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The storage pool of vitamin K is modest and can be exhausted in 1 week metabolic disease risk factors glucotrol xl 10mg on line, although gut flora will maintain suboptimal production of vitamin K-dependent proteins diabetic dessert recipes buy glucotrol xl master card. The vitamin allows gcarboxylation of glutamic acid residues in their structure; this permits calcium to bind to the molecule diabetes insipidus excessive thirst buy 10 mg glucotrol xl mastercard, mediating the conformational change required for enzymatic activity blood glucose range for newborn purchase glucotrol xl 10 mg mastercard, and binding to negatively charged phospholipid surfaces. Subsequently vitamin K epoxide reductase converts oxidised vitamin K back to the active vitamin K. When the vitamin is deficient or where drugs inhibit its action, the coagulation proteins produced are unable to associate with calcium in order to form the necessary threedimensional configuration and associated membranebinding properties that are required for full enzymatic activity. Their physiologically critical binding to membrane surfaces fails to occur, and this impairs the coagulation mechanism. Oral vitamin K antagonists exert an anticoagulant effect by interrupting the vitamin K cycle. There are two classes of drugs: the coumarins, including warfarin and acenocoumarol, and the indanediones such as phenindione. Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) is widely distributed in plants and K2 includes vitamin synthesised in the alimentary tract by Vitamin K Vitamin K epoxide Inactive vitamin K dependent factors. Prophylaxis is recommended during the period of vulnerability with vitamin K (phytomenadione, as Konakion) 1 mg by single. Alternatively, give vitamin K by mouth as two doses of a colloidal (mixed micelle) preparation of phytomenadione in the first week. Formula-fed babies do not need this last supplement as the formula contains vitamin K. Fears that intramuscular vitamin K might cause childhood cancer have been dispelled. Intestinal malabsorption syndromes; menadiol sodium phosphate should be used as it is water soluble. The intravenous formulation will begin to reverse a vitamin K-deficient coagulopathy within 6 h in a patient with normal liver function. It should be administered slowly to reduce the risk of an anaphylactoid reaction with facial flushing, sweating, fever, chest tightness, cyanosis and peripheral vascular collapse. Phytomenadione may also be given orally using either tablet formulations or the preparation for intravenous use. Oral administration will result in a slower and often incomplete correction of coagulopathy. The preferred route depends on the degree of coagulopathy and urgency of correcting the haemorrhagic tendency. Coagulation factor concentrates Bleeding due to deficiency of specific coagulation factors is treated by either elevating the deficient factor. Menadiol sodium phosphate (vitamin K3), the synthetic analogue of vitamin K, being water soluble, is preferred in intestinal malabsorption or in states in which bile flow is deficient. The main disadvantage is that it takes 24 h to act, but its effect lasts for several days. Menadiol sodium phosphate in moderate doses causes haemolytic anaemia and, for this reason, neonates should not receive it, especially those that are deficient in glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase; their immature livers are unable to cope with the heavy bilirubin load and there is danger of kernicterus. Fat-soluble analogues of vitamin K that are available in some countries include acetomenaphthone and menaphthone. The speed of recovery of the affected joint or resolution of a haematoma determines the duration of therapy. Phytomenadione is preferred for its more rapid action; dosage regimens vary according to the degree of urgency and the original indication for anticoagulation. Primary prophylaxis with factor concentrates two or three times weekly at doses sufficient to keep the factor above 0.

One of the reasons that caustic agents are so dangerous is their ability to rapidly penetrate the ocular tissues diabetes mellitus definition pdf order glucotrol xl 10 mg line. This is particularly true for ammonia metabolic disorder jaundice buy generic glucotrol xl on-line, which has been measured in the aqueous humor just seconds after application to the cornea diabetes test zürich buy glucotrol xl with american express. The toxicity of these substances is a function of their pH diabate kora cheap glucotrol xl 10 mg online, being more toxic with increasing pH values. As with acid burns, the concentration of the solution and the duration of contact with the eye are important determinants of the eventual clinical outcome. Rapid and extensive irrigation after exposure and removal of particles, if present, is the immediate therapy of choice (Grant, 1986; Potts, 1996). A feature of caustic burns that differentiates them from acid burns is that two phases of injury may be observed. Depending on the extent of injury, direct damage from exposure is observed in the cornea, adnexia, and possibly in the iris, ciliary body, and lens. The presence of strong hydroxide ions causes rapid necrosis of the corneal epithelium and, if sufficient amounts are present, penetration through and/or destruction of the successive corneal layers. Strong alkali substances attack membrane lipids, causing necrosis and enhancing penetration of the substance to deeper tissue layers. The cations also react with the carboxyl groups of glycosaminoglycans and collagen, the latter reaction leading to hydration of the collagen matrix and corneal swelling. The cornea may appear clouded or become opaque immediately after exposure as a result of stromal edema and changes to , or precipitation of, proteoglycans. The denaturing of the collagen and loss of protective covering of the glycosoaminoglycans is thought to make the collagen fibrils more susceptible to subsequent enzymatic degradation. Intraocular pressure may increase as a result of initial hydration of the collagen fibrils and later through the blockage of aqueous humor outflow. Conversely, if the alkali burn extends to involve the ciliary body, the intraocular pressure may decrease due to reduced formation of aqueous humor. Among the most significant acidic chemicals in terms of the tendency to cause clinical ocular damage are hydrofluoric acid, sulfurous acid, sulfuric acid, chromic acid, hydrochloric acid and nitric acid and acetic acid (McCulley, 1998). Injuries may be mild if contact is with weak acids or with dilute solutions of strong acids. Following mild burns, the corneal epithelium may become turbid as the corneal stroma swells. Mild burns are typically followed by rapid regeneration of the corneal epithelium and full recovery. Approximately, 2 to 3 weeks after alkali burns, however, damaging ulceration of the corneal stroma often occurs. The formation of these lesions is related to the inflammatory infiltration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and fibroblasts and the release of degratory proteolytic enzymes. Stromal ulceration usually stops when the corneal epithelium is restored (Grant, 1986; Potts, 1996). Organic Solvents When organic solvents are splashed into the eye, the result is typically a painful immediate reaction. As in the case of acids and bases, exposure of the eye to solvents should be treated rapidly with abundant water irrigation. Highly lipophilic solvents can damage the corneal epithelium and produce swelling of the corneal stroma. Most organic solvents do not have a strongly acid or basic pH and therefore cause little in the way of chemical burns to the cornea. In most cases, the corneal epithelium will be repaired over the course of a few days and there will be no residual damage. Exposure to solvent vapors may produce small transparent vacuoles in the corneal epithelium, which may be asymptomatic or associated with moderate irritation and tearing (Grant, 1986; Potts, 1996). Surfactants these compounds have water-soluble (hydrophilic) properties at one end of the molecule and lipophilic properties at the other end that help to dissolve fatty substances in water and also serve to reduce water surface tension. The widespread use of these chemicals in soaps, shampoos, detergents, cosmetics, and similar consumer products leads to abundant opportunities for exposure to ocular tissues. In general, the cationic substances tend to be stronger irritants and more injurious than the other types, and anionic compounds more so than neutral ones (Grant, 1986; Potts, 1996). Because these compounds are by design soluble in both aqueous and lipid media, they readily penetrate the sandwiched aqueous and lipid barriers of the cornea (see discussion of ocular pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, above).

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As discussed above diabetic log printable order glucotrol xl 10 mg, injured cells can initiate apoptosis diabetes mellitus video purchase glucotrol xl line, which counteracts the progression of the toxic injury diabetes symptoms 4 year old discount glucotrol xl 10mg without prescription. Apoptosis does this by preventing necrosis of injured cells and the consequent inflammatory response diabetic diet 6 small meals a day menu buy glucotrol xl canada, which may cause injury by releasing cytotoxic mediators. Indeed, the activation of Kupffer cells, the source of such mediators in the liver, by the administration of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) greatly aggravates the hepatotoxicity of galactosamine. In contrast, when the Kupffer cells are selectively eliminated by pretreatment of rats with gadolinium chloride, the necrotic effect of carbon tetrachloride is markedly alleviated (Edwards et al. Blockade of Kupffer cell function with glycine (via the inhibitory glycine receptor; see item 4 in. Another important repair process that can halt the propagation of toxic injury is proliferation of cells adjacent to the injured cells. A surge in mitosis in the liver of rats administered a low (nonnecrogenic) dose of carbon tetrachloride is detectable within a few hours. This early cell division is thought to be instrumental in the rapid and complete restoration of the injured tissue and the prevention of necrosis. This hypothesis is corroborated by the finding that in rats pretreated with chlordecone, which blocks the early cell proliferation in response to carbon tetrachloride, a normally nonnecrogenic dose of carbon tetrachloride causes hepatic necrosis (Mehendale, 2005). The sensitivity of a tissue to injury and the capacity of the tissue for repair are apparently two independent variables, both influencing the final outcome of the effect of injurious chemical-that is, whether tissue restitution ensues with survival or tissue necrosis occurs with death. For example, variations in tissue repair capacity among species and strains of animals appear to be responsible for certain variations in the lethality of hepatotoxicants (Soni and Mehandale, 1998). It appears that the efficiency of repair is an important determinant of the dose-response relationship for toxicants that cause tissue necrosis. Following chemically induced liver or kidney injury, the intensity of tissue repair increases up to a threshold dose, restraining injury, whereupon it is inhibited, allowing unrestrained progression of injury (Mehendale, 2005). Experimental observations with hepatotoxicants indicate that apoptosis and cell proliferation are operative with latent tissue injury caused by low (nonnecrogenic) doses of toxicants, but are inhibited with severe injury induced by high (necrogenic) doses. For example, 1,1dichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, and thioacetamide all induce apoptosis in the liver at low doses, but cause hepatic necrosis after high-dose exposure (Corcoran et al. Similarly, there is an early mitotic response in the liver to low-dose carbon tetrachloride, but this response is absent after administration of the solvent at necrogenic doses (Mehendale, 2005). This suggests that tissue necrosis occurs because the injury overwhelms and disables the repair mechanisms, including (1) repair of damaged molecules, (2) elimination of damaged cells by apoptosis, and (3) replacement of lost cells by cell division. Fibrosis Fibrosis is a pathologic condition characterized by excessive deposition of an extracellular matrix of abnormal composition. Hepatic fibrosis, or cirrhosis, results from chronic consumption of ethanol or high dose retinol (vitamin A), treatment with methotrexate, and intoxication with hepatic necrogens such as carbon tetrachloride and iron. Pulmonary fibrosis is induced by drugs such as bleomycin and amiodarone and prolonged inhalation of oxygen or mineral particles. Doxorubicin may cause cardiac fibrosis, whereas exposure to ionizing radiation induces fibrosis in many organs. Fibrosis is a specific manifestation of dysrepair of the chronically injured tissue. As discussed above, cellular injury initiates a surge in cellular proliferation and extracellular matrix production, which normally ceases when the injured tissue is remodeled. These cells are controlled and phenotypically altered ("activated") by cytokines and growth factors secreted by nonparenchymal cells, including themselves. Fibrosis involves not only excessive accumulation of the extracellular matrix but also changes in its composition. The scar compresses and may ultimately obliterate the parenchymal cells and blood vessels. Deposition of basement membrane components between the capillary endothelial cells and the parenchymal cells presents a diffusional barrier which contributes to malnutrition of the tissue cells. An increased amount and rigidity of the extracellular matrix unfavorably affect the elasticity and flexibility of the whole tissue, compromising the mechanical function of organs such as the heart and lungs. Through these transmembrane proteins and the coupled intracellular signal transducing networks. As to be described in more detail later, carcinogenesis entails gene expression alterations initiated by two fundamentally distinct types of mechanisms that often work simultaneously and in concert. The figure indicates that activating mutation of proto-oncogenes that encode permanently active oncoproteins and inactivating mutation of tumor suppressor genes that encode permanently inactive tumor suppressor proteins can cooperate in neoplastic transformation of cells.

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The ideal criterion would be one closely associated with the molecular events resulting from exposure to the toxicant diabetic diet oatmeal purchase 10 mg glucotrol xl with mastercard. In the absence of a mechanistic diabetes signs the honeymoon is over glucotrol xl 10 mg cheap, molecular ideal criterion of toxicity blood sugar very high buy glucotrol xl 10mg free shipping, one looks to a measure of toxicity that is unequivocal and clearly relevant to the toxic effect diabetes leg cramps buy glucotrol xl without a prescription. The percent of animals with liver (blue line) or bladder (black line) tumors at 24 months (A) or 33 months (B) are shown. Most of the animals in the high-dose group (150 ppm) did not survive to 33 months; thus, those data are not shown in B. For example, the widely used analgesic acetaminophen has a very low rate of liver toxicity at normal therapeutic doses. This effect is analogous to the rapid change in pH of a buffered solution that occurs when the buffer capacity is exceeded. Some toxic responses, most notably the development of cancer after the administration of genotoxic carcinogens, are often considered to be linear at low doses and thus do not exhibit a threshold. In this way, one would be measuring, in a readily accessible system and using a technique that is convenient and reasonably precise, a prominent effect of the chemical and one that is usually pertinent to the mechanism by which toxicity is produced. The selection of a toxic endpoint for measurement is not always so straightforward. Even the example cited above may be misleading, as an organophosphate may produce a decrease in blood cholinesterase, but this change may not be directly related to its toxicity. As additional data are gathered to suggest a mechanism of toxicity for any substance, other measures of toxicity may be selected. Although many endpoints are quantitative and precise, they are often indirect measures of toxicity. Use of these enzymes in serum is yet another example of an effects-related biomarker because the change in enzyme activity in the blood is directly related to damage to liver cells. Much of clinical diagnostic medicine relies on effects-related biomarkers, but to be useful the relationship between the biomarker and the disease must be carefully established. Patterns of isozymes and their alteration may provide insight into the organ or system that is the site of toxic effects. As discussed later in this chapter, the new tools of toxicogenomics provide an unprecedented opportunity to discover new "effects-related biomarkers" in toxicology. Many direct measures of effects are also not necessarily related to the mechanism by which a substance produces harm to an organism but have the advantage of permitting a causal relation to be drawn between the chemical and its action. For example, measurement of the alteration of the tone of smooth or skeletal muscle for substances acting on muscles represents a fundamental approach to toxicological assessment. Similarly, measures of heart rate, blood pressure, and electrical activity of heart muscle, nerve, and brain are examples of the use of physiologic functions as indices of toxicity. Measurement can also take the form of a still higher level of integration, such as the degree of motor activity or behavioral change. The measurements used as examples in the preceding discussion all assume prior information about the toxicant, such as its target organ or site of action or a fundamental effect. However, such information is usually available only after toxicological screening and testing based on other measures of toxicity. With a new substance, the customary starting point is a single dose acute toxicity test designed to provide preliminary identification of target organ toxicity. Studies specifically designed with lethality as an end-point are no longer recommended by United States or international agencies. Data from acute studies provides essential information for choosing doses for repeated dosing studies as well as choosing specific toxicological endpoints for further study. Key elements of the study design must be a careful, disciplined, detailed observation of the intact animal extending from the time of administration of the toxicant to any clinical signs of distress, which may include detailed behavioral observations or physiological measures. From properly conducted observations, immensely informative data can be gathered by a trained toxicologist. Second, an acute toxicity study ordinarily is supported by histological examination of major tissues and organs for abnormalities.