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A classic and groundbreaking study on the performance of Baroque music written by one of the pioneers of the 20th-century early music revival movement antiviral wipes purchase generic molenzavir pills. Chapters are on expression hiv infection rate nyc buy molenzavir 200 mg without prescription, tempo human immunodeficiency virus hiv infection symptoms molenzavir 200 mg cheap, rhythm hiv infection rates bangkok purchase molenzavir now, ornamentation, figured bass realization, fingering, and the musical instruments of the time. The Interpretation of the Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries: Revealed by Contemporary Evidence; Appendix containing Twenty-Two Illustrative Pieces. A compact guide to the performance of early music from the Middle Ages through the early 19th century. Includes discussions on music editorial technique, the "sonorities" of period instruments and voice types, ornamentation and embellishment, and the performing styles of the repertoires of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and 17th and 18th centuries. Consists of four "Books" entitled "Style," "The Notes," "The Expression," and "The Instruments. There are sixty-six chapters on such topics as accidentals, embellishment, accompaniment, expression, tempo, rhythm, punctuation, dynamics, pitch, temperament, and Baroque instruments. In four parts: Part One, titled "The Baroque Attitude," deals with the problems of performance practice. Part Two, titled "The Baroque Sound," is devoted to vocal and instrumental techniques. Part Four focuses on elements of expression, such as tempo, rhythm, phrasing and articulation, and dynamics. Attempts to present "rules" of Baroque musical performance common to all instruments. Topics covered include meters, phrasing, ornamentation and improvisation, "character," and tempo. Quotations and examples are mostly drawn from French sources, and the majority of musical excerpts are selected from flute or recorder repertoire. Contains sixteen previously published articles and responses by the author, many of which deal with topics on rhythmic alteration and ornamentation which attracted criticism from other scholars. Keyboard instruments of the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, and Romantic periods are discussed. Other essays that the reader may find useful include: David Fuller, "The Performer as Composer;" Cary Karp, "Pitch;" and Mark Lindley, "Tuning and Intonation," "Keyboard Fingerings and Articulation," and Robert D. A useful guide to Baroque performance practice, addressing the essential topics such as tempo, dynamics, tuning and temperament, basso continuo, articulation, rhythm and notation, and ornamentation. Discusses several aspects of Baroque performance practices: the thirty-three chapters are grouped into the areas of meter and tempo, rhythm, dynamics, articulation, phrasing, and ornamentation. In two parts: Part One deals with issues of historical performance practice, such as rhythm, meter, and tempo, ornamentation, articulation and phrasing, instrumentation, dance interpretation, and figured bass realization. A practical guide on the interpretation of Baroque music, published by the leading music examination board in the United Kingdom. After an introduction by Christopher Hogwood, there are seven chapters written by specialists on historical background, notation and interpretation, keyboard, strings, winds, singing, as well as source and edition. Davitt Moroney contributes a chapter on keyboard, offering advice on technique, fingering, ornamentation, touch, and continuo playing. The chapter also gives an overview on Baroque keyboard instruments and solo keyboard repertoire. A brief manual of harpsichord technique, mainly focusing on the pedalling technique for changing timbre on the harpsichord manufactured by Pleyel during the first decades of the 20th century. Translated in English as the Harpsichord, An Introduction to Technique, Style, and the Historical Sources. An introductory guide to the technique, style, and the historical sources of the harpsichord. Includes discussion on the following topics: touch, fingering, phrasing and articulation, ornamentation, tempo and rhythm, registration, and continuo accompaniment. Contains discussions on "The Historical Instrument" and its revival in the late 19 th and 20th centuries, on the harpsichord repertoire from the 16th through the 20th century, as well as on harpsichord technique and performance practice issues, including touch, fingering, articulation and phrasing, ornamentation, rhythm and tempo, registration, rhythmic alterations, and ensemble accompaniment. A clear and well-presented guide to the harpsichord for the reader who already has a background in keyboard playing. The main part of the book deals with performance issues, including touch and articulation, fingering, ornamentation, tempo and rhythm, 243 registration, and continuo playing.

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Potential Benefits and Harms of Testing the potential benefits of a comprehensive adult eye and vision examination may include: · Optimizing visual function through diagnosis, treatment and management of refractive, ocular motor, accommodative and binocular vision problems · Improving quality of life by preventing and/or minimizing vision loss through early diagnosis, treatment and management of ocular health conditions · Detecting systemic disease and referral for appropriate care · Counseling and educating patients on current conditions and preventive care to maintain ocular and systemic health and visual function. Potential harms associated with a comprehensive adult eye and vision examination may include: · Patient anxiety about testing procedures or resulting diagnosis · Adverse ocular and/or systemic reactions · Temporary visual disturbances or allergic responses to diagnostic pharmaceutical agents or materials used · Missed or misdiagnosis of eye health or vision problems · Unnecessary referral or treatment. Patient Counseling and Education Communication with the patient at the conclusion of a comprehensive adult eye and vision examination should include a review and discussion of examination findings and anticipated outcomes based upon the results of the assessment. Patients expect to receive information about their diagnosis, recommended treatment, and prognosis explained in understandable language. In addition, anxiety reduces the effectiveness of patientpractitioner communications and results in reduced attention, recall of information, and compliance with treatment. The use of "patient-centered" communications and "active listening" can help reduce anxiety and improve patient satisfaction and outcomes. Health literacy is "the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate decisions regarding their health. Eye models, diagrams and written materials can be used to aid in patient understanding. Appropriate auxiliary aids and services must be made available, when needed, to enable effective communications when evaluating, treating, or counseling persons with hearing, vision, or speech impairments. For individuals with vision impairments, auxiliary aids and services include qualified readers, taped texts, audio recordings, magnification software, optical readers, Braille materials, and large print materials. When appropriate, patients should also be counseled regarding: 21 · Referral - When referral for ocular surgery or other specialty care is indicated, patients need to receive information about the purpose of the referral and the potential benefits and harms of the procedure or service. Benefit and Harm Assessment: Implementing this recommendation is likely to increase patient understanding of the need for ongoing primary eye and vision care services after eye surgery or other specialized care. Evidence Statements: Cigarette smoking is a major modifiable risk factor for cataract and age-related macular degeneration. Given the effect of smoking on overall health, and especially on vision, counseling to reduce or eliminate tobacco use is needed. Patients should be counseled about these modifiable risk factors to help prevent or decrease future vision loss. Potential Costs: Direct cost of counseling as part of a comprehensive eye and vision examination. Value Judgments: Patients who smoke may benefit from counseling on smoking cessation to reduce the risk of cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and ocular surface disorders. Role of Patient Preferences: Large Intentional Vagueness: Specific type/form of counseling is not stated as it is patient specific. Gaps in Evidence: Research is needed to evaluate the relationship between vision loss and smoking. No randomized controlled trials or systematic reviews were identified regarding the effects of smoking on eye health and vision. Rates of eye injury treated in emergency rooms are reported to be highest among males in their 20s and 30s and among American Indians and African Americans. Evidence Quality: Available research confirms the importance of good nutrition for specific aspects of eye health, but it does not support or refute the use of a broader evidence-based approach to dietary and supplemental practices. Benefit and Harm Assessment: Implementing this recommendation is likely to help patients understand the benefits to their eyes and vision by improving their nutritional habits. Coordination and Frequency of Care the diagnosis of a wide array of eye and vision anomalies, diseases, disorders, and related systemic conditions may result from a comprehensive adult eye and vision examination. Coordination of Care On the basis of the examination, it may be determined that the patient needs additional services.

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This may sound impossible hiv infected babies symptoms cheap 200 mg molenzavir with mastercard, but after receiving the support of the stronger leg the weaker one can often bend in this position hiv infection rate from needle stick 200mg molenzavir overnight delivery, even under the stronger one hiv infection africa molenzavir 200mg online. Even if you can only raise the legs an inch hiv global infection rates order molenzavir 200mg visa, you have achieved something important. If so, you may want to try all the previous exercises and see if they work for you. Lean your knees toward each other, and stay in this position for as long as you can. Merely keeping your legs in this position, unsupported, will strengthen the leg muscles. If they tend to fall over when you do this, notice at exactly which point this happens, and try to stop before this point; even if you can move the knees only a fraction of an inch apart without their falling, stop at that point. Let your knees rest against each other, and move them, together, from side to side. All of these exercises, and the progression from one exercise to the next, must be undertaken by you at your own pace. Much damage has been done to polio and other neuromuscular disease victims by forcing them to work harder than their muscles can endure. You will need to maintain a deep awareness of your body and its responses as you work on it. Perhaps your problem is the deltoid muscle, which connects the upper arm to the shoulder. When this muscle is thin and wasted, it is very hard to lift and move the arm, and the other arm muscles may suffer from lack of use as a consequence. As before, you may find it best to begin with the areas adjacent to the weak muscle, rather than with the afflicted muscle itself. So begin with massage of the forearm, from wrist to elbow, using the same circular palpating motion you used on the calf (exercise 22-2). This motion may be difficult at first, since the weak deltoid limits movement throughout the arm; eventually, however, the forearm rotation will help to activate the arm muscles. Stop the forearm rotation after circling the arm at least ten times in each direction, and rotate the wrist instead, visualizing the fingertips leading the motion. Tap all of your fingertips against a table or other firm surface, about twenty times, keeping your wrists loose. This focuses your attention on a peripheral area and away from the afflicted area itself. Rotate the forearm again, visualizing that the fingers, which are now warmed and perhaps tingling, are leading the motion. Stop and rest the arm while you visualize rotating it, imagining the motion to be smooth and easy; then repeat the rotation. After about three months of doing these rotations, you may be ready to work on your shoulders. At first, build up your capacity to move in water, where you have less gravitational resistance. The following simple arm movements should be done daily for about three months before you proceed to some shoulder exercises. Outside the water, you may have trouble lifting the arm to shoulder height; in the water, it can float freely at this level. Swing it in front of your body and across your chest, and then stretch it as far behind you as you can. Bend your elbow, place your hand on your chest, and raise and rotate the arm in that position. While this is being done, visualize that you are moving the arm by yourself, with total ease and flexibility. Begin by swinging the weaker arm, quickly, as far up as you can reach, and as far down and back as you can, visualizing that the fingertips are leading the motion. Breathe slowly and deeply, even though the actual movement should be fairly rapid.

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