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By: F. Georg, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Associate Professor, A.T. Still University School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona

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Sporadically saline soils are present along the northern and eastern shores of the country symptoms 0f a mini stroke discount biltricide 600 mg on line, but their area is insignificant (Shishov and Pankova medicine rocks state park discount biltricide 600 mg amex, 2006) symptoms bacterial vaginosis 600 mg biltricide otc. Saline soils are everywhere in the country except in mountainous regions and well drained flood valleys treatment lichen sclerosis buy biltricide canada. Saltaffected soils are represented by Solonchaks in closed depressions and the bottom of the largely dried-up Aral Sea, by Salic Calcisols in uplifted areas such as the Ustyurt plateau and the Kyzyl-Kum desert, by Takyric Salic Fluvisols in the alluvial and deltaic plains, and by extensive irrigated soils of various grades of human-induced salinization. These soils are distributed all over the country, but the major concentration is in the western part of the country close to the Caspian Sea. Most of these soils are not classified as Solonchaks and belong to the groups of Salic Calcisols and Takyric Salic Calcisols. Ukraine the area covered by salt-affected soils in Ukraine is about 4 million ha or 6. Most of these lands are not used in agriculture; they are located largely in the southern and eastern parts of the country within the steppe and forested steppe zones. Most of these soils are classified as Solonetz and other soils with various grades of alkalinity. The distribution of the salt-affected arable lands is: 60 percent slightly saline, 19. Although sodium salts are the main components of the salt-affected soils, there are also magnesium soils in Denizli-Acipayam, potassium-nitrate-alkali soils in Nigde- Bor, Kayseri, and gypsiferous soils in Central Anatolia. In these areas, demand for water for agriculture and increasing frequency of drought events have led farmers to irrigate with poor quality water. Hungary In Hungary Solonchak soils, which are by definition saline soils, occupy a total area of only 4. They are mainly located in low-lying areas, typically along the shorelines of saline/sodic lakes in the region between the Danube and Tisza Rivers, but they also occur in patches east of the Tisza River. These soils are not cropped, but sustain native halophyte vegetation which is grazed. Azerbaijan the area of salt-affected soils in Azerbaijan is estimated to be 510 thousand ha or 5. The saline soils are located mainly on the coastal plain of the Caspian Sea, in the KuraAraksinskaya depression and in the Salyan, Mugansk, and Milsk plains. These soils are represented mainly by Solonchaks, Salic Gleysols and, in rare cases, by Salic Calcisols. While several studies show that salinization levels in soils in countries such as Spain, Greece and Hungary are increasing (De Paz et al. In addition, only 37 percent of the national territory is suitable for permanent settlements. As a consequence, urban sprawl and land consumption occurs in restricted areas, with resulting high pressures on the environment. Overall, the Austrian soils are in a good condition, but their ecological functionality is at risk from diffuse and local accumulation of pollutants, intensive use of land, sealing and erosion. The more affected areas are located in the Alpine region, where forest soils are threatened by air deposition, and in urban areas, where sealing and contamination put urban soils under a growing pressure. Sealing is also present in rural areas due to the increasing urban sprawl and new road construction. In arable land, According environmental measures within Cross Compliance in arable land a treatment of the soil is prohibited, if the soil is water-satisfied. Soil erosion is higher on steeper slopes and land under permanent crops (vineyards, orchards), as well as on land cultivated with maize, sugar beet, potatoes and vegetables. The use of heavy machinery, especially in case of wet soil conditions, often results in the compaction of the topsoil, which can reach in some cases the subsoil layer.

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