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By: U. Asam, M.A.S., M.D.

Co-Director, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine

It is not known whether drugs that cause agranulocytosis are activated in the bone marrow by neutrophils or their precursors that contain myeloperoxidase symptoms gerd cheap 500mg divalproex amex, or are activated in neutrophils in the general circulation medicine abuse order cheap divalproex on line. The formation of phenol and hydroquinone in the liver is also impor- tant for myelosuppression by benzene medications 230 discount 250 mg divalproex with visa. However symptoms kidney infection order divalproex with a mastercard, such bone marrow suppression cannot be achieved simply by administering phenol or hydroquinone to mice, although it can be achieved by coadministering hydroquinone with phenol. Role of cytochrome P450 and peroxidases in the activation of benzene to myelotoxic metabolites. Both enzymes play an important role in the activation of xenobiotics to toxic or tumorigenic metabolites, particularly in extrahepatic tissues that contain low levels of cytochrome P450. In certain cases, the oxidation of xenobiotics by peroxidases involves direct transfer of the peroxide oxygen to the xenobiotic, as shown in. Epoxidation by cytochrome P450 is thought to be primarily responsible for the hepatotumorigenic effects of aflatoxin B1. The direct transfer of the peroxide oxygen from a hydroperoxide to a xenobiotic is not the only mechanism of xenobiotic oxidation by peroxidases, nor is it the most common. Xenobiotics that can serve as electron donors, such as amines and phenols, can be oxidized to free radicals during the reduction of a hydroperoxide. In this case, the hydroperoxide is still converted to the corresponding alcohol, but the peroxide oxygen is reduced to water instead of being incorporated into the xenobiotic. For each molecule of hydroperoxide reduced (which is a two-electron process), two molecules of xenobiotic can be oxidized (each by a one-electron process). For example, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, and hydroquinones are oxidized to electrophilic quinones. Acetaminophen is similarly converted to a quinoneimine, namely, N -acetyl-benzoquinoneimine, a cytotoxic electrophile that binds to cellular proteins, as shown in. The formation of this toxic metabolite by cytochrome P450 causes centrilobular necrosis of the liver. Activation of aflatoxin B1 by cytochrome P450, leading to liver tumor formation, and by peroxidases, leading to renal papilla neoplasia. Conjugation with sulfonate, glucuronic acid, or glutathione represents detoxication reactions. Many of the aromatic amines known or suspected of causing bladder cancer in humans have been shown to cause bladder tumors in dogs. In rats, however, aromatic amines cause liver tumors by a process that involves N-hydroxylation by cytochrome P450, followed by conjugation with acetate or sulfonate, as shown in. It was previously mentioned in this section that phenol can enhance the peroxidative metabolism of hydroquinone, which is an important component to benzene myelotoxicity. For example, the peroxyl radical of phenylbutazone can convert benzo[a]pyrene 7,8-dihydrodiol to the corresponding 9,10-epoxide. Note that the peroxyl radical can oxidize xenobiotics (X) in a peroxidative manner. Hydrogen peroxide is a normal product of cellular respiration, and lipid peroxides can form during lipid peroxidation. The level of these peroxides and their availability for peroxidase reactions depends on the efficiency of hydroperoxide scavenging by glutathione peroxidase and catalase. Zwitterions, positively-multiple charged compounds, and diamines such as cadaverine are generally not substrates (Krueger et al. This final step is important because it is rate limiting, and it occurs after substrate oxygenation. Consequently, this step determines the upper limit of the rate of substrate oxidation. Such xenobiotics include various thiols, thioamides, 2-mercaptoimidazoles, thiocarbamates, and thiocarbamides. These electrophilic metabolites, like the sulfenic acid metabolite produced from spironolactone thiol (see above), bind to critical nucleophiles (such as proteins) or interact with glutathione to form disulfides. These reactions involve S-oxygenation adjacent to a ketone, which produces strong electrophilic acylating agents, which may be responsible for the toxicity of many thiocarbamate herbicides and fungicides. In vivo, the S,S-dioxide is more likely to form, which readily tautomerizes to iminosulfinic acid, binds covalently to protein (which leads to hepatocellular necrosis) or rearranges to benzamide, a reaction known as oxidative group transfer.

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The cornea may appear clouded or become opaque immediately after exposure as a result of stromal edema and changes to medicine prices buy divalproex amex, or precipitation of medicine questions buy divalproex 500mg overnight delivery, proteoglycans medications hyperthyroidism cheap 250 mg divalproex overnight delivery. The denaturing of the collagen and loss of protective covering of the glycosoaminoglycans is thought to make the collagen fibrils more susceptible to subsequent enzymatic degradation medicine 5513 quality divalproex 500 mg. Intraocular pressure may increase as a result of initial hydration of the collagen fibrils and later through the blockage of aqueous humor outflow. Conversely, if the alkali burn extends to involve the ciliary body, the intraocular pressure may decrease due to reduced formation of aqueous humor. Among the most significant acidic chemicals in terms of the tendency to cause clinical ocular damage are hydrofluoric acid, sulfurous acid, sulfuric acid, chromic acid, hydrochloric acid and nitric acid and acetic acid (McCulley, 1998). Injuries may be mild if contact is with weak acids or with dilute solutions of strong acids. Following mild burns, the corneal epithelium may become turbid as the corneal stroma swells. Mild burns are typically followed by rapid regeneration of the corneal epithelium and full recovery. Approximately, 2 to 3 weeks after alkali burns, however, damaging ulceration of the corneal stroma often occurs. The formation of these lesions is related to the inflammatory infiltration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and fibroblasts and the release of degratory proteolytic enzymes. Stromal ulceration usually stops when the corneal epithelium is restored (Grant, 1986; Potts, 1996). Organic Solvents When organic solvents are splashed into the eye, the result is typically a painful immediate reaction. As in the case of acids and bases, exposure of the eye to solvents should be treated rapidly with abundant water irrigation. Highly lipophilic solvents can damage the corneal epithelium and produce swelling of the corneal stroma. Most organic solvents do not have a strongly acid or basic pH and therefore cause little in the way of chemical burns to the cornea. In most cases, the corneal epithelium will be repaired over the course of a few days and there will be no residual damage. Exposure to solvent vapors may produce small transparent vacuoles in the corneal epithelium, which may be asymptomatic or associated with moderate irritation and tearing (Grant, 1986; Potts, 1996). Surfactants these compounds have water-soluble (hydrophilic) properties at one end of the molecule and lipophilic properties at the other end that help to dissolve fatty substances in water and also serve to reduce water surface tension. The widespread use of these chemicals in soaps, shampoos, detergents, cosmetics, and similar consumer products leads to abundant opportunities for exposure to ocular tissues. In general, the cationic substances tend to be stronger irritants and more injurious than the other types, and anionic compounds more so than neutral ones (Grant, 1986; Potts, 1996). Because these compounds are by design soluble in both aqueous and lipid media, they readily penetrate the sandwiched aqueous and lipid barriers of the cornea (see discussion of ocular pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, above). This property has implications in drug delivery; for example, low concentrations of the preservative benzalkonium chloride to ophthalmic solutions enhance ocular penetration of topically applied medications (Jaanus et al. While the cornea is the primary refractive surface for bending incoming light rays, the lens is capable of being reshaped to adjust the focal point to adapt for the distance of visual objects. The lens is a biconvex transparent body, encased in an elastic capsule, and located between the pupil and the vitreous humor. The high transparency of the lens to visible wavelengths of light is a function of its chemical composition, approximately twothirds water and one-third protein, and the special organizational structure of the lenticular proteins. The water-soluble crystallins are a set of proteins particular to the lens that, through their close inter- molecular structure, give the lens both transparency and the proper refractive index. The lens fibers are laid down during development, as the epithelial cells grow and elongate along meridian pathways between the anterior and posterior poles of the lens. As the epithelial cells continue to grow, the nuclei recede and, in the central portions of the lens, disappear, such that the inner lens substance is composed of nonnucleated cells that form long proteinaceous fibers. The lens fibers are arranged within the lens in an onion-like fashion of concentric rings that have a prismatic arrangement in cross section. The regular geometric organization of the lens fibers is essential for the refractive index and transparency of the lens. Nutrients are provided from the aqueous and vitreous fluids, and are transported into the lens substance through a system of intercellular gap-type junctions.

The control group might receive a placebo symptoms gallbladder problems cheap divalproex online, a different treatment for the disease medications causing hair loss divalproex 250mg on line, or no treatment at all medicine woman cast cheap divalproex amex. Convenience sample: A group of individuals being studied because they are conveniently accessible in some way medications equivalent to asmanex inhaler discount divalproex 250 mg without a prescription. Convenience samples may or may not be representative of a population that would normally be receiving an intervention. Crossover trial: A type of clinical trial comparing two or more interventions in which the participants, upon completion of the course of one treatment, are switched to another. Direct analysis: the practice of using data from head-to-head trials to draw conclusions about the comparative effectiveness of drugs within a class or group. Results of direct analysis are the preferred source of data in Drug Effectiveness Review Project reports. Dosage form: the physical form of a dose of medication, such as a capsule, injection, or liquid. Various dosage forms may exist for the same compound, since different medical conditions may warrant different routes of administration. Dose-response relationship: the relationship between the quantity of treatment given and its effect on outcome. In meta-analysis, dose-response relationships can be investigated using metaregression. Double-blind: the process of preventing those involved in a trial from knowing to which comparison group a particular participant belongs. While double-blind is a frequently used term Antihistamines Page 48 of 72 Final Report Update 2 Drug Effectiveness Review Project in trials, its meaning can vary to include blinding of patients, caregivers, investigators, or other study staff. Double-dummy: the use of two placebos in a trial that match the active interventions when they vary in appearance or method of administrations (for example, when an oral agent is compared with an injectable agent). Effectiveness: the extent to which a specific intervention used under ordinary circumstances does what it is intended to do. Effectiveness outcomes: Outcomes that are generally important to patients and caregivers, such as quality of life, responder rates, number and length of hospitalizations, and ability to work. Data on effectiveness outcomes usually comes from longer-term studies of a "real-world" population. Effect size/estimate of effect: the amount of change in a condition or symptom because of a treatment (compared to not receiving the treatment). It is commonly expressed as a risk ratio (relative risk), odds ratio, or difference in risk. Efficacy: the extent to which an intervention produces a beneficial result under ideal conditions in a selected and controlled population. Equivalence level: the amount which an outcome from two treatments can differ but still be considered equivalent, as in an equivalence trial, or the amount which an outcome from treatment A can be worse than that of treatment B but still be considered noninferior, as in a noninferiority trial. Equivalence trial: A trial designed to determine whether the response to two or more treatments differs by an amount that is clinically unimportant. This lack of clinical importance is usually demonstrated by showing that the true treatment difference is likely to lie between a lower and an upper equivalence level of clinically acceptable differences. Exclusion criteria are used to determine whether a person should participate in a research study or whether an individual study should be excluded in a systematic review. Exclusion criteria may include age, previous treatments, and other medical conditions. External validity: the extent to which results provide a correct basis for generalizations to other circumstances. For instance, a meta-analysis of trials of elderly patients may not be generalizable to children. Fixed-dose combination product: A formulation of two or more active ingredients combined in a single dosage form available in certain fixed doses. Forest plot: A graphical representation of the individual results of each study included in a metaanalysis and the combined result of the meta-analysis. The plot allows viewers to see the heterogeneity among the results of the studies.

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