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Dialect poetry [Mundartdichtung] is not allergy testing portland oregon cheap benadryl 25mg online, says Heidegger allergy in eye cheap 25 mg benadryl otc, a reflection of Heimat allergy forecast nashua nh generic 25mg benadryl visa, but that which enables Heimat to become present allergy testing negative purchase benadryl 25mg without prescription. Poetry, and poetic language, as Heidegger had already argued for all art in his 1936 the Origin of the Work of Art, discloses that which has preceded our existence but remained concealed and secret. Instead of "Sprache und Heimat" [Language and Heimat], he now suggests to call it "Sprache als Heimat" [Language as Heimat]. Heidegger, however, goes further and makes the remembrance of the lost Heimat the definition of poetry. Everything that the great poets say and sing is viewed from the perspective of homesickness and is summoned into language by pain [durch diesen Schmerz ins Wort gerufen]" (qtd in Hammermeister 318). Poetry, for Heidegger, mourns the loss of 8 Heimat rather than celebrates its glory in the present. In other words, according to Heidegger, the poet, in his/her relation to Heimat, bridges the melancholic and the prophetic or utopian modes. The double bind of the melancholy of loss and the prophesy of return places the poet within a Hegelian dialectics that is at work here (it also informs the process of Bildung as I will argue in this chapter): the task of the poet is to return home [Heimkunft], and thereby close the circle of peregrination and displacement, after going through a detour of exile and estrangement. From Homer and Virgil, through Dante and Cervantes, Defoe and Goethe, Melville and Conrad, Proust and Cйline, Nabakov and Butor, to postmodern and postcolonial writers like Salman Rushdie, V. Naipaul, Bharati Mukherjee, one can scarcely mention a work of literature in which the theme of the voyage does not play some role. Therefore among the imperatives of a study like this is not only to delimit the range of possible objects of study, but also to draw distinctions between different words, concepts or figures (travel, voyage, peregrination, displacement, exile, diaspora, etc. As a way of narrowing down the spectrum of my object of study, I decided to put aside the question of travel within the colonial administration (which is in fact the subject matter of most of the studies of travel narratives written in the last ten years), for the simple reason that I could not possibly add 6 Derrida calls Heidegger the "non-traveler par excellence" (Malabou and Derrida 17). There are numerous postcolonial writers who have studied and written on colonial travel writing from various perspectives. What I, however, would like to retain from these studies is the notion of colonial travel as travel with "return" (in both physical and economical senses of the word). The subject of colonial travel embarks on a journey with, more often than not, the intention of returning to his/her homeland, having incorporated/appropriated the experience of the foreign, in the form of a cultural or financial capital. This Hegelian structure is what I would propose to call a restricted economy (to borrow from Bataille) of travel, in which the triadic structure of home, abroad, return results in an Aufhebung (sublation) whose synthesis comes very close to what Marx called the logic of the "accumulation of capital. Having excluded the colonial travel narratives (which is a movement from the center to the periphery), I focus, for the most part, instead on a rather reverse process, that is, on the travel accounts of individuals (and their experiences and writings) from the periphery to the center. I will discuss this category of travel narratives (fictional or non- 10 fictional) under the rubric of immigrant and exile literature. While acknowledging the differences between immigrant and exilic writings (and experience), I am more interested in their similarities in order to draw a further distinction between both of these categories and what I call diasporic writing. If colonial travel narratives involve travel with return, both immigrant and exilic narratives of displacement as well as of the diasporic condition might be viewed as travel without return. However, by distinguishing immigrant/exile, on the one hand, and diasporic writing, on the other, I would like to argue that, despite the absence of a physical return in the case of the former, they seek an imaginary return, which, more often than not, is a homecoming in language. Therefore the immigrant/exile discourse of displacement in fact repeats, on an imaginary level, the logic of the colonial travel narratives: both are concerned with closing off the circle of peregrination and arriving at the safety of a home, whether physical or linguistic. This is an aspect that sharply separates immigrant/exilic discourses from what I call diasporic discourse. Diaspora, as I discuss it as a term and a condition, is a displacement without placement, a movement of the subject into the unknown and unpredicted, and a refusal of homecoming and return, that is, an acknowledgment of the impossibility of a dйnouement and a tragedy of destination, i. I will call the displacement under the diasporic condition a general economy of travel, which is, as I will try to show, an openended journey toward the unknown, which is mediated by a (non)relation to death. In a general economy of travel, deriving and arriving do not coincide; catastrophe (derangement, danger, death, etc. In an attempt to contrast diasporic with immigrant/exile discourse of displacement, I will focus on the faculty, and the trope, of memory and its vicissitudes: in a restricted 11 economy of travel, memory is being put to an instrumental, reified use, while in a general economy of travel memory becomes an event that, far from being controlled by the individual, haunts the subject and places him/her outside him/herself. In chapter two, I investigate some of the theoretical aspects of a restricted economy of travel. In order to prevent my distinction (between a restricted and a general economy of travel) from becoming a binary opposition, I will explore the presence of nonmimetic elements (or moments) in mimetic accounts of travel (moments of destabilization, and excess, as well as the possibility of death, madness and danger) within the colonial context. I then proceed to examine the logic of a restricted economy of travel within the eighteenth-century German context, and argue that in general the German understanding of culture (Bildung) exemplifies a restricted notion of peregrination.

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