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By: Z. Inog, M.A., M.D.

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Nails may be yellow from childhood5 or exceptionally congenital but are most often seen in adults diabetes young purchase 25 mg acarbose visa. The condition is associated with a moderate lymphedema of the lower limbs and pulmonary manifestations diabetes mellitus prognosis generic 50 mg acarbose with mastercard, particularly pleural effusions list of diabetes signs purchase acarbose on line. Pathological associations have been described diabetes mellitus type 2 congestive heart failure purchase acarbose american express, in particular arthritis and neoplasia. In the early stages, patients show a thickening of the nail tablets, which have a rough surface. Congenital malalignment of the big toenail is a lateral deviation of the nail plate of both big toenails (Figure 9. If spontaneous recovery does not occur, surgical intervention may be proposed to realign the nails. A pachyonychia, especially of the big toenails, is characteristic of several congenital forms of epidermolysis bullosa (Figure 9. Nail­patella syndrome combines anonychia or congenital hyponychium, median fissure, thin nail plate, and triangular, or absent lunula. Hyponychia, Macronychia, and Racket Thumb Onset of these symptoms occurs before puberty by welding premature epiphyseal growth plates of the distal phalanx, which causes a shortening of the phalanx. Supernumerary or Ectopic Nails (Onychoheterotopia) A nail is not in its usual location. The palmar nail syndrome was described by Ridder in 1992 and features a palmar nail, lack of finger flexion, and brevity of the third phalanx. These are sporadic cases, but two familial cases have been reported; some are associated with chromosomal abnormalities. It is evident in the first few years of life as white spots, achromia, and oval and elongated nails (leaf rowan). Then, from approximately two years of age, angiofibroma papules appear on the face, with hypomelanotic macules or shagreen patches. Cardiac problems and renal tumors can be associated with this condition as well as mental retardation. Firm masses, ovoid, white or pinkish, that may appear from the nail folds are Koenen tumors. They appear under the proximal nail fold or under a side fold on the fingers or toes. They usually result in a longitudinal leuconychia, splinter hemorrhage, canaliform depression, or groove of the nail plate (Figure 9. The tuberous sclerosis may be responsible for longitudinal leukonychias, splinter hemorrhages, sometimes "red comets. Downloaded by [Chulalongkorn University (Faculty of Engineering)] at Glomangioma (or Glomus Tumor) Glomus tumours are uncommon benign hamartomas. Most are developed from myo-arterial glomus of the distal phalanges of the fingers or toes. Adults are most commonly affected,13 but there are cases found in children14 predominantly among the female population. They are painful spontaneously when pressure is applied (sign of love) or when they come in contact with cold. Sometimes, there is a deformation of the nail, a ridge, fissure, distal nail plate splitting, longitudinal erythronychia, or subungual keratosis. In most cases, there is only a bluish or a red discoloration, which is limited and visible through the nail plate. No nail deformity occurs after excising the tumor after total removal of the nail temporarily. It is characterized by a growing mass of hyaline cartilage, then lamellate trabecular bone (Figure 9. Multiple exostosis syndrome16 is rare, familial, with autosomaldominant inheritance. Painful Subungual Tumor in Incontinentia Pigmenti the condition is very rare and found late in life. Histologically, the epidermis is hyperplastic, made of glassy keratinized keratinocytes.

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