Word from the Editors


As the United States moves toward the 2020 election, political parties and stakeholders across the health sector are as far apart as ever from agreeing on improvements to healthcare access, quality, and cost-effectiveness. We need a road forward. HMPI is delighted to offer ten articles by scholars and policy analysts that seek to break the partisan gridlock. None of these arguments is wedded to a specific solution. Instead, they reflect the regional preferences and differences across the country and, most importantly, practical principles with the potential to cut across partisan boundaries to help build workable solutions with broad-based support. Read more

Also In this Issue

Modelling Technical Options

A Transparent, Mathematical Model to Evaluate Proposals for Healthcare Reform

Gabriel M. Knight, Northwestern University; Kevin Schulman, Arnold Milstein, Sheridan Rea, Giovanni Malloy, Usman Khaliq, David Scheinker, Stanford University

An objective, transparent, and versatile simulation and visualization model allows policy makers and the public to compare the potential impact of various healthcare reform proposals – and supports a less partisan healthcare debate.

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