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By: Q. Kamak, M.S., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Creighton University School of Medicine

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However anxiety symptoms ringing ears fluvoxamine 100 mg otc, another suggestion is that Ins1 anxiety symptoms in children checklist cheap fluvoxamine online amex,4P2 might play a role because its level is increased during hypertrophy and an increase in the expression of the inositol polyphosphate 1-phosphatase that hydrolyses this inositol phosphate to InsP4 (Step 2 in Module 2: Figure inositol phosphate metabolism) exerts an anti-hypertrophic response anxiety symptoms in kindergarten cheap fluvoxamine 100mg fast delivery. Similarly anxiety depression symptoms fluvoxamine 50mg without prescription, overexpression of the 2 adrenergic receptor can cause hypertrophy, and this leads to a severe impairment of cardiac performance. All of these modifications of the cardiac Ca2 + signalsome are dependent upon alterations in the expression levels of Ca2 + signalling components that result from changes in cardiac gene transcription. Cardiac gene transcription One of the characteristics of cardiac hypertrophy is the process of de-differentiation, in that hypertrophic stimuli activate a programme of foetal cardiac gene transcription (Module 12: Figure hypertrophy working hypothesis). There is considerable evidence to indicate that Ca2 + signalling plays a major role in switching on the transcription of the set of foetal genes to bring about the phenotypic remodelling that occurs during hypertrophy. The distribution of Ca2 + at rest (- 70 mV; A and B) and after stimulation (depolarization to 0 mV; C and D) clearly shows that the control cells display Ca2 + sparks at rest (A) and a large global signal upon stimulation (C). By contrast, the hypertrophic myocyte displayed no sparks (B), and the signal following activation was much smaller and had a blotchy appearance (D). The lower traces indicate that the Ca2 + transient in control cells is larger and sharper than that recorded in hypertrophic cells. So what is it about the hypertrophic Ca2 + signals that initiate the remodelling of cardiac gene transcription The heart disease working hypothesis proposes that the normal periodic global Ca2 + signals that flood the cytoplasm, including the nucleus, control both contraction and the transcription of the adult genes responsible for phenotypic stability (Module 12: Figure hypertrophy working hypothesis). However, subtle changes in the characteristics of the individual Ca2 + transients. There is some evidence to support the notion that the properties of the Ca2 + transients in cardiac cells undergoing cardiac hypertrophy are altered. Of particular interest was the observation that the hypertrophy occurred only in the males. The females appear to be protected by oestrogen, because they did develop hypertrophy when treated with tamoxifen, an oestrogen receptor antagonist. By contrast, the width of transients was increased in cells taken from the hypertrophic heart of transgenic mice that overexpress triadin 1 (Module 12: Figure Ca2 + in triadin 1-overexpressing mice). An interesting aspect of these triadin 1-overexpressing mice was the compensatory changes in the other proteins of the signalling complex. Not only was there an increase in the current density, but also the action potential was prolonged. Again, there appears to be a correlation between a change in the Ca2 + transient and the onset of hypertrophy. All of the evidence described above is consistent with the idea that Ca2 + transients may carry information both to regulate contraction and for remodelling cardiac gene transcription to induce hypertrophy (Module 12: Figure hypertrophy working hypothesis). This is an example of how information can be encoded in Ca2 + transients through amplitude or width modulation (Module 6: Figure encoding oscillatory information). The next question to consider is how this information might be decoded into a change in gene transcription. The answer may lie in the processes of integrative tracking, whereby each transient causes a small change in some dynamic process that then switches to a new equilibrium position (Module 6: Figure decoding oscillatory information). In the case of the cardiac cell, digital tracking may regulate contraction, whereas integrative tracking may enable the same transient to bring about a change in gene transcription (Module 12: Figure decoding cardiac Ca2 + spikes). When integrated over time, the average intracellular Ca2 + level will be higher in the triadin 1-overexpressing myocytes, and this may be the signal that results in hypertrophy. Mice expressing constitutively active CaN result in cardiac enlargement and sudden death. Alternatively, hypertrophy is reduced by introducing various calcineurin inhibitors, such as cyclosporin A (CsA) and Cain/Cabin. This might represent another mechanism for decoding information in the Ca2 + transients. A central feature of the heart disease working hypothesis is that the repetitive Ca2 + transients convey information to both contraction (digital tracking) and transcription (integrative tracking). In the absence of hypertrophic stimuli, the Ca2 + transients drive contraction and maintain the level of transcription of adult genes responsible for phenotypic stability.

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