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By: U. Yugul, M.A.S., M.D.

Professor, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Because of a lack of data on dairy foods and most forms of red meat and fish birth control 999 buy discount yasmin 3.03 mg, a conservative adjustment for the bioavailability of naturally occurring vitamin B12 was used for this publication birth control pills mood swings cheap 3.03 mg yasmin overnight delivery. In particular birth control 6 months no period yasmin 3.03 mg lowest price, it is assumed that 50 percent of dietary vitamin B12 is absorbed by healthy adults with normal gastric function birth control generic cheap yasmin 3.03mg without a prescription. Dietary Interactions There is evidence that vitamin B12 may interact with certain nutrients (see Table 2). The hematological effects of vitamin B12 deficiency include weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, and palpitations. This results in megaloblastic change, which causes the production of largerthan-normal erythrocytes (macrocytosis). The hematological complications are completely reversed by treatment with vitamin B12. Evidence is mounting that the occurrence of neurological complications is inversely correlated with the degree of anemia; that is, patients who are less anemic show more prominent neurological complications, and vice versa. Neurological manifestations include tingling and numbness in the extremities (worse in the lower limbs), gait disturbances, and cognitive changes such as loss of concentration, memory loss, disorientation, and dementia, with or without mood changes. Some of these gastrointestinal effects may be related to the underlying gastric disorder in pernicious anemia. The apparent low toxicity of the vitamin may be because, when high doses are orally given, only a small percentage of it can be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Although there are extensive data showing no adverse effects associated with high intakes of supplemental vitamin B12, the studies in which such intakes were reported were not designed to assess adverse effects. Although the preferred scientific use of the term vitamin B12 is usually restricted to cyanocobalamin, in this publication vitamin B12 refers to all potentially biologically active cobalamins. A person with any malabsorption syndrome will likely require increased amounts of vitamin B12. Although milk is a good source, cooking it may greatly reduce its vitamin B12 content. The major cause of vitamin B12 deficiency is pernicious anemia, a condition in which the gastric mucosa of the stomach does not produce intrinsic factor. The hematological effects that occur with this deficiency are identical to those observed in folate deficiency. No adverse effects have been associated with excess vitamin B12 intake from food or supplements in healthy individuals. Absorption, Metabolism, Storage, and Excretion Biotin exists both as free biotin and in protein-bound forms in foods. Avidin, a protein found in raw egg white, has been shown to bind to biotin in the small intestine and prevent its absorption. The mechanism of biotin transport to the liver and other tissues after absorption has not been well established. Special Considerations Individuals with increased needs: People who receive hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis may have an increased requirement for biotin, as do those with genetic biotinidase deficiency. Although biotin is widely distributed in natural foods, its concentration significantly varies. For example, liver contains biotin at about 100 mg/100 g, whereas fruits and most meats contain only about 1 mg/100 g. In biotin-deficient infants, hypotonia, lethargy, and developmental delays, along with a peculiar withdrawn behavior, are all characteristic of a neurological disorder resulting from a lack of biotin. Toxicity has not been reported in patients given daily doses of biotin up to 200 mg orally and up to 20 mg intravenously to treat biotin-responsive inborn errors of metabolism and acquired biotin deficiency. People who receive hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis may have an increased requirement for biotin, as may those with genetic biotinidase deficiency. The effects of biotin deficiency include dermatitis, alopecia, conjunctivitis, and abnormalities of the central nervous system. The adult requirements for vitamin C are based on estimates of body pool or tissue vitamin C levels that are deemed adequate to provide antioxidant protection. Foods rich in vitamin C include fruits and vegetables, including citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, spinach, and cruciferous vegetables.

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