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By: T. Enzo, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Creighton University School of Medicine

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is unmistakably representative of a particular period in Western art infection 7 weeks postpartum buy minomycin 100 mg on line. In the uproar that accompanied its construction antibiotics for acne short term buy discount minomycin 100mg on-line, it became the focus of a debate about the role of modernism in public sculpture virus protection for windows xp order minomycin online from canada. In situating the Vietnam Veterans Memorial purely within the context of modernism antibiotic effects buy minomycin, however, Wolfe and his fellow critics ignore fundamental aspects of this work, an omission which, it might be added, the sketches of the design may have aided. The memorial is not simply a flat, black, abstract wall; it is a wall inscribed with names. Hence, to call this a modernist work is to overemphasize its physical design and to negate its commemorative purpose. Yet, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a site-specific work that establishes its position within the symbolic history embodied in the national monuments on and around the Washington Mall. Its black walls mirror not only the faces of its viewers and passing clouds but the obelisk of the Washington Monument, thus forming a kind of pastiche of monuments. The site specificity of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is crucial to its position as both subversive of and continuous with the nationalist discourse of the mall. It is as a war memorial that the Vietnam Veterans Memorial most distinguishes itself from modernist sculpture. As the first national memorial to an American war built since the Second World War memorials, it makes a statement on war that diverges sharply from the traditional declarations of prior war memorials. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund ( W M F ), which organized the construction of the memorial, stipulated only two things in its design - that it contain the names of all of those who died or are missing in action, and that be apolitical and harmonious with the site. Implicit within these guidelines was the desire that the memorial offer some kind of closure to the debates on the war. Yet, with these stipulations, the veterans set the stage for the dramatic disparity between the message of this memorial and that of its antecedents. The stipulation that the work not espouse a political stand in regard to the war - a stipulation that, in the ensuing controversy, would ultimately appear naive - ensured that in the end the memorial would not glorify war. The traditional war memorial achieves its status by enacting closure on a specific conflict. In declaring the end of a conflict, this closure can by its very nature serve to sanctify future wars by offering a complete narrative with cause and effect intact. In rejecting the architectural lineage of monuments and contesting the aesthetic codes of previous war memorials, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial refuses to sanction the closure and implied tradition of those structures. The black gash of shame Before the memorial was completed, its design came under attack not only because of its modernist aesthetics but, more significant, because it violated unspoken taboos about the remembrance of wars. When it was first unveiled, the design was " condemned by certain veterans and others as a highly political statement about the shame of an unvictorious war. Many saw its black walls as evoking shame, sorrow, and dishonor and others perceived its refusal to rise above the earth as indicative of defeat. Thus, a racially coded reading of the color black as shameful was combined with a reading of a feminized earth connoting a lack of power. Precisely because of its deviation from traditional commemorative codes - white stone rising above the earth - the design was read as a political statement. In a defensive attempt to counter aesthetic arguments, an editorial in die National Review stated: O u r objection. The design says that the Vietnam War should be memorialized in black, not the white marble of Washington. The mode of listing the names makes them individual deaths, not deaths in a cause: they might as well have been traffic accidents. Finally, the V-shaped plan of the black retaining wall immortalizes the antiwar signal, the V protest made with the fingers. Yet these conservative readings of the memorial, though they may have been accurate in interpreting the design, did not anticipate the effects of the inscription of names. The angry reactions to the memorial design go beyond the accusation of the elite pretensions of abstraction - the uncontroversial Washington Monument itself is the epitome of abstraction. The memorial does not stand erect above the landscape; it is continuous with the earth. The V shape of the memorial has been interpreted by various commentators as V for Vietnam, victim, victory, veteran, violate, and valor.

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Using a double-channel scope bacteria klebsiella pneumoniae 50mg minomycin free shipping, the lesion is grasped and lifted by the first snare and strangulated (Figure 26A) with the second snare for complete resection virus bacteria discount minomycin 100mg line. Endoscopic resection with injection of concentrated saline and epinephrine is carried out using a double-channel scope antimicrobial fabrics minomycin 50mg amex. The mucosa outside the demarcated border is excised using a high-frequency scalpel to the depth of the submucosa do antibiotics clear acne for good 50 mg minomycin with visa. The resected mucosa is lifted and grasped with forceps, trapping and strangulating the lesion with a snare (Figure 27B), and then resected by electrocautery (Figure 27C). Endoscopic mucosal resection showing injection, circumferential marking, snare excision, and removal of early gastric cancer. A fourth method of endoscopic mucosal resection employs the use of a clear cap and prelooped snare positioned inside the cap. After insertion, the cap is placed on the lesion and the mucosa containing the lesion is drawn inside the cap by aspiration. The mucosa is caught by the snare, strangulated, and finally resected by electrocautery. Using this method, it is possible to retain the resected specimen in the cap for histological examination. The major complications of endoscopic mucosal resection include postoperative bleeding and perforation of the gastric wall. According to the Japanese Society of Gastroenterological Endoscopy, the complication rate is 0. During the procedure, an injection of 100,000 times diluted epinephrine into the muscular wall, along with high frequency coagulation or clipping, may be applied to the bleeding point for hemostasis. Perforation of the gastric wall may be prevented with sufficient saline injection to raise the mucosa containing the lesion. The "non-lifting sign" and complaints of pain with snare strangulation of the lesion are contraindications to endoscopic mucosal resection. When perforation is recognized immediately after a procedure, clips should be applied to close the perforation, followed by abdominocentesis and aspiration of air from the abdominal cavity. Endoscopic Palliation Tumor ablation may be achieved by endoscopic resection of an exophytic mass or polyp using a diathermic snare, alcohol injection, or thermal or non-thermal destruction. Tumor traction and elevation from the wall with secondary snare resection using a double-channel endoscope has been proposed. Because the resected base is larger, there is a greater probability of obtaining clear margins. This method provides focal tumor destruction and is well suited for exophytic masses to regain lumen or to control bleeding. Following the oral or intravenous administration of a photosensitizing drug, the tumor area is exposed to low-power red light (dye laser emitting 630 nm). Care must be taken with regard to the amount of alcohol injected, because the depth of penetration is not predictable. Intratumoral injection of cytotoxic agents has also been used preoperatively or as palliative treatment. Chemotherapy Adenocarcinoma of the stomach is relatively sensitive to chemotherapy. Newer investigational modalities employ tumor antigen-specific immunochemotherapy. Antibodies to tumor antigens are conjugated with chemotherapeutic drugs; in this way, the drugs can be delivered to the tumor directly. Bleeding Bleeding may be controlled by endoscopic thermal techniques such as laser and multipolar electrocoagulation. After resuscitation and stabilization of the patient, endoscopy is the preferred procedure for treating hemorrhage. Gastric lavage is usually performed to remove blood from the stomach prior to endoscopy. The goal of endoscopic therapy is to stop the bleeding and/or oozing from the surface of the tumor. Gastric Outlet Obstruction Gastric outlet obstruction is commonly associated with malignancy. The findings of a large gastric silhouette, gas bubble, and little or no air in the small intestine or the colon are consistent with gastric outlet obstruction.

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