market conditions, and moisture, and make decisions based on all these things. They market mostly in their region, sending their Pacific Northwest-grown products to bakeries, food service businesses and high-end fast food outlets in the Pacific Northwest. Teasing the marketing and production components apart is impossible, and is one of the benefits and burdens of a holistic approach. He can use one comhe says, because the cumulative impact of bine to harvest because he starts on grass in good soil management will bring increasing early July and finishes with sunflowers in late yields. By contrast, a typical wheat rotaprofits now, along with operational savings, tion requires some 120 feet of drills and at particularly in weed and disease manageleast three combines, an additional sprayer ment expenses. I have the profit because I have a whole system that makes profitability sustainable. Kupers was the first large-scale wheat farmer to earn the Food the New American Farmer, 2nd edition 179 Phil Rasmussen By improving the soil, Kupers hopes to reduce his reliance on commercial fertilizers. In 2000, soil tests revealed that the no-till system had improved soil porosity, making nitrogen more available to crops. The added work of marketing a range of farm products adds variety and interest to the job, a bonus for this unusually energetic farmer. The soil itself, along with an understanding of market conditions off the farm, combine to support a flexible approach that Kupers clearly values. He describes his relationship with the land as a "moral passion;" this moral momentum has informed his choices as he has made a true paradigm shift toward diversity. One result is that he has become an advocate for sustainable alternatives to conventional farming. He helped to bring the canola industry to Washington state, and has become a sought-after speaker on agricultural issues. Transition Advice Kupers thinks that farmers starting with notill, diversified cropping should start small, much the way he did. Making a gradual change in selected fields means the stakes are lower and the temptation to fall back into conventional is easier to resist. Because the rotation is open, Kupers has a continuing option of trying something new. On the marketing side, he knows "ecofriendly" food can capture 40 percent or more of market share, a lofty yet attainable goal. When Bob Quinn took over the fourth-generation, 2,400-acre family farm near Big Sandy, Mont. Unstable commodity prices meant he would have to look for something different if he wanted to increase profits. First, he established a wheat buying/brokering company in 1983 to increase his earnings through direct marketing. When the demand was greater than what they could supply, Quinn began buying and marketing wheat from his neighbors. As Quinn became more deeply involved in the grain aspect of his business, he decided to sell his cattle and rent out the 700 acres of pastureland. He added a cleaning plant in 1992 to maintain complete control of quality and the timing of deliveries and sales. The organic field was planted using seven-inch drill spacing instead of the usual 14-inch spacing. The wheat grew thicker and shaded the ground, forming a canopy that inhibited weed growth.

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Two provisions of the bill concern me: 1-Broader legal ability to prescribe medications diabetes testing equipment safe 25 mg cozaar. Because the very definition of naturopathy is to reject prescription medications blood glucose monitors trusted cozaar 50 mg, it is seemingly obvious that naturopathic training would de-emphasize pharmacology diabetic diet soda order cozaar on line amex, and in fact this is the case diabetes medications patient education discount 50 mg cozaar amex. In addition, the total hours of training required of naturopaths is much less than those required of a physician. A scholarly paper prepared by staff of the American Academy of Family Physicians calculates that family physicians complete 20, 700 - 21, 700 hours of training, while naturopathic training requires only 5,505 to 6,485 hours, a difference of over 15,000 hours. As a family physician myself, I appreciate how complicated it is to prescribe prescription medications safely and effectively and would find it difficult to squeeze enough education in this area into an educational curriculum with 1/3 the number of hours that I participated in. Rather than expand the scope of practice in this area for naturopaths, encouraging naturopaths to have collaborative referral relationships with health care providers with extensive training in pharmacology combined with physiology and pathology and their clinical application (physician, nurse practitioners, physician assistants) would seem more appropriate. It could be a great advantage for individuals receiving care in the naturopathic setting to have their providers working collaboratively and at the top of their scope of practice. My concern about length and intensity of naturopathic training applies in this area as well, but I am also concerned that this bill is really intended to expand home birth in North Dakota. Thus, the only venue in which naturopathic practitioners would be attending childbirth would be in homes. As a family physician, I provide prenatal care and attend the deliveries of my patients. I have never participated in a home birth because I know hospitals are the safest places to have babies in th e 21st century, and the data strongly supports this, showing a perinatal death rate in home births almost triple that of overall perinatal mortality. The practitioners who have the least training in this area should not be practicing in the most unsafe setting. As far as other procedures, I would like to explain that a family physician like myself completes intensive training in surgical procedures during allopathic medical school and family medicine training before offering them as part of a practice. I have been intensively mentored throughout my training and since in the procedures I offer in my practice, and have had hundreds of hours in hospital operating rooms learning surgical techniques and procedures that make me a lot better and safer at doing the smaller procedures that I am able to offer for my patients. I attend continuing medical education in procedural medicine to make sure I am using the latest techniques in the appropriate manner. One on one mentoring and hospital based surgical training are not requirements of naturopathic education. The basic tenants of naturopathy are app ealing to everyone-support of exceptional health through natural methods. As a physician and involved comrµunity member, I re spectfully support a "do not pass" recommendation from the committee. Mission the North Dakota Hospital Association exists to advance the health status of persons served by the membership. I am here to testify regarding 2017 Senate Bill 2256 and ask that you give this bill a Do Not Pass recommendation. This bill would expand the scope of naturopaths to allow them to perform "minor office procedures", prescribe, dispense, and administer prescription drugs, and practice "naturopathic chi ldbirth attendance". We are also concerned that the board that would decide which types of medications naturopaths would be allowed to prescribe and what training they should have in naturopathic childbirth attendance does not have the expertise to properly regulate and discipline in these areas. Naturopathic students are not trained in medical standards of care or the scientific method. To give prescription medications correctly and safely, one needs to understand anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and the pathophysiology of diseases. Physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants must have not only years of education in school but a residency or other training to be able to appropriately prescribe medications. Naturopathic pharmacology education is simply not comparable to that of physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants in terms of quality and quantity. Naturopaths simply do not have the extensive training and experience required to safely prescribe medications. Unlike medical practitioners, there are no requirements for the amount of procedures that must be performed during training to be considered competent or how many should be done to maintain competency. Naturopaths would also be allowed to engage in "naturopathic childbirth attendance". It is also unclear what requirements the board would adopt for certification in the practice of naturopathic childbirth attendance. There are significant questions about the training and experience that will be required of naturopaths in this area.

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We take the tactic of trying very small-scale experiments and keeping track of the results definition of unstable diabetes cozaar 50 mg discount. The New American Farmer diabetes type 1 exercise program purchase cozaar 50mg amex, 2nd edition 39 the New American Farmer Don & Anita Nelson diabetes test strips india purchase cheapest cozaar and cozaar, Neldell Farm /Thunder Valley Inn diabetes prevalence 25mg cozaar overnight delivery, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin Summary of Operation n 160-cow dairy farm on 1,350 acres (900 owned, 450 rented) n Corn, soybeans, oats and alfalfa n Three organic vegetable gardens n Bed-and-breakfast operation linked to the farm Problem Addressed Public education. A former schoolteacher, Anita Nelson realized that many children do not know where their food comes from. Don took over the family farm, first purchased by his father in 1920, when he was 18. Anita opened Thunder Valley Inn Bed and Breakfast in 1988 when her two daughters, Kari and Sigrid, were still in high school. They acquired the property, formerly a horse ranch and riding stable, shortly before opening the inn. The animals are housed in a combination of a stanchion barn and a free-stall barn. When outdoors, cattle are confined to a small field with enough area for them to lie down at night and frequent a "day pasture" that offers them exercise. The couple built a new milking parlor complete with a handicapped-accessible viewing room. In some winters, they let the alfalfa grow as a cover crop, then plow and plant a cash crop into it in the spring. They haul manure from the barns and spread it twice a year on the crop fields, supplementing very occasionally with commercial fertilizer when soil tests dictate. The Nelsons have tried to minimize pesticide use, depending instead on their rotations to break up insect cycles. A friend manages the garden for them part time, in exchange for a share of the produce. The bed and breakfast offers guests a combination of Scandinavian hospitality, entertainment and education about the rural heritage of the United States, food production and the stewardship of land and animals. The inn features a six-bedroom, 150year-old farm house; a small cottage; and a cedar building. The cottage - originally a milk house, then a woodshed before being turned into guest quarters - and the cedar building - formerly a bunk house for the horse ranch - are only open during the summer. At full occupancy, the inn can accommodate from 25 to 30 guests, with children encouraged. To further enrich their stay, the Nelsons maintain a small "zoo" of animals, including 100 chickens (50 layers and 50 broilers), goats, ducks and rabbits. Breakfast is served each morning to guests, with evening dinners open to the public. A stay at the inn features chautauqua "threshing suppers," a unique combination of produce from the vegetable gardens and a program of song and storytelling. The dinners are designed to inform the guests about their rural heritage and the importance of nurturing the land and animals. During the day, some of their visitors go to the dairy farm, where they can watch as Don Nelson and his sons milk the cows, feed the calves, and do field work, such as baling hay. Economics and Profitability the farming operation supports the Nelsons and two of their adult sons, Peter and Nels, who work with them. Like any relatively new venture, the bed and breakfast the New American Farmer, 2nd edition 41 is taking time to climb solidly into the black. The city, a bustling tourist town on the Wisconsin River, attracts visitors from all over the Midwest. Environmental Benefits the Nelsons are planning to increase grazing for their dairy farming operation. They grow the vegetables at the inn garden organically and have minimized pesticide spraying on their crops. They accomplish this partly by rotating their crops with consideration given to what was previously grown on a field - which lessens incidences of pest outbreaks and disease. If the field was planted in alfalfa, the Nelsons will spread a light coat of manure without extra chemical fertilizer, only adding a small amount when planting the next crop. They analyze the soil where they grow corn and soybeans to determine how much manure and fertilizer to use.

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