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By: X. Marius, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

The laboratory diagnosis and treatment of endemic syphilis are similar to those of venereal syphilis medicine to induce labor buy septra 480 mg cheap. They are also found on the surface of gastric and colonic epithelium in humans and animals medications used to treat ptsd buy septra american express. These include the following Treponema species: Treponema denticola treatment 4 high blood pressure buy septra 480mg with mastercard, Treponema macrodentium symptoms multiple myeloma buy cheap septra 480mg on-line, Treponema oralis, Treponema socranski, and Treponema pectinovorum. The pathogen causes yaws, which is characterized by an extragenital papule, which subsequently enlarges and breaks down to form an ulcerating granuloma. Late manifestations of the disease include destructive lesions of the skin, bone, and lymph nodes. Borrelia Borreliae are Gram-negative bacilli, which are larger than other spirochetes. They are motile and stained readily with aniline dye, such as Giemsa and Wright stain. The genus Borrelia consists of many species, which are found as commensals on buccal and genital mucosa. Members of the genus Borrelia cause two important diseases in humans: Pinta Pinta is a contagious disease of the skin caused by T. Pinta, also known as carate, mal del pinto, is endemic in Central and South America and the neighboring islands. Small pruritic papules develop on surface of the skin after an incubation period of 1­3 weeks. These lesions do not ulcerate, but enlarge and persist for months to years before resolving. The condition, Epidemic or louse-borne relapsing fever is caused by Borrelia recurrentis, whereas endemic relapsing fever is caused by as many as 15 species of Borrelia. These include Borrelia duttoni, Borrelia henselae, Borrelia parkeri, Borrelia tunicatai, etc. The spiral coils are coarser and more irregular than those of treponemes and leptospires. It is actively motile in fresh blood preparation, moves in forward and backward waves, and exhibits cork-screw like motility. Borrelia present in the internal tissue alters their serotype-specific outer proteins through gene rearrangement and exhibits a new antigen. The IgM antibodies produced against old antigens are not effective against the Borrelia pathogens exhibiting new antigenic variation. The host immunity responds again by producing specific antibodies against these new antigens and clears the organism from the circulation. Patients recover after a number of relapses due to development of humoral immunity. Host immunity Host immunity is characterized by the development of specific humoral immunity against Borrelia. The humoral immunity contributes to recovery in a patient after a number of relapses. They have complex nutritional requirements, hence are difficult to grow on artificial media. Primary isolation of bacteria from clinical specimens can be made by intraperitoneal inoculation of specimens in these laboratory animals. After inoculation, borreliae appear early in the blood and also are found in the brain for a longer time. Clinical manifestations of epidemic louse-borne and endemic tick-borne relapsing fever are essentially similar. Two or more episodes of high fever, headache, and myalgia are the hallmarks of the disease. The fever subsides after 3­7 days when the Borrelia is cleared from the circulation. Virulence factors A single relapse is the characteristic of epidemic louseborne disease and is usually associated with high morbidity of 4­50%.

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