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Cryptomnesia (also called "source amnesia") is one of the more common hypotheses put forward as an alternative explanation to the reincarnation hypothesis that pertains to hypnosis and memory, although it is an interesting phenomena that occurs not only in the experimental hypnotic laboratory but in the work-a-day world of waking consciousness. Bowers & Hilgard (1988) provide the following definition of cryptomnesia and tell why it is important: Essentially, cryptomnesia [or source amnesia] involves remembering something without recognition of it as a memory. Remembering without awareness (Jacoby & Witherspoon, 1982) implies that people can retrieve recently acquired information from memory without experiencing the information as the recall of something recently learned. So, under the right circumstances, it seems quite possible for a person to mistake the memory of previously acquired information for an original idea. Given this mental possibility of mistaking something old for something new, unconscious plagiarism becomes a phenomenon that must be taken seriously. The incident of "The Frost king" implies that the experience of remembering something can be cut off or dissociated from the fact of something remembered - that there is, in pother words, an important distinction to be made between something remembered and the experience of remembering something. Once this distinction is recognized, we are confronted with a possibility that the expeirence of remembering can occur in the absence of something remembered. And, in fact, the experience of remembering can infest fantasies, thoughts, and images that have no correspondence to actual historical events. Since confabulation involves the unwarranted experience of memory, and cryptomnesia involves its unwarranted absence, confabulation and cryptomnesia are, so to speak, opposite sides of the same coin. Does the hypnotic process itself encourage confabulation and distortion of material that is recalled? Obviously, distortion in memory occurs both outside hypnosis as well as within hypnosis. The question is: If hypnosis makes the individual more susceptible to suggestion, does the hypnotic state may memory particularly vulnerable or susceptible to distortion or falsification of memory in the same way? Research indicates that hypnotic subjects who are exposed to false information after they have been hypnotized tend to incorporate that misleading material into memory more readily than nonhypnotized or simulating control subjects do (Sheehan, Grigg, & McCann, 1984), but when the incorrect information is presented before hypnotic induction, both hypnotic and nonhypnotic controls incorporate the misinformation into memory to the same degree (Sheehan & Tilden, 1983, 1984, 1986). Overall, the "evidence on the whole has been against, rather than in support, the hypothesis that hypnosis generally creates inherent distortion in memory reports [Griffin, 1980; Rainer, 1983]" (Sheehan, 1988, p. The mixed nature of research this area can be further illustrated by the study conducted by Laurence and Perry (1983) who reported that 13 of 27 highly susceptible subjects came to believe that a pseudo-memory had really occurred but which had actually been inserted into memory during hypnosis. The converse of this result is that 14 of the 27 did not incorporate this misinformation into memory. Not all highly hypnotizable subjects accepted this false memory, in other words, although some did. As is the case with much research into hypnosis and memory, individual differences matter, they do occur, and need to be explained in terms other than the hypnotic process. The evidence supporting this hypothesis is also mixed, for while the phenomenon of enhanced recall (hypermnesia) in hypnosis does occur (Crawford & Allen, 1983; DePiano & Salzberg, 1981; Erdelyi, 1988; Relinger, 1984; Shields & Knox, 1986; Stalnaker & Riddle, 1932), it overall comes at the cost of retrieving information with greater error. Research indicates that hypnosis does increase the quantity of information that is recalled, but that enhanced recall is a two-edge sword in that it brings not only the probability for increased accuracy but an increase in errors as well (Dywan & Bowers, 1983). Increased accuracy of recall, or hypermnesia, in other words, tends to be accompanied by increased inaccuracy and greater error in retrieving information. Erdelyi (1988) reports that the observed enhanced effect of hypnosis on memory depends on the type of stimulus material being learned and recalled (nonsense vs. Hypnosis enhances recall for meaningful material, but doe not reliably enhance recall for nonsense material or recognition of either nonsense of meaningful material, over and above performance by waking control subjects. Erdelyi (1988) summarizes: To summarize the situation as it now stands, the following may be concluded from the experimental literature. Second, there is no evidence that hypnosis enhances recognition memory for meaningful materials, and actually some evidence that hypnosis may slightly disrupt this type of memory [by allowing the intrusion of personally-significant/task-irrelevant/incorrect information]. Finally, there is substantial evidence that hypnosis enhances correct responses in recall of meaningful material, but there is no evidence one way or the other as to whether this enhancement effect is a memory or response (productivity) phenomenon, nor as to whether hypnosis adds to - or possibly subtracts from - nonhypnotic hypermnesia effects on recall. One would expect highly individualized individuals to demonstrate a great deal of confidence in the accuracy of their experience, even if it is misplaced, given the facts that hypnotism demonstrates the power of belief and that the deeply hypnotized person is expected to believe all sorts of things that either are not true or are not physically there, as is necessary for the successful production of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic hallucinations, both positive (seeing things that are not there) and negative (not seeing things that are there. Hypnosis is one of those situations that, by its nature, can be expected to facilitate confident reporting" (Sheehan, 1988, pp.

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If observed behavior indicates a deep trance state (operationally defined as the mere performance of a suggestion), but the self-reported experience indicates a light one, it seems we have a serious inconsistency and incongruity that needs to be addressed by the clinical and experimental hypnosis community. Perhaps it is the hypnotic induction procedure and not the phenomenon of past-life regression being investigated that is suspect in all those studies that rely upon standard hypnotizability scales to identify subjects who appear to be highly hypnotizable (but actually are not) and obtain results that demonstrate little more than simulated role-playing in response to the demand characteristics of the experimental setting by subjects who confabulate pseudo-memories and provide historically inaccurate information about "previous existences. Perhaps a more revealing ways in which to capture what is happening is in terms of whose point of view is being taken. The researcher [thus] may take subjective (or objective) data into account to detemrine if their objective (or subjective) measures give a valid picture of the person. It seems wiser to say that what is important, methodologically, is to determine whether or not the two perspectives agree with one another. Only in the case in which there is almost complete agreement between the two would it seem reasonable to use only one measure, and we do not yet know how often, or even if, such circumstances occur. The tendency to use behavior as the more significant measure for research has a long and reasonable history. Unfortunately it also has the tendency of reducing the [subject] being observed to an object or thing; it is no accident that the word object is part of the word objective. Only if we accept the subject of our observations as a human subject and accord him or her the role of co-investigator in our research, will it be possible for us to do a type of science that could properly be called Human Science. Psychology is now exploring the following areas that are relevant to this topic: States of consciousness (Tart, 1969) Meditation (Murphy & Donovan, 1997) Lucid dreaming (Gackenback & Bosveld, 1989) Psi functioning (Radin, 1997; Rao, 2001) Near-death experiences (Ring & Valarino, 1990) Trance channeling (Hastings, 1991) Cross-cultural contemplative development (Walsh & Shapiro, 1983) the relation of psychosis to mysticism (Nelson, 1994) the relation of brain states to mind states (Austin, 1998) Human transformative capacities (Murphy, 1992) these studies of the nature of consciousness (or consciousness studies) have thrown light on how spiritual practices work, confirmed some of their benefits, and led to the birth of "transpersonal psychology," a field of psychology that emerged in the late 1960s out of humanistic psychology, and that is dedicated to integrating the wisdom of the worlds premodern religions, modern psychological sciences, and constructive postmodern philosophies (Wulff, 1991, Chapter 12). Transpersonal psychology is concerned with the recognition, acknowledgement, and study of creative human experiences and behaviors and human transformative capacities associated with a broad range of normal and nonordinary states, structures, functions, and developments of consciousness in which personality action extends beyond the usual boundaries of ego-directed awareness and personal identity and even transcends conventional limitations of space and time; hence the term, "transpersonal. Transpersonal experiences may be defined as experiences in which the sense of identity or self extends beyond (trans) the individual or personal to encompass wider aspects of humankind, life, psyche, and cosmos. They are considered "anomalous" by mainstream psychologists because of the artificial divisions established within psychology itself that exclude activities not of statistically frequent nature, or thought to be "paranormal" because of the standardization applied within psychology itself. Past-life experiences, for example, have been reported for centuries by quite normal people and are psychological facts, representing its own kind of experiential evidence about the full Resource Document - Research Proposal 103 dimensions of human existence, regardless of the interpretations that might be made about them. For this reason, many transpersonal psychologists consider so-called "paranormal" phenomena simply as an extension or expansion of normal human creativity and not as paranormal or "anomalous" at all. What transpersonal psychology has discovered, and what ancient mystical traditions have disclosed is that there are "unexplored creative capacities, depths of psyche, states of consciousness, and stages of development undreamed of by most people" (Walsh & Vaughn, 1993a, p. Transpersonal psychology has opened up new areas of comprehension and creativity for contemporary psychology by calling attention to the existence of aspects of personality action that transcend standardized, orthodox ideas about the nature of the human psyche and, by implication, the nature of the known and "unknown" realities in which we dwell. In-depth: "Psychology of the Future: Lessons from Modern Consciousness Research" (Grof, 2000) Stanislav Grof is one of the co-founders of the transpersonal psychology movement who was trained as a psychiatrist (Grof, 2000; Yensen & Dryer, 1996). Abstract and aesthetic experiences, involving vivid, dramatic, and intense changes in sensation and perception. Psychodynamic experiences, involving "important memories, emotional problems, and unresolved conflicts from various life periods of the individual. Perinatal experiences, involving "experiences related to the circumstances of the biological birth" (Grof, 1980b, pp. Transpersonal experiences, involving "spiritistic and mediumistic experiences, experiences of an encounter with superhuman spiritual entities, archetypal experiences, and experiences of an encounter with blissful and wrathful deities. Drug responses varied among individuals even though they were given the same dosage levels under identical psychological sets and physical settings. Experiential patterns were strongly modified by psychological and contextual factors, including the personality and behavior of the therapist, the personality and belief system of the participant, the therapeutic relationship, the psychological set and contextual setting in which the drug is administered.

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The children often show strong animosities and attitudes of vengefulness toward these persons erectile dysfunction pre diabetes cheap tadala black 80 mg online, especially if they happen to meet them erectile dysfunction after prostatectomy discount tadala black. Many of these (and other) birthmarks have unusual details in which they correspond to details of a relevant wound" (pp erectile dysfunction meaning buy tadala black visa. When Stevenson investigates a case erectile dysfunction 45 year old male tadala black 80mg otc, he begins with an a series of interviews of the subject. Next the family of the claimed previous life is interviewed in a similar fashion who must be firsthand witnesses of what they describe and to ascertain any previous acquaintance between the two families or the possibility of some mutual acquaintance. In cases with birthmarks and birth defects, postmortem reports and other documents are obtained to establish the location of the wounds on the deceased person of the claimed previous life. Some of the cases [Stevenson] eliminated because the family benefited financially, in terms of social prestige, or public attention, others because Stevenson found a connecting person who could have been the psychic link. Additional reasons were inconsistent testimony, false memories (cryptomnesia), witnesses of questionable character, or indication of fraud. After normal (and paranormal) explanations for the case are systematically evaluated and ruled out. Reincarnation fantasies in small children, who otherwise seem normal, intelligent, and cooperative cannot be ascribed to hysterical dissociation or a split of personality. If the capacities exist, why do they manifest themselves in a masked way in isolated episodes in the lives of the children [restricted only to past life memories and not applied to other areas of life]? Stevenson (1977a) does not believe that the reincarnation experience reported by children are the result of cultural influences, even though these experiences are reported most frequently in cultures whose religions support the concept of reincarnation. Empirically, cases of children who remember previous lives also occur in the United States among families whose religious beliefs do not support the idea of reincarnation, and who in some cases were even familiar with the concept (Stevenson, 1983a). Logically, the relationship between cultural beliefs and the incidence of cases and the characteristics displayed by children who report previous lives could be a bidirectional relationship or correlation with "the incidence of cases swerving to sustain the beliefs,and the strength of the beliefs encouraging the development and the communication of the experiences" (Irwin, 1989, p. Stevenson (1983) states: the case of the various cultures reflect, to some extent, the variations in the beliefs about reincarnation. Two interpretations are obvious: first, the beliefs may influence the development of the cases; second, if reincarnation occurs, the beliefs may influence what actually happens from one life to another. Examination of the background of these children indicated that 16% of families (n = 9) reported a belief in reincarnation before the child spoke of having a previous life, 37% (n=21) had a passing interest in the topic of reincarnation, 20% (n=11) had an interest in parapsychology generally, but not necessarily in reincarnation, 27% (n=15) had little or no knowledge about reincarnation, and 29% (n=23) of the cases did not provide enough information to determine one way or another belief status. That is, there were more "unsolved" cases in this particular American sample such that insufficient information concerning the name of the person whose life Resource Document - Research Proposal 75 the child remembered was provided making it impossible for the investigators to locate the alleged decreased personality that the child claimed to be - something that could be done in only 20% (n=16) of the 79 American cases. This differs from the subjects of cases in India (n=266) who tend to recall the life of a non-relative, and more often a stranger whom the family has never met and who is living in a geographically remote area of the state, city, or town from their own. A high incident of violent deaths characterized the past-life identities of both Asian Indian sample (56%) and the American children sample (80%) "which far exceeds the incidence of violent deaths in the general population of India (7. Like the India sample, the American children began speaking of a prior life around 3 years old, but unlike the Indian sample, the American sample stopped speaking about their prior life earlier, around 8 years old, instead of around 9 and a half years old as was true for the India children. Stevenson (1983) explains: "When adults lose interest in which the child says, or have none to begin with, the child himself may stop talking about the memories and forget them earlier than he would if he received more attention " (pp. Stevenson writes that "it is difficult to exclude the possibility that the child learned normally about the deceased person concerned and then used that information in the elaboration of a fantasy about a previous life. Are the past-life identities simply imaginary playmates that the children have called forth to keep them company? Stevenson (1983) does not think so and more definite conclusions must await further investigations: In their main contents. A child with an imaginary playmate regards the playmate as living contemporaneously with himself and as being a different person. In contrast, children who claim to remember previous lives believe that they were another person - a deceased one, not a living one - in another life. They identify themselves with that deceased person and, to certain extent, believe themselves to be that same person, though in a new physical body. An ideal protocol would have the sort of evidence and employ the methods of research able to give substantive weight to a reincarnation hypothesis, even for those who have physicalism as a metaphysical bias and are therefore highly skeptical of reincarnation case studies. According to Edelmann & Bernet (2007), the ideal research protocol into spontaneous cases of the reincarnation-type consists of four phases.

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